278 research outputs found

    Device-to-device communications for 5G Radio Access Networks

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    Nowadays it is very popular to share video clips and images to one’s social network in the proximity. Direct device-to-device (D2D) communication is one of the means to respond to this requirement. D2D offers users improved end-to-end latency times, and additionally can provide higher data rates. At the same time the overall cellular network congestion decreases. D2D is also known as Proximity Services (ProSe). LTE is missing direct D2D communication. Currently D2D for 5G is standardised in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Releases 12, and in parallel Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society (METIS) project has D2D as one of its research topics. Multiple articles have been published about D2D communication. This thesis is a literature based thesis following D2D communication in 5G literature. The scope is to describe similarities and differences found in Technical Reports and Technical Specifications of the 3GPP Release 12, in deliverables written in METIS project and in some selected D2D related publications about D2D communications. 3GPP Release 12 concentrates on ProSe at least for public safety. ProSe communication out-of-coverage is only for public safety purposes. METIS provides multiple solutions for diverse D2D topics, for example, device discovery, radio resource management, mobility management and relaying. METIS provides solutions for D2D communication not yet mature enough for development and implementation but which might be realized in the future.Nykyisin on suosittua lähettää lyhyitä videoita tai kuvia läheisyydessä oleville ystäville. Laitteiden välinen suora kommunikointi eli D2D-viestintä tuo ratkaisun tähän vaatimukseen. D2D-viestinnän ansiosta viive lyhenee ja lisäksi siirtonopeudet kasvavat. Samaan aikaan koko verkon kuormitus vähenee. Suora kahden laitteen välinen kommunikointi puuttuu LTE:stä. Tällä hetkellä 3GPP Release 12 standardisoi suoraa kahden laitteen välistä kommunikointia. Samanaikaisesti Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society (METIS) –projektin yhtenä tutkimuskohteenaan on kahden laitteen välinen suora kommunikointi, Lisäksi on lukuisia julkaisuja liittyen D2D-viestintään. Tämä diplomityö perustuu kirjallisuuteen. Sen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kahden laitteen välistä suoraa kommunikointia on kuvattu 3GPP Release 12:ta teknisissä spesifikaatioissa, METIS-projektin julkaisuissa sekä muutamassa valitussa tieteellisessä julkaisussa. Tavoitteena on selvittää D2D-viestinnän yhtäläisyyksiä sekä poikkeamia. 3PGG Release 12 standardointi keskittyy D2D-viestinnän käyttöön ainakin julkisessa pelastustyössä. D2D-viestinnän tulee ainakin julkisessa pelastustyössä toimia myös siellä missä matkapuhelinverkko ei toimi tai sitä ei ole olemassa. METIS tarjoaa useita ratkaisuja D2D-viestinnän eri osa-alueille, esimerkiksi laitteiden tunnistamiseen, resurssien hallintaan, liikkuvuuden hallintaa ja viestien edelleen lähettämiseen. METIS-projekti on tuottanut D2D-viestinnän ratkaisuja, joiden toteuttaminen on järkevää ja mahdollista vasta tulevaisuudessa

    Learning and Reasoning Strategies for User Association in Ultra-dense Small Cell Vehicular Networks

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    Recent vehicular ad hoc networks research has been focusing on providing intelligent transportation services by employing information and communication technologies on road transport. It has been understood that advanced demands such as reliable connectivity, high user throughput, and ultra-low latency required by these services cannot be met using traditional communication technologies. Consequently, this thesis reports on the application of artificial intelligence to user association as a technology enabler in ultra-dense small cell vehicular networks. In particular, the work focuses on mitigating mobility-related concerns and networking issues at different mobility levels by employing diverse heuristic as well as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. Firstly, driven by rapid fluctuations in the network topology and the radio environment, a conventional, three-step sequence user association policy is designed to highlight and explore the impact of vehicle speed and different performance indicators on network quality of service (QoS) and user experience. Secondly, inspired by control-theoretic models and dynamic programming, a real-time controlled feedback user association approach is proposed. The algorithm adapts to the changing vehicular environment by employing derived network performance information as a heuristic, resulting in improved network performance. Thirdly, a sequence of novel RL based user association algorithms are developed that employ variable learning rate, variable rewards function and adaptation of the control feedback framework to improve the initial and steady-state learning performance. Furthermore, to accelerate the learning process and enhance the adaptability and robustness of the developed RL algorithms, heuristically accelerated RL and case-based transfer learning methods are employed. A comprehensive, two-tier, event-based, system level simulator which is an integration of a dynamic vehicular network, a highway, and an ultra-dense small cell network is developed. The model has enabled the analysis of user mobility effects on the network performance across different mobility levels as well as served as a firm foundation for the evaluation of the empirical properties of the investigated approaches

    Femtocell deployment; next generation in cellular systems

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    The final Bachelor’s Thesis that is shown below has such a final purpose of giving an overview of the inclusion of the so-called Femtocells (or Home Node B) in the current cellular systems. The main objective is to give a clear but simple idea about the concepts of Femtocells, as well as to explain the benefits and disadvantages of the mass uses of these services both for consumers and associated companies with this phenomenon. In this text it is also possible to find a brief review of wireless technologies throughout the history of telecommunications, as well as an introduction to the more current wireless technologies, with a special interest in the concept of cellular systems. In the last chapter a simple mathematical explanation of the key issue of interference between Femtocells and macrocellular networks is presented, with a brief argument about possible solutions