17 research outputs found

    Intelligent ethics.

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    This paper discusses the impact of envisaged intelligent applications on the lives of the individuals who may be using them, and investigates the ethical implications of autonomous decision-making that is beyond the control of the user. In an increasingly networked world we look beyond the individual to a social picture of distributed multi-agent interaction, and in particular at the concepts of rules and negotiation between these virtual social agents. We suggest that the use of such agents in a wider social context requires an element of ethical thinking to take place at the grass roots level – that is, with the designers and developers of such systems

    Towards ethical framework for personal care robots:Review and reflection

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    In recent decades, robots have been used noticeably at various industries. Autonomous robots have been embedded in human lives especially in elderly and disabled lives. Elderly population is growing worldwide significantly; therefore there is an increased need of personal care robots to enhance mobility and to promote independence. A great number of aging and disabled hold appeals for using robots in daily routine tasks as well as for various healthcare matters. It is essential to follow a proper framework in ethics of robot design to fulfill individual needs, whilst considering potential harmful effects of robots. This paper primarily focuses on the existing issues in robot ethics including general ethics theories and ethics frameworks for robots. Consequentialism ethics will be recommended to be applied in robot ethics frameworks

    Can Educational Robots Improve Student Creativity: A Meta-analysis based on 48 Experimental and Quasi-experimental Studies

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    Cultivating innovative talents has become a critical strategy for building China into a strong country in science and technology. Catering to the trend of educational reform in the intelligent era, the use of robotics in developing student creativity proves to be of greater practical value. The findings of this study are that: first, the overall effect of educational robotics on student creativity reaches above-moderate level; second, educational robotics has more significant effects on creativity of primary and junior secondary students; third, in terms of subjects, robotics courses can most effectively promote student creativity; fourth, among various teaching topics, prototype creation has the most substantial impact on student creativity; fifth, in terms of instruction methods, inquiry-driven teaching can best stimulate student creativity; sixth, compared with ordinary classrooms, the laboratory environment is more favorable for the development of student creativity. The paper also offers recommendations for popularizing robotics curriculum at different education levels

    The information society: what next?

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    Addressing the issues of governance, ethics and social consequences in today’s Information Society is a monumental task. The authors who have contributed to this publication have risen to the challenge and produced papers that offer a variety of perspectives reflecting their different disciplines. This Chapter attempts to give an overview of the theme of the conference and the work contained within this book by drawing out the potential for influencing policy and the development and deployment of future technologies. It does this by using a stakeholder categorisation in terms of: international, governmental, organisational, educational and individual. Professionals and professional bodies have a major role in promoting awareness, and the ways in which they can do this are discussed. Finally, following the original conference programme, the steps that can be taken by Working Group 9.2 within IFIP together with the recommendations made at the end of the conference are briefly summarised

    The Effectiveness of Women's Leadership in the Digital Era

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of women's leadership in the digital era where there is still controversy in society. The method used in this research is a systematic literature review based on theoretical studies from a search of journals, books and papers both on a national and international scale. The data collection technique was carried out by collecting several previous studies to answer problems related to the effectiveness of women's leadership in the digital era. Furthermore, previous research was compiled, analyzed, and concluded to obtain conclusions regarding the effectiveness of women's leadership in the digital era. This study shows that women are effective in becoming leaders because they have a responsible, caring attitude and are ready to face any challenges that exist, including in the digital era, without putting aside their domestic role.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh berbagai kondisi di lapangan bahwa perempuan kurang efektif menjadi seorang pimpinan di era digital. Perempuan dinilai kurang mampu mengendalikan roda kepemimpinan dalam hal tanggung jawab, kepedulian dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi tantangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kepemimpinan perempuan di era digital yang mana masih ada kontroversi dimasyarakat. Novelti dari penelitian ini mampu meningkatkan keefektifan perempuan dalam memimpin sebuah organisasi di era digital ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur berdasarkan kajian teoritis dari penelusuran jurnal, buku dan makalah baik skala nasional maupun internasional. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan beberapa penelitian terdahulu untuk menjawab permasalahan terkait efektivitas kepemimpinan perempuan di era digital. Selanjutnya penelitian terdahulu dikompilasi, dianalisis dan disimpulkan sehingga didapatkan kesimpulan mengenai efektivitas kepemimpinan perempuan di era digital. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perempuan efektif menjadi pemimpin karena memiliki sikap bertanggungjawab, peduli dan siap menghadapi setiap tantangan-tantangan yang ada termasuk di era digital tanpa mengenyampingkan peran domestiknya.

    Taking a holistic approach to exchanging health information over a global network.

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    This chapter is on the use and management of information via the medium of computer technology, the impact of computer technology on information, and the issues that arise from this ‘information flow’. Personal privacy, information privacy, patient competence and informed consent are just some of the ethical concerns within the health care communication environment. The focus of the discussion concerns the accuracy, integrity of systems and information, confidentiality and the interpretation of health information – all of which have consequences for the patient. In showing how these networked technologies are in use today, and taking into account existing research programmes, it becomes possible to hypothesise future uses

    Ethical framework of assistive devices: review and reflection

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    The population of ageing is growing significantly over the world, and there is an emerging demand for better healthcare services and more care centres. Innovations of Information and Communication Technology has resulted in development of various types of assistive robots to fulfil elderly’s needs and independency, whilst carrying out daily routine tasks. This makes it vital to have a clear understanding of elderly’s needs and expectations from assistive robots. This paper addresses current ethical issues to understand elderly’s prime needs. Also, we consider other general ethics with the purpose of applying these theories to form a proper ethics framework. In the ethics framework, the ethical concerns of senior citizens will be prioritized to satisfy elderly’s needs and also to diminish related expenses to healthcare services