233,167 research outputs found

    Intelligent reports for group decision support systems

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    The topic of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) is a not a recent one. In fact, it has been studied for the last three decades. In this work, we deal with the topic of Intelligent Reports in GDSS’ context. A defective interaction between the system and the decision-maker may lead to the complete failure of the GDSS. However, the study on how and which kind of information should be exposed to decision-makers is almost non-existent. Therefore, it is important to create reports adapted to the specific necessities of each decision-maker so that each one can acknowledge the advantage to use the system and feel motivated to do so. We believe that in this work, we approach important points that require special attention when developing Intelligent Reports. We navigate through all the important factors that affect decision-makers while making a decision. We detail each point and link them to all related questions and to which kind of structure an Intelligent Report should have in order to not compromise the success of the GDSS.This work has been supported by COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043, by National Funds through the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the Projects UID/CEC/00319/2013, UID/EEA/00760/2013, and the João Carneiro PhD grant with the reference SFRH/BD/89697/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Generation of intelligent reports for ubiquitous group decision support systems

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    Supporting group decision-making is a complex process, especially when decision-makers have no opportunity to gather at the same place and at the same time. Besides that, finding solutions may be difficult in case agents representing decision-makers are not able to understand the process and support them accordingly. In this work we present some topics of information that can be reported to decision-makers to improve their perception about the negotiation process. We classified those topics according to two dimensions and we defined an algorithm to select which information will be built for each report.This work has been supported by COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043, by National Funds through the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the Projects UID/CEC/00319/2013, UID/EEA/00760/2013, and the João Carneiro PhD grant with the reference SFRH/BD/89697/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A SOA web-based group decision support system considering affective aspects

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    The topic of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) has been studied over the last decades. Supporting decision-makers that participate in group decision-making processes is a complex task, especially when decision-makers have no opportunity to gather at the same place and at the same time. In this work, we propose a Web based Group Decision Support System (WebGDSS) which intends to support decision-makers anywhere, anytime and through almost any kind of devices. Our system was developed under a SOA architecture and we used a multi criteria algorithm that features decision-makers’ cognitive aspects, as well as a component of generation of intelligent reports to feedback the results of decision-making processes to the decision-makers.This work was supported by GECAD - Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) with the João Carneiro Ph.D. Grant with the Reference SFRH/BD/89697/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supporting argumentation dialogues in group decision support systems: an approach based on dynamic clustering

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    Group decision support systems (GDSSs) have been widely studied over the recent decades. The Web-based group decision support systems appeared to support the group decision-making process by creating the conditions for it to be effective, allowing the management and participation in the process to be carried out from any place and at any time. In GDSS, argumentation is ideal, since it makes it easier to use justifications and explanations in interactions between decision-makers so they can sustain their opinions. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) intends to classify opinions at the aspect level and identify the elements of an opinion. Intelligent reports for GDSS provide decision makers with accurate information about each decision-making round. Applying ABSA techniques to group decision making context results in the automatic identification of alternatives and criteria, for instance. This automatic identification is essential to reduce the time decision makers take to step themselves up on group decision support systems and to offer them various insights and knowledge on the discussion they are participating in. In this work, we propose and implement a methodology that uses an unsupervised technique and clustering to group arguments on topics around a specific alternative, for example, or a discussion comparing two alternatives. We experimented with several combinations of word embedding, dimensionality reduction techniques, and different clustering algorithms to achieve the best approach. The best method consisted of applying the KMeans++ clustering technique, using SBERT as a word embedder with UMAP dimensionality reduction. These experiments achieved a silhouette score of 0.63 with eight clusters on the baseball dataset, which wielded good cluster results based on their manual review and word clouds. We obtained a silhouette score of 0.59 with 16 clusters on the car brand dataset, which we used as an approach validation dataset. With the results of this work, intelligent reports for GDSS become even more helpful, since they can dynamically organize the conversations taking place by grouping them on the arguments used.This research was funded by National Funds through the Portuguese FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia under the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/00760/2020, UIDP/00760/2020, and by the Luis Conceicao Ph.D. Grant with the reference SFRH/BD/137150/2018

    Argumentation dialogues in web-based GDSS: an approach using machine learning techniques

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    Tese de doutoramento em InformaticsA tomada de decisão está presente no dia a dia de qualquer pessoa, mesmo que muitas vezes ela não tenha consciência disso. As decisões podem estar relacionadas com problemas quotidianos, ou podem estar relacionadas com questões mais complexas, como é o caso das questões organizacionais. Normalmente, no contexto organizacional, as decisões são tomadas em grupo. Os Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão em Grupo têm sido estudados ao longo das últimas décadas com o objetivo de melhorar o apoio prestado aos decisores nas mais diversas situações e/ou problemas a resolver. Existem duas abordagens principais à implementação de Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão em Grupo: a abordagem clássica, baseada na agregação matemática das preferências dos diferentes elementos do grupo e as abordagens baseadas na negociação automática (e.g. Teoria dos Jogos, Argumentação, entre outras). Os atuais Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão em Grupo baseados em argumentação podem gerar uma enorme quantidade de dados. O objetivo deste trabalho de investigação é estudar e desenvolver modelos utilizando técnicas de aprendizagem automática para extrair conhecimento dos diálogos argumentativos realizados pelos decisores, mais concretamente, pretende-se criar modelos para analisar, classificar e processar esses dados, potencializando a geração de novo conhecimento que será utilizado tanto por agentes inteligentes, como por decisiores reais. Promovendo desta forma a obtenção de consenso entre os membros do grupo. Com base no estudo da literatura e nos desafios em aberto neste domínio, formulou-se a seguinte hipótese de investigação - É possível usar técnicas de aprendizagem automática para apoiar diálogos argumentativos em Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão em Grupo baseados na web. No âmbito dos trabalhos desenvolvidos, foram aplicados algoritmos de classificação supervisionados a um conjunto de dados contendo argumentos extraídos de debates online, criando um classificador de frases argumentativas que pode classificar automaticamente (A favor/Contra) frases argumentativas trocadas no contexto da tomada de decisão. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de clustering dinâmico para organizar as conversas com base nos argumentos utilizados. Além disso, foi proposto um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão em Grupo baseado na web que possibilita apoiar grupos de decisores independentemente de sua localização geográfica. O sistema permite a criação de problemas multicritério e a configuração das preferências, intenções e interesses de cada decisor. Este sistema de apoio à decisão baseado na web inclui os dashboards de relatórios inteligentes que são gerados através dos resultados dos trabalhos alcançados pelos modelos anteriores já referidos. A concretização de cada um dos objetivos permitiu validar as questões de investigação identificadas e assim responder positivamente à hipótese definida.Decision-making is present in anyone’s daily life, even if they are often unaware of it. Decisions can be related to everyday problems, or they can be related to more complex issues, such as organizational issues. Normally, in the organizational context, decisions are made in groups. Group Decision Support Systems have been studied over the past decades with the aim of improving the support provided to decision-makers in the most diverse situations and/or problems to be solved. There are two main approaches to implementing Group Decision Support Systems: the classical approach, based on the mathematical aggregation of the preferences of the different elements of the group, and the approaches based on automatic negotiation (e.g. Game Theory, Argumentation, among others). Current argumentation-based Group Decision Support Systems can generate an enormous amount of data. The objective of this research work is to study and develop models using automatic learning techniques to extract knowledge from argumentative dialogues carried out by decision-makers, more specifically, it is intended to create models to analyze, classify and process these data, enhancing the generation of new knowledge that will be used both by intelligent agents and by real decision-makers. Promoting in this way the achievement of consensus among the members of the group. Based on the literature study and the open challenges in this domain, the following research hypothesis was formulated - It is possible to use machine learning techniques to support argumentative dialogues in web-based Group Decision Support Systems. As part of the work developed, supervised classification algorithms were applied to a data set containing arguments extracted from online debates, creating an argumentative sentence classifier that can automatically classify (For/Against) argumentative sentences exchanged in the context of decision-making. A dynamic clustering model was developed to organize conversations based on the arguments used. In addition, a web-based Group Decision Support System was proposed that makes it possible to support groups of decision-makers regardless of their geographic location. The system allows the creation of multicriteria problems and the configuration of preferences, intentions, and interests of each decision-maker. This web-based decision support system includes dashboards of intelligent reports that are generated through the results of the work achieved by the previous models already mentioned. The achievement of each objective allowed validation of the identified research questions and thus responded positively to the defined hypothesis.I also thank to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, for the Ph.D. grant funding with the reference: SFRH/BD/137150/2018

    Incorporating the knowledge management cycle in e-business

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    In e-business, knowledge can be extracted from the recorded information by intelligent data analysis and then utilised in the business transaction. E-knowledge is a foundation for e-business. E-business can be supported by an intelligent information system that provides intelligent business process support and advanced support of the e-knowledge management cycle. Knowledge is stored as knowledge models that can be updated in the e-knowledge management cycle. As illustrated in examples, the e-knowledge cycle aids in the business decision taking, production management, and costs management

    Integration of decision support systems to improve decision support performance

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    Decision support system (DSS) is a well-established research and development area. Traditional isolated, stand-alone DSS has been recently facing new challenges. In order to improve the performance of DSS to meet the challenges, research has been actively carried out to develop integrated decision support systems (IDSS). This paper reviews the current research efforts with regard to the development of IDSS. The focus of the paper is on the integration aspect for IDSS through multiple perspectives, and the technologies that support this integration. More than 100 papers and software systems are discussed. Current research efforts and the development status of IDSS are explained, compared and classified. In addition, future trends and challenges in integration are outlined. The paper concludes that by addressing integration, better support will be provided to decision makers, with the expectation of both better decisions and improved decision making processes

    Intelligent student engagement management : applying business intelligence in higher education

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    Advances in emerging ICT have enabled organisations to develop innovative ways to intelligently collect data that may not be possible before. However, this leads to the explosion of data and unprecedented challenges in making strategic and effective use of available data. This research-in-progress paper presents an action research focusing on applying business intelligence (BI) in a UK higher education institution that has developed a student engagement tracking system (SES) for student engagement management. The current system serves merely as a data collection and processing system, which needs significant enhancement for better decision support. This action research aims to enhance the current SETS with BI solutions and explore its strategic use. The research attempts to follow socio-technical approach in its effort to make the BI application a success. Progress and experience so far has revealed interesting findings on advancing our understanding and research in organisation-wide BI for better decision-making

    Conversational Sensing

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    Recent developments in sensing technologies, mobile devices and context-aware user interfaces have made it possible to represent information fusion and situational awareness as a conversational process among actors - human and machine agents - at or near the tactical edges of a network. Motivated by use cases in the domain of security, policing and emergency response, this paper presents an approach to information collection, fusion and sense-making based on the use of natural language (NL) and controlled natural language (CNL) to support richer forms of human-machine interaction. The approach uses a conversational protocol to facilitate a flow of collaborative messages from NL to CNL and back again in support of interactions such as: turning eyewitness reports from human observers into actionable information (from both trained and untrained sources); fusing information from humans and physical sensors (with associated quality metadata); and assisting human analysts to make the best use of available sensing assets in an area of interest (governed by management and security policies). CNL is used as a common formal knowledge representation for both machine and human agents to support reasoning, semantic information fusion and generation of rationale for inferences, in ways that remain transparent to human users. Examples are provided of various alternative styles for user feedback, including NL, CNL and graphical feedback. A pilot experiment with human subjects shows that a prototype conversational agent is able to gather usable CNL information from untrained human subjects