5 research outputs found

    Towards adaptive balanced computing (ABC) using reconfigurable functional caches (RFCs)

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    The general-purpose computing processor performs a wide range of functions. Although the performance of general-purpose processors has been steadily increasing, certain software technologies like multimedia and digital signal processing applications demand ever more computing power. Reconfigurable computing has emerged to combine the versatility of general-purpose processors with the customization ability of ASICs. The basic premise of reconfigurability is to provide better performance and higher computing density than fixed configuration processors. Most of the research in reconfigurable computing is dedicated to on-chip functional logic. If computing resources are adaptable to the computing requirement, the maximum performance can be achieved. To overcome the gap between processor and memory technology, the size of on-chip cache memory has been consistently increasing. The larger cache memory capacity, though beneficial in general, does not guarantee a higher performance for all the applications as they may not utilize all of the cache efficiently. To utilize on-chip resources effectively and to accelerate the performance of multimedia applications specifically, we propose a new architecture---Adaptive Balanced Computing (ABC). ABC uses dynamic resource configuration of on-chip cache memory by integrating Reconfigurable Functional Caches (RFC). RFC can work as a conventional cache or as a specialized computing unit when necessary. In order to convert a cache memory to a computing unit, we include additional logic to embed multi-bit output LUTs into the cache structure. We add the reconfigurability of cache memory to a conventional processor with minimal modification to the load/store microarchitecture and with minimal compiler assistance. ABC architecture utilizes resources more efficiently by reconfiguring the cache memory to computing units dynamically. The area penalty for this reconfiguration is about 50--60% of the memory cell cache array-only area with faster cache access time. In a base array cache (parallel decoding caches), the area penalty is 10--20% of the data array with 1--2% increase in the cache access time. However, we save 27% for FIR and 44% for DCT/IDCT in area with respect to memory cell array cache and about 80% for both applications with respect to base array cache if we were to implement all these units separately (such as ASICs). The simulations with multimedia and DSP applications (DCT/IDCT and FIR/IIR) show that the resource configuration with the RFC speedups ranging from 1.04X to 3.94X in overall applications and from 2.61X to 27.4X in the core computations. The simulations with various parameters indicate that the impact of reconfiguration can be minimized if an appropriate cache organization is selected

    The Cord Weekly (February 11, 1997)

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    Mobile robot tank with GPU assistance

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    Robotic research has been costly and tremendously time consuming; this is due to the cost of sensors, motors, computational unit, physical construction, and fabrication. There are also a lot of man hours clocked in for algorithm design, software development, debugging and optimizing. Robotic vision input usually consists of 2 or more color cameras to construct a 3D virtual space. Additional cameras can also be added to enrich the detailed virtual 3D environment, however, the computational complexity increases when more cameras are added. This is due to not only the additional processing power that is required running the software but also the complexity of stitching multiple cameras together to form a sensor. Another method of creating the 3D virtual space is the utilization of range finder sensors. These types of sensors are usually relatively expensive and still require complex algorithms for calibration and correlation to real life distances. Sensing of a robot position can be facilitated by the addition of accelerometers and gyroscope sensors. A significant robotic design is robot interaction. One type of interaction is through verbal exchange. Such interaction requires an audio input receiver and transmitter on the robot. In order to achieve acceptable recognitions, different types of audio receivers may be implemented and many receivers are required to be deployed. Depending on the environment, noise cancellation hardware and software may be needed to enhance the verbal interaction performance. In this thesis different audio sensors are evaluated and implemented with Microsoft Speech Platform. Any robotic research requires a proper control algorithm and logic process. As a result, the majority of these control algorithms rely heavily on mathematics. High performance computational processing power is needed to process all the raw data in real-time. However, any high performance computation proportionally consumes more energy, so to conserve battery life on the robot, many robotic researchers implement remote computation by processing the raw data remotely. This implementation has one major drawback: in order to transmit raw data remotely, a robust communication infrastructure is needed. Without a robust communication the robot will suffers in failures due to the sheer amount of raw data in communication. I am proposing a solution to the computation problem by harvesting the General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit (GPU)’s computational power for complex mathematical raw data processing. This approach utilizes many-cores parallelism for multithreading real-time computation with a minimum of 10x the computational flops of traditional Central Processing Unit (CPU). By shifting the computation on the GPU the entire computation will be done locally on the robot itself to eliminate the need of any external communication system for remote data processing. While the GPU is used to perform image processing for the robot, the CPU is allowed to dedicate all of its processing power to run the other functions of the robot. Computer vision has been an interesting topic for a while; it utilizes complex mathematical techniques and algorithms in an attempt to achieve image processing in real-time. Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) is a library consisting of pre-programed image processing functions for several different languages, developed by Intel. This library greatly reduces the amount of development time. Microsoft Kinect for XBOX has all the sensors mentioned above in a single convenient package with first party SDK for software development. I perform the robotic implementation utilizing Microsoft Kinect for XBOX as the primary sensor, OpenCV for image processing functions and NVidia GPU to off-load complex mathematical raw data processing for the robot. This thesis’s objective is to develop and implement a low cost autonomous robot tank with Microsoft Kinect for XBOX as the primary sensor, a custom onboard Small Form Factor (SFF) High Performance Computer (HPC) with NVidia GPU assistance for the primary computation, and OpenCV library for image processing functions

    A simulation approach to modelling quality and reliability features of plant processes

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    The relationship between component and system reliability is a key factor in the improvement of plant processes and a wide variety of models have been studied, under the general headings of “Probabilistic Methods”, “Graph Theoretical Methods” and “Simulation”. An outline review of these reliability models is given as a background to the work of the thesis and the ideas were used to steer the design of the software tool, which we have developed. The tool is generic in the sense that it can be used for any production system consisting of any number of parallel production lines, although we have considered its application in detail for one system only. In particular, we describe an application of reliability theory in the modelling of a plant process, which incorporates examples of Load-Sharing, parallel and series stages and we demonstrate how the production plannmg control is related to reliability considerations. The tool has been tested in reference to a real production system, for which Quality and Reliability features have been analysed though data collection and simulation. The production system is located in Intel’s ESSM (European Site for System Manufacturmg) plant m Ireland. The plant's products are the basic components of a Pentium II processor, based on a new technology, (known as MMX or Secc), which enables enhancements for multimedia and communication applications. We have also applied our software tool to the old production line (pre-datmg Secc Technology), both for calibration purposes and to compare the two lines Software features mclude the ability to, mvestigate line reaction to changes in quality and reliability, to pmpomt problem areas, to cost failures in reliability, to explore degraded operation, stages with poor quality/reliability can be identified and Estimate the real UPH (Units Per Hour). We present an analysis of system performance and provide recommendations for possible improvements to the system

    NASA Tech Briefs, December 1999

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    Topics include: Imaging/Videos/Cameras; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Books and Reports