1,095 research outputs found

    Generation of human and structural capital: lessons from knowledge management

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    Interorganizational and social relationships can be seen as part of the intellectual capital of a firm. Existing frameworks of intellectual capital, however, fail to address how relationships should be managed to generate more intellectual capital. Drawing on the interaction approach and the fields of intellectual capital and knowledge management, this paper develops a framework for managing relationships. The framework is illustrated with a case study. It is also noted that firms can improve relationship management and thus generate more intellectual capital

    Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing UKM Berbasis Intellectual Capital dan Knowledge Management

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    In knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital and knowledge management is important source of organizational performance and competitive advantage for Small Medium Enterprises (SME). Knowledge management is process to understand organization core competence through creation, store, compile, retrieval, knowledge distribution, and transform human resource tacit knowledge as a part of intellectual capital. SME‟s intellectual capital and knowledge management can develop internal policy, procedure, decision making processes and incentive system to evaluate and select commercial innovation. The author‟s aim is to show developed understanding to increase SME‟s competitive advantage based on intellectual capital and knowledge management. In accordance with this aim, the paper highlights a number of issues, focuses on intellectual capital in SME, intellectual capital management in SME, knowledge management in SME, and knowledge management process in SME. Create competitive advantage in knowledge-based economy had shown transform from tangible asset to intangible asset. Implementation intellectual capital and knowledge management gives separate challenge to SME because requires time and effort before obtained return to investment done, though on the other side SME has time limit because business change moved quickly. Other challenge is most of SME‟s knowledge haves tacit character and will never become explicit, because no time to change it becomes explicit knowledge. SME can develop culture to share knowledge to overcome it, and always has understanding that key asset of organization is human resource. To create SME‟s competitive advantage, intellectual capital and knowledge management requires adequate information technology support, so that implementation of intellectual capital and knowledge management at SME very possible to be done


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    Changes in intellectual capital as well as knowledge management occur as a result of technological and information developments. These changes then affect human resource management in various ways. This research looked at how intellectual capital and knowledge management can influence the development of human resource management. This research will be carried out using a qualitative approach. The data used in this study is secondary data derived from various research results and previous studies. The results of this study then found that human resource management is very important in digital technology because companies need to develop according to the current era. Therefore, people who work in the shadows as people in charge of human resource management need to have strong intellectual capital and knowledge management. The existing human resource management can develop properly by having these two things


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    The objective of this research is to develop the concept of integration of Intellectual Capital (IC), Knowledge Management (KM) and its relationship with the pharmaceutical company's business performance. The basic theory underlying this integration is the resource-based theory and the knowledge-based theory. Both theories are important in this research because of the increasing role of intangible resources in the era of knowledge economy nowadays. This research is conducted with the interpretive accounting research approach. The data are collected by in depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and documentation. The validity of the data is tested by credibility and transferability tests. The data analysis is carried out during the data collection process with the stages of data collection, data reduction, the data display, and conclusion. The results show that there are two concepts of integration of IC and KM on business performance. The first concept is a theoretical concept that is constructed from a variety of theories and preliminary research, and the second concept is applicable concepts which are prevalent in a variety of pharmaceutical companies. The first begins with the concept of Human Capital (HC) as the central role which will form the Structural Capital (SC), Relational Capital (RC), Knowledge Management enablers (KME), and business performance. Furthermore, the SC will contribute to the RC and business performance. RC will play a role on business performance. KME will establish Knowledge Management Process (KMP) and business performance. Finally, KMP will contribute to business performance. The second concept begins with KME which will form the next KMP and KMP will be significant to the successful establishment of HC, SC and RC. Furthermore, HC will play a big role to SC, RC, and business performance. SC will be crucial to RC and business performance, as well as the RC will be instrumental in the success of the business performance. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, Business Performance, Interpretive Accounting Research

    The Quest for Economic Recovery: Innovative Development and KM Perspectives

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    Most organizations respond to an economic crisis by focusing on operational efficiency and/or on intellectual capital utilization and innovation. The conjecture is that intellectual capital confers distinct competitive advantage to an enterprise via knowledge management and knowledge spillovers and improved innovation capacity. Despite mixed empirical evidence to support this claim, intellectual capital and knowledge management remain at the forefront of an organization’s agenda during an economic downturn. Recent surveys from the field indicate some dissatisfaction with practical knowledge management. These findings are difficult to interpret because at the same time organizations appear to adopt the position that management of knowledge resources is extremely important from a strategic perspective. The objective of this chapter is to provide some new perspectives on what drives success in the knowledge economy and to demonstrate how knowledge management is the ideal response to the challenge of innovatio

    The Quest for Economic Recovery: Innovative Development and KM Perspectives

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    Most organizations respond to an economic crisis by focusing on operational efficiency and/or on intellectual capital utilization and innovation. The conjecture is that intellectual capital confers distinct competitive advantage to an enterprise via knowledge management and knowledge spillovers and improved innovation capacity. Despite mixed empirical evidence to support this claim, intellectual capital and knowledge management remain at the forefront of an organization’s agenda during an economic downturn. Recent surveys from the field indicate some dissatisfaction with practical knowledge management. These findings are difficult to interpret because at the same time organizations appear to adopt the position that management of knowledge resources is extremely important from a strategic perspective. The objective of this chapter is to provide some new perspectives on what drives success in the knowledge economy and to demonstrate how knowledge management is the ideal response to the challenge of innovatio

    Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management As A Supplement For Knowledge Based Theory And Resource Based Theory

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of integration of Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management that can improve and update by the Resource Based Theory (RBT) and Knowledge Based Theory (KBT). The research method is qualitative interpretive approach and grounded theory research. The study states that the concept of integration of IC and KM can improve and update the RBT and KBT as the basic theory of IC and KM must be adapted to the conditions of pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. Thus there are changes in the concept of improving and updating RBT and KBT be complementary role RBT and KBT. The management model that is used to supplement the role of RBT and KBT is a Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management ( CICM ) model because it is very complete and comprehensive as well as an integration or combination of IC and KM