1,280 research outputs found

    Verbal interaction in the classroom at SMP Negeri 6 Majene: an analysis flanders interaction categories

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the verbal interactions of students in class VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Majene, by analyzing the verbal interactions between teachers and students in class VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Majene in the 2020/2021 school year. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques used checklist observation and video tapping. Researchers took 10 grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 6 Majene as research subjects. The results showed that in the teacher category more often appeared to accept feeling, ask question, criticizes / justifies authority. Furthermore, in the student category the most dominant was student talk response. In this case, researchers assess, that teachers and students are still lacking in verbal interaction and there are still many categories that have not been fulfilled. Furthermore, students also sometimes experience confusion and difficulty in proper verbal interaction. Then they don't really understand what is being discussed so they are afraid of being wrong even though students know what to say to the teacher

    Classification of Language Interactions

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    Context: the presence of several languages interacting each other within the same project is an almost universal feature in software development. Earlier work shows that this interaction might be source of problems. Goal: we aim at identifying and characterizing the cross-language interactions at semantic level.% among artifacts written in different languages. Method: we took the commits of an open source project and analyzed the cross-language pairs of files occurring in the same commit to identify possible semantic interactions. We both defined a taxonomy and applied it. Result: we identify 6 categories of semantic interactions. The most common category is the one based on shared ids, the next is when an artifact provides a description of another artifact. Conclusions: the deeper knowledge of cross-language interactions represents the basis for implementing a tool supporting the management of this kind of interactions and the detection of related problems at compile time

    Process Realizability

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    We develop a notion of realizability for Classical Linear Logic based on a concurrent process calculus.Comment: Appeared in Foundations of Secure Computation: Proceedings of the 1999 Marktoberdorf Summer School, F. L. Bauer and R. Steinbruggen, eds. (IOS Press) 2000, 167-18

    Еволюція і проблеми розуміння сутності інновацій в умовах визначення конкурентоспроможності української економіки

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    The article considers the problem of understanding of the evolution of innovation in determining the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The basic approaches to defining the essence of innovation and evolution under the influence of various factors are examined. The basic economic principles of interaction categories in the field of innovation economy is defined.У статті розглянуто проблему еволюції розуміння сутності інновацій в умовах визначення конкурентоспроможності української економіки. Досліджено основні підходи до визначення сутності інновацій та їх еволюцію під впливом різних чинників. Визначено засади взаємодії основних економічних категорій в сфері інноваційної економіки

    Еволюція і проблеми розуміння сутності інновацій в умовах визначення конкурентоспроможності української економіки

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    The article considers the problem of understanding of the evolution of innovation in determining the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The basic approaches to defining the essence of innovation and evolution under the influence of various factors are examined. The basic economic principles of interaction categories in the field of innovation economy is defined.У статті розглянуто проблему еволюції розуміння сутності інновацій в умовах визначення конкурентоспроможності української економіки. Досліджено основні підходи до визначення сутності інновацій та їх еволюцію під впливом різних чинників. Визначено засади взаємодії основних економічних категорій в сфері інноваційної економіки

    Use of the Methodology of Network Thinking for a Fatigue Criteria Investigation Based on the Example of Mining Companies

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    In the paper the factors of workers fatigue were tested by applying network thinking methodology supported by statistical analysis to determine the nature of individual factors for the fatigue management system development. Analysis of the distribution of factors along the intensity map allowed their classification into individual interaction categories, describing directions for miner fatigue management. Active factors were discovered which are: Elevated temperature, Noise and vibration, Oxygen-poor air and mining gases, High humidity, Poor work organization. Critical factors for fatigue management were: Poor technical condition of equipment and Long and time-consuming approach to headings