439 research outputs found

    Intelligent Memory Module Overcomes Harsh Environments

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    Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors are essential to manned and unmanned space flight and exploration, but such systems are highly susceptible to damage from radiation. Especially problematic, the Van Allen radiation belts encircle Earth in concentric radioactive tori at distances from about 6,300 to 38,000 km, though the inner radiation belt can dip as low as 700 km, posing a severe hazard to craft and humans leaving Earth s atmosphere. To avoid this radiation, the International Space Station and space shuttles orbit at altitudes between 275 and 460 km, below the belts range, and Apollo astronauts skirted the edge of the belts to minimize exposure, passing swiftly through thinner sections of the belts and thereby avoiding significant side effects. This radiation can, however, prove detrimental to improperly protected electronics on satellites that spend the majority of their service life in the harsh environment of the belts. Compact, high-performance electronics that can withstand extreme environmental and radiation stress are thus critical to future space missions. Increasing miniaturization of electronics addresses the need for lighter weight in launch payloads, as launch costs put weight at a premium. Likewise, improved memory technologies have reduced size, cost, mass, power demand, and system complexity, and improved high-bandwidth communication to meet the data volume needs of the next-generation high-resolution sensors. This very miniaturization, however, has exacerbated system susceptibility to radiation, as the charge of ions may meet or exceed that of circuitry, overwhelming the circuit and disrupting operation of a satellite. The Hubble Space Telescope, for example, must turn off its sensors when passing through intense radiation to maintain reliable operation. To address the need for improved data quality, additional capacity for raw and processed data, ever-increasing resolution, and radiation tolerance, NASA spurred the development of the Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack (RTIMS)

    Intelligent Memory Allocation based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Based on the Computerized Parkinson’s Law “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” (Thimbleby, 1993) it can be deduced that regardless of the size of the memory, there will always be programs to completely fill, or even overload that memory. Thus intelligent/sensible memory allocation process is crucial to system’s performance. However, due to the constant increase of processing power and the growth and spread of distributed systems, such as grid and cloud computing, memory allocation becomes a great challenge in the area of memory management today. Making allocation intelligent, so that the memory fragmentation and response time are reduced would be great, and in this research, this was attempted. The research presents Fuzzy Allocator, memory allocator based on fuzzy inference system. The allocator manages to sort the incoming memory requests according to their size and the size of free memory slot (hole). The output of the fuzzy allocator is the order in which the allocation of memory will be performed on the incoming memory requests. It reorders the incoming memory request queue so that the response time is reduced, and fragmentation is minimized

    Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack (RTIMS)

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    The Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack (RTIMS), suitable for both geostationary and low earth orbit missions, has been developed. The memory module is fully functional and undergoing environmental and radiation characterization. A self-contained flight-like module is expected to be completed in 2006. RTIMS provides reconfigurable circuitry and 2 gigabits of error corrected or 1 gigabit of triple redundant digital memory in a small package. RTIMS utilizes circuit stacking of heterogeneous components and radiation shielding technologies. A reprogrammable field programmable gate array (FPGA), six synchronous dynamic random access memories, linear regulator, and the radiation mitigation circuitries are stacked into a module of 42.7mm x 42.7mm x 13.00mm. Triple module redundancy, current limiting, configuration scrubbing, and single event function interrupt detection are employed to mitigate radiation effects. The mitigation techniques significantly simplify system design. RTIMS is well suited for deployment in real-time data processing, reconfigurable computing, and memory intensive applications

    Radiation-Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack - RTIMS

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    This innovation provides reconfigurable circuitry and 2-Gb of error-corrected or 1-Gb of triple-redundant digital memory in a small package. RTIMS uses circuit stacking of heterogeneous components and radiation shielding technologies. A reprogrammable field-programmable gate array (FPGA), six synchronous dynamic random access memories, linear regulator, and the radiation mitigation circuits are stacked into a module of 42.7 42.7 13 mm. Triple module redundancy, current limiting, configuration scrubbing, and single- event function interrupt detection are employed to mitigate radiation effects. The novel self-scrubbing and single event functional interrupt (SEFI) detection allows a relatively soft FPGA to become radiation tolerant without external scrubbing and monitoring hardwar

    FPGA based intelligent co-operative processor in memory architecture

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    Copyright International Association of EngineersIn a continuing effort to improve computer system performance, Processor-In-Memory (PIM) architecture has emerged as an alternative solution. PIM architecture incorporates computational units and control logic directly on the memory to provide immediate access to the data. To exploit the potential benefits of PIM, a concept of Co-operative Intelligent Memory (CIM) was developed by the intelligent system group of University of Hertfordshire, based on the previously developed Co-operative Pseudo Intelligent Memory (CPIM). This paper provides an overview on previous works (CPIM, CIM) and realization of CPIM over two scenarios, cumulative successive addition, and non-cumulative successive addition, using Nexar 2004 EDS tool as a design environment to target device (SPARTAN II, XC2S300E-6PQ208C). The performance (speedup) is then measured against an SISD without significant performance acceleration methods to ensure a speedup assessment obtained against base-line architecture

    Emulation of the dataflow computing paradigm using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)

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    Building a perfect dataflow computer has been an endeavor of many computer engineers. Ideally, it is a perfect parallel machine with zero overheads, but implementing one has been anything but perfect. While the sequential nature of control flow machines makes them relatively easy to implement, dataflow machines have to address a number of issues that are easily solved in the realm of control flow paradigm. Past implementations of dataflow computers have addressed these issues, such as conditional and reentrant program structures, along with the flow of data, at the processor level, i.e. each processor in the design would handle these issues. The design presented in this thesis solves these issues at the memory level (by using intelligent-memory), separating the processor from dataflow tasks. Specifically, a two-level memory design, along with a pool of processors was prototyped on a group of Altera FPGAs. The first level of memory is an intelligent-memory called Dataflow Memory (DFM), carrying out dataflow tasks. The second level of memory called the Instruction Queue (IQ) is a buffer that queues instructions ready for execution, sent by the DFM. The second level memory has a multiple bank architecture that allows multiple processors from the processor pool to simultaneously execute instructions retrieved from the banks. After executing an instruction, each processor sends the result back to the dataflow memory, where they fire new instructions and send them to the IQ. This thesis shows that implementing dataflow computers at the intelligent-memory level is a viable alternative to implementing them at the processor level
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