5 research outputs found

    Decision-making in the control of vegetable pests in the Thames valley

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    Imperial Users onl

    Investment in broadband and the emerging market structure in South Africa

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    This research study investigates the investments that have been made in broadband infrastructure in South Africa, with special focus on the impact on the broadband market made by ECA 2005 and subsequently the Altech judgement of 2008 (which unblocked infrastructure investment bottlenecks by ruling that Value Added Network Services (VANS) licensees were entitled to ECNS licences to build their own build infrastructure). The Altech judgment was a defining development of the South African telecoms sector, as it sounded the death knell to the dependence by VANS and other firms on wholesale infrastructure from the incumbent Telkom. The judgement, based on provisions of the ECA, was followed by heightened investment as firms, both MNOs and VANS, stepped up investment in self-provisioning infrastructure, thereby creating a period of intense facilities-based competition. The post-ECA and Altech judgement period coincided with the significant global market shift of fixed-to-mobile substitution, thereby dictating that the market structure that emerged in South Africa would be tilted towards the growth of mobile telephony, the latter becoming the foundation of mobile broadband through the emergence of next generation technologies of the smartphones and 3G and LTE. Through application of interpretive methods and qualitative analysis of published data and interviews with sector experts, research observations confirm that firms have lapped up the self-provision benefits of the post-2005 licencing regime and developed significant supply-side vertical capacities that have led to infrastructure duplications and competing network externalities. The resultant market structure appeared inefficient, with a high degree of concentration and equally high barriers to entry. This research used the investment calculus by Bauer (2010) as the applied method of analysis in order to develop a systematic analysis of investment decisions and firm behaviour. Due to significant capital outlays and expectations of return on investment (ROI) by firms competing in the broadband market, it follows that they have entrenched a rigid, costly wholesale interconnection market that has been immensely profitable for the firms, but has not passed benefits to new entrants and consumers. Whilst supply-side firms have refined capital investment strategies through application of real options, the subsequent market structure has been made less competitive due to inefficient regulatory interventions by ICASA, and the slow implementation of recommendations of SA Connect, the national broadband policy, leading to market inefficiencies and a widening digital divide

    Exploring key antecedents through a technology acceptance perspective

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    The main aim of this Ph.D. thesis in Management is to provide better understanding of the role of Information Systems (ISs) in the decision-making process and successful performance of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), exploring the antecedents of technology acceptance. To achieve the objectives defined, four articles were elaborated: a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and three articles of an empirical nature. Therefore, the first article aimed to identify, explore and systematize the main topics regarding the role of web portals as tools to support information management in HEIs. Based on 126 articles published up to 5 November 2016 on the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases, four major topics were identified, namely, the software used in web portals, internal and external benefits of using web portals, technology acceptance and information storage and management. The main contribution of this research lies in identifying the main topics and trends in scientific production for each topic identified, and in identifying gaps and future lines of research in this field of study. The second article aimed to study the influence of web portals in supporting HEI management and performance, considering personality traits, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, through an empirical study. To achieve the aim proposed, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used together with a structured questionnaire administered to teaching and non-teaching staff in Portuguese HEIs. The results obtained, through 338 valid responses, indicate a positive influence of personality traits on the use of web portals and that their use also has a positive influence on HEIs’ performance. The third chapter sought to identify the factors influencing the use of e-learning platforms in the Portuguese academic context through an empirical study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information. Based on 631 valid responses, SEM was applied, leading to the conclusion that, in accordance with Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), the characteristics of e-learning platforms and Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology (PIIT) have a positive influence on the use of this tool. The fourth and final article aimed to identify and explain the factors of successful operation, implementation and use of e-libraries in the academic context of Portuguese higher education. To achieve this goal, a qualitative approach was adopted, through a case study of the e-library at the University of Beira Interior (UBI). Primary data were obtained from interviews with staff of the library, computer services and administration of this teaching institution holding leadership positions and directly involved in the implementation, maintenance or use of the e-library. The empirical evidence highlights the importance of minimizing costs, particularly by forming cooperation protocols, the use of open-source software and training of UBI library staff. Acceptance and use of the e-library depends on the platform’s characteristics, the ease of access to information, actions to publicise and make the whole academic community aware of the e-library and its functions, and implementation of appealing, intuitive User Interfaces (UIs). In addition, the training of students and library staff was revealed as a relevant factor for acceptance of this tool. For the future, the creation of a functional search aggregator is suggested, to allow a simultaneous search in all the databases and creating the least noise possible. This function could be implemented based on multi-disciplinary teams with skills acquired through specific training. This study was based on Resource-Based View (RBV) and Social Learning Theory (SLT). In this thesis, considering the four studies developed, it was possible to support the influence of IS acceptance on HEIs’ performance and determine the role of ISs in supporting these institutions’ management, in the Portuguese academic context. This research also presents contributions to theory and implications for practice, as well as future lines of study on the topic.O principal objetivo desta tese de doutoramento em Gestão consistiu em proporcionar uma melhor compreensão acerca do papel dos Sistemas de Informação (SIs) no processo de tomada de decisão e no sucesso da performance das Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), explorando os antecedentes da aceitação das tecnologias. Para conseguir alcançar os propósitos definidos, foram elaborados quatro artigos: uma Systematic Literature Review (SLR) e três artigos de natureza empírica. Neste sentido, o primeiro artigo teve por objetivo a identificação, exploração e sistematização dos principais temas sobre o papel dos portais web como ferramentas para apoiar a gestão da informação nas HEI. Tendo por base 126 artigos publicados até ao dia 5 de novembro de 2016, nas bases de dados Web of Science e SCOPUS foi possível identificar quatro grandes temáticas, nomeadamente, software utilizado em Portais Web, benefícios internos e externos da utilização de Portais Web, aceitação das tecnologias e o armazenamento e gestão da informação. O principal contributo desta investigação prende-se com a identificação das principais temáticas e tendências da produção científica em cada temática identificada, bem como, a identificação de lacunas e futuras linhas de investigação dentro deste campo de investigação. O segundo artigo teve por objetivo estudar a influência dos portais web no apoio à gestão e no desempenho das HEIs, tendo em consideração os traços de personalidade, a perceção acerca da utilidade e da facilidade de utilização, através de um estudo empírico. Para conseguir alcançar o objetivo proposto, recorreu-se ao Strucutral Equation Modeling (SEM) e a um questionário estruturado, dirigido a pessoal docente e não docente de HEIs portuguesas. Os resultados obtidos, através de 338 respostas válidas, indicam que existe uma influência positiva entre os traços de personalidade e a utilização dos portais web e que a sua utilização também influencia positivamente o desempenho das HEIs. No terceiro artigo procurou-se identificar os fatores que influenciam a utilização de plataformas de e-learning no contexto académico português, através de um estudo empírico. Recorreu-se a um questionário estruturado como objeto de recolha de informação. Tendo por base 631 respostas válidas, aplicou-se o SEM e podemos concluir que, em concordância com a Teoria da Difusão da inovação (TDI), as caraterísticas das plataformas de e-learning e o Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology (PIIT) influenciam de forma positiva a utilização desta ferramenta. O quarto e último artigo teve por objetivo a identificação e explicação de fatores para o bom funcionamento, implementação e utilização de e-librarys no contexto académico do ensino superior português. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso da e-library da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). Os dados primários obtiveram-se com recurso a entrevistas ao Staff da Biblioteca, dos Serviços de informática e da Administração desta instituição de ensino, com posições de chefia e envolvidos de forma direta na implementação, manutenção ou utilização da e-library. As evidências empíricas ressaltam a importância para a minimização de custos, nomeadamente, a celebração de protocolos de cooperação, a utilização de software open source e a formação do staff da biblioteca da UBI. A aceitação e utilização da e-library, depende das caraterísticas da plataforma, da facilidade do acesso à informação, de ações de divulgação que deem a conhecer a toda a academia a e-library e as suas funcionalidades e da implementação de User Interfaces (UIs) apelativas e intuitivas. Adicionalmente, a formação de alunos e do staff da biblioteca revelou ser um fator relevante para a aceitação desta ferramenta. De futuro sugere-se a criação de um agregador de pesquisa funcional, que pesquise em simultâneo em todas as bases de dados e crie o menor ruido possível. Esta funcionalidade será possível ser implementada com base em equipas multidisciplinares com as skills adquiridas através de formação especifica. Este estudo teve por base a Resource-Based View (RBV) e a Social Learning Theory (SLT). Neste trabalho de tese, tendo em consideração os quatro estudos desenvolvidos, foi possível sustentar a influência da aceitação de SIs no desempenho das HEIs e averiguar o papel dos SIs no apoio dado à gestão destas instituições, no contexto académico português. Esta investigação apresenta também contributos para a teoria e implicações para a prática, bem como, futuras linhas de investigação acerca da temática em estudo

    The evolution of the printed Bengali character from 1778 to 1978.

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    The thesis traces the evolution of the printed image of the Bengali script from its inception in movable metal type to its current status in digital photocomposition. It is concerned with identifying the factors that influenced the shaping of the Bengali character by examining the most significant Bengali type designs in their historical context, and by analyzing the composing techniques employed during the past two centuries for printing the script. Introduction: The thesis is divided into three parts according to the different methods of type manufacture and composition; 1. The Development of Movable Metal Types for the Bengali Script Particular emphasis is placed on the early founts which lay the foundations of Bengali typography. Part 1 is subdivided into three sections, viz. Europeans in India, European Ventures, and Indigenous Ventures. 2. Mechanical Typefounding and Composition of Bengali In assessing the adaptation of the Bengali script for mechanical composition, attention is paid to those developments which precipitated the transition of printing in India from a craft to an industry. 3. Photocomposition of the Bengali Script The advantages of photocomposition are appraised in relation to new technical constraints imposed on type design. The description of the latest stage in the evolution of the printed Bengali character relates the practical implementation of this study's findings, viz. a new typesetting scheme and typeface design for the Bengali script. The Conclusion considers the new methodology adopted for the development of digital Bengali founts and its relevance to the production of all vernacular typeforms. The Epilogue discusses Bengali typewriter characters and low-resolution character shapes. It also considers the implications of new technology that places the design and production of founts in the hands of the non-professional designer. The thesis is intended to be of interest to the indologist, printing historian, type designer and type manufacturer. It comprises 11 chapters and includes 178 illustrations