2,925 research outputs found

    A Modified transmission Algorithm for Resolving Vehicle Routing Problem by Intelligent Water drop Algorithm

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    A comparison between two technologies ‘Swarm Intelligence’ and ‘Intelligent Water drops’ inorder to overcome the disadvantages of various technologies is an integral concern of this paper . It is nature inspired. IWD algorithm is used to calculate the solutions of the n-queen puzzle with a simple local heuristic. Water of the ocean river easily finds best way from the number of various ways available to reach from its starting to end point. The water drops that flows in rivers has optimal paths that have been obtained by the actions and reactions. With the help of modified IWD algorithm the traveling of salesman problem has also solved. So it is considered as NP-hard Polynomial.NP-hard (Non-deterministic Polynomial-time hard) is a class of problems that are informally,” at least as hard as the hardest problems in NP”. IWD is a fastest algorithm. It provides the minimum distance among the all options. Due to the collaboration of SI and IWD, this algorithm is more efficient. It includes the properties of both SI and IWD. This paper proposes IWD techniques to solve VRP

    Utilizing ant colony optimization and intelligent water drop for solving multi depot vehicle routing problem

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    Multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP) is a real-world variant of the vehicle routing problem (VRP). MDVRP falls under NP-hard problem where trouble in identifying the routes for the vehicles from multiple depots to the customers and then, returning to the similar depot. The challenging task in solving MDVRP is to identify optimal routes for the fleet of vehicles located at the depots to transport customers' demand efficiently. In this paper, two metaheuristic methods have been tested for MDVRP which are Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Intelligent Water Drop (IWD). The proposed algorithms are validated using six MDVRP Cordeau's data sets which are P01, P03, P07, P10, P15 and P21 with 50, 75, 100, 249, 160 and 360 customers, respectively. Thus, the results using the proposed algorithm solving MDVRP, five out of six problem data sets showed that IWD is more capable and efficient compared to ACO algorithm

    Fleet dimensioning and scheduling in the Brazilian ethanol industry: a fuzzy logic approach

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    This work solves a real-world multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP) with a homogeneous fleet and capacitated depots. A pipeline company wants to establish a vehicle policy in order to own part of its fleet and serve its customers for a period of one year. The company also wants to know the schedule of the visits for collecting ethanol from 261 producers and taking it to their three terminals located in Brazil. This problem presents uncertain demand, since weather conditions impact the final crop and uncertain depot capacity. Due to the vagueness of managers’ speech, this problem also presents uncertain travel time. In this paper, fuzzy logic is used to model uncertainty and vagueness and to split the initial instance into smaller ones. Besides solving a real-world problem with fuzzy demand, fuzzy depot capacity and fuzzy travel time, this paper contributes with a decision making tool that reports different solutions for different uncertainty levels.Este trabalho resolve um problema de roteamento de veĂ­culos multi-depĂłsito do mundo real (MDVRP) com frota homogĂȘnea e depĂłsitos capacitados. Uma empresa de pipeline deseja estabelecer uma polĂ­tica de veĂ­culos para possuir parte de sua frota e atender seus clientes por um perĂ­odo de um ano. A empresa tambĂ©m quer saber o agendamento das visitas para coleta de etanol de 261 produtores e retirada para seus trĂȘs terminais localizados no Brasil. Este problema apresenta incertezas de demanda, jĂĄ que as condiçÔes climĂĄticas impactam a safra final e depĂłsito de capacidade incerta. Devido Ă  imprecisĂŁo do discurso dos gerentes, este problema tambĂ©m apresenta tempo de viagem incerto. Neste artigo, a lĂłgica fuzzy Ă© usada para modelar a incerteza e vagueza e dividir a instĂąncia inicial em outras menores. AlĂ©m de resolver um problema do mundo real com demanda difusa, capacidade de depĂłsito difusa e tempo de viagens difusas, este artigo contribui com uma ferramenta de tomada de decisĂŁo que relata diferentes soluçÔes para diferentes nĂ­veis de incerteza

    A case study of two-echelon multi-depot vehicle routing problem

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a classic combinatorial optimization problem and a topic still studied for practical applications. Current research focuses on single echelon distribution systems such as distribution centers serving customers. However, in typical distribution, goods flows among regional distribution centers, local warehouses and customers, defined as a two-echelon network. The two-echelon multiple depot VRP problem is documented and applied to two stages illustrated by a small scale computational example. In the first stage, the simulated annealing algorithm is employed to determine the routes between local warehouses and final customers. For the second stage, trial-and-error is applied to obtain the number and location of regional distribution centers and the routes between regional distribution centers and local warehouses. Matlab is utilized to simulate annealing iterations and cost functions are analyzed. The convergence tendency of simulated annealing is depicted in figures by Matlab coding. Contributions include demonstration between the SA algorithm and a specific combinatorial optimization problem, and an application of the algorithm
