11 research outputs found

    The Challenges of Adopting PLM Tools Involving Diversified Technologies in Today’s Automotive Supplier Business

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    In order to reduce product development (PD) costs and duration, PD cycles are being accelerated in order to reduce the time to market and satisfy the end customer needs. Another key challenge in PD today, is product diversification in the technologies used, requiring improved collaboration amongst local and dispersed multi disciple PD teams. A main stream tool that aids and support engineers in PD to collaborate and share information/knowledge is Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). This research explores the benefits and requirements of implementing a PLM system for a PD and manufacturing company within the automotive supply chain. This paper first provides a brief background of the subject area, followed by an explanation of the initial industrial investigation for the implementation of a PLM system, from which investigation the resulting conclusions and recommendations are presented as the building blocks of the implementation project

    Improving product design with IPS-DFX methodology incorporated in PLM software

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    Rad predstavlja unapređenje proizvoda kroz aplikaciju alata za konstruiranje za izvrsnost (DFX) za montažu, proizvodnju i zaštitu životne sredine koji su ugrađeni u komercijalni softver Siemens Teamcenter za menadžment životnog ciklusa proizvoda (PLM). Kompleksna baza podataka, koja je srce svakog PLM softvera, dopušta lak pristup svim potrebnim podacima DFX analiza, od funkcionalnih zahtjeva, geometrijskih CAD modela, do podataka o tehnologiji i procesima vezanim za proizvodni sustav, a može se također uporabiti kao baza znanja (KDB) za objedinjavanje iskustava jedne kompanije. S druge strane, modul za upravljanje tokovima kompleksnih procesa, kao što su prijedlozi za izmjene u konstruiranju, evaluacija, verifikacija i modifikacija nove verzije proizvoda, dopušta olakšan paralelni rad svih učesnika u procesu s minimalnim preprekama. Uspješna implementacija istraživanja provedena je na modelu mehaničke vage za kupaonicu, kroz potreban broj iteracija.The paper presents improvement of a product through the application of Design for Excellence (DFX) tools for assembly, manufacturing and environmental protection that are incorporated into the commercial software Siemens Teamcenter for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Complex database, that is a heart of every PLM software, allows easy access to all necessary data for DFX analyses starting from functional requirements, geometric CAD models, technology and process data related to the production system, and can be also used as a Knowledge Database (KDB) for collecting company’s experience. On the other hand, a module for management of complex processes flows, such as proposals for design changes, evaluation, verification and modification of a new revision of the product, allows easy parallel work of all participants in the process with minimum drawbacks. Successful implementation of the research is done on the model of the mechanical bathroom scale, through the required number of iterations

    Comparison of shipbuilding and construction industries from the product structure standpoint

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    Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. The use of building information modelling (BIM) in construction compares to the use of product lifecycle management (PLM) in manufacturing. Previous research has shown that it is possible to improve BIM with the features and the best practices from the PLM approach. This article provides a comparison from the standpoint of the bill of materials (BOM) and product structures. It compares the product beginning of life in both construction and shipbuilding industries. The research then tries to understand the use, form and evolution of product structures and BOM concepts in shipbuilding with the aim of identifying equivalent notions in construction. Research findings demonstrate that similar concepts for structuring information exist in construction; however, the relationship between them is unclear. Further research is therefore required to detail the links identified by the authors and develop an equivalent central structuring backbone as found in PLM platforms

    Süreç bazlı dinamik ürün ağaçlarıyla ürün izlenebilirliği modeli

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Halkın güvenliğini ve sağlığını tehdit eden risklerin ortadan kaldırılması amaçlayan ürün izlenebilirliğinin önemi gün geçtikçe daha çok anlaşılmaktadır. Bu konuda çalışma yapan araştırmacılar kabul edilen teorik bir izlenebilirlik çerçevesinin olmadığı sonucundan hareketle teorik bir çerçeve çizebilmek için çalışmışlardır. İzlenebilirlik konusunda teorik bir çerçevenin çizilmesi ve ürün izlenebilirliği için standart veri kayıtlarıyla oluşturulmuş bir modelin kullanılması bir çok avantajı beraberinde getirecektir. Bu yolla tedarik zincirindeki bilgi aktarımı kolaylaşacak, kayıtların herkes tarafından standart şekilde tutulması, anlaşılması ve sorgulanması mümkün olacaktır. Çalışmada gözlem, görüşme, doküman analizi gibi nitel veri toplama yöntemleri kullanılmış, ürün izlenebilirliğe etki eden parametreler analiz edilmiş, buradan elde edilen verilerle, geleneksel ürün ağaçlarının ürün izlenebilirliğini sağlamak için yeterli olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda, ürün ağaçlarının izlenebilirliği sağlayacak doğru içeriğe sahip olabilmesi için, her parti üretimde süreçler bazında oluşturulması gerektiği anlaşılmıştır. Buradan hareketle, ürün ağaçlarının bileşenleri ve izlenebilirlik parametreleri de kendi içinde analiz edilip sınıflandırılarak soruna yönelik sistematik bir yaklaşım geliştirilmiştir. Böylece en yalın ve doğru şekilde tüm sektörlerde kullanılabilecek bir izlenebilirlik kayıt sistemi oluşturulmaya çalışılmış ve UML diyagramlarıyla hazırlanan bir izlenebilirlik veri modeli önerilmiştir. Modelde belirtilen kayıt sistemi, bir süt ürünleri tesisinde yazılım ve veritabanının devreye alınmasıyla uygulanmıştır. Ürün izlenebilirliği konusunda çizdiği genel çerçeve ve ürün ağaçlarına yeni bir bir boyut kazandırmasıyla literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşünülen bu çalışma aynı zamanda önermiş olduğu orijinal ve uygulanabilir izlenebilirlik modeliyle birçok sektörün sorunlarına çare olabilecek niteliktedir.Importance of product traceability, intended to eliminate the risks associated with products threatening public safety and health, is being better understood recently. Researchers, who work on this issue, acting from the fact that there is no adopted theoretical traceability framework, and they have tried to draw a theoretical framework. Establishing a theoretical traceability framework and using a model created by standard data records for product traceability will bring many advantages to different groups. By this way, transfer of information in supply chain will be facilitated and also keeping, understanding and inquiring of records by interested parties will be possible. This study, utilizes some qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and document analysis, to analyze parameters affecting traceability. With the data obtained from there, it is concluded that traditional bills of materials are not sufficient enough for providing traceability of products and there is a need for a new approach. As a result of evaluation, to ensure the right content for providing traceability, it is understood that bill of materials have to be prepared in each batch on the basis of the process. Thus analyzing and classifying the components of bill of materials and traceability parameters, a systematic approach to problem has been developed. So the aim is to develop the most simple and accurate data collection and recording system which can be used in all sectors in order to provide tracebility. The system and frameworks developed and the model is applied in a dairy products company by activating a new software and a database. This study contributes to the literature by proposing a specified general framework for product traceability bygaining a new paradigm for bills of material. At the same time, its original and practicable traceability model proposed, has the capacity to solve the problems for many sectors where tracebility is importa

    Construcción de algoritmo aplicando relajación lagrangeana para la obtención de un límite inferior para el problema de lotificación en sistemas multinivel en entornos de coproducción y listas de materiales alternativas /

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    En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo para obtener una cota inferior para el problema de lotificación en sistemas multinivel en entornos de coproducción y listas de materiales alternativas basado en Relajación Lagrangeana. El problema estudiado es un problema de programación entera mixta el cual es semejante a la optimización de un MRP con listas de materiales alternativas, con múltiples recursos en entornos de coproducción y múltiples periodos de tiempo considerando restricciones de lead time y capacidad de producción y cae dentro de la categoría NP-HARD. Para la obtención de los multiplicadores de lagrange, que penalizan la función de objetivo, se utilizó el algoritmo de optimización del subgradiente. La implementación se realizó en el IDE de desarrollo GAMS. La calibración de los parámetros del algoritmo se realizó utilizando la metodología de superficie de respuesta. La validación del algoritmo propuesto se realiza por medio de un análisis comparativo aplicado en un caso real que trata de una empresa fabricante de partes en el sector del automóvil y un caso de demanda simulada tipo estacional y tendencia con los cinco tipos básicos de configuración de cadena de suministro o lista de materiales (BOM). Los resultados obtenidos comprueban que el algoritmo propuesto alcanza soluciones cercanas al óptimo en menor tiempo en comparación al modelo original, también denominado GMOP, resuelto bajo programación entera mixta (Branch and Bound o relajación lineal entera mixta). El desarrollo de este trabajo representa un aporte a la literatura debido a que no se encuentra aplicación de la Relajación Lagrangeana en problemas de lotificación en sistemas multinivel en entornos de coproducción y listas de materiales alternativas.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    An Advanced Construction Supply Nexus Model

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    The complex and challenging process of construction supply chain management can involve tens of thousands of engineered components, systems, and subsystems, all of which must be designed in a multi-party and collaborative environment, the complexity of which is vastly increased in the case of megaprojects. A comprehensive Advanced Construction Supply Nexus Model (ACSNM) was developed as a computational and process-oriented environment to help project managers deal efficiently and effectively with supply chain issues: fragmentation, resource shortages, design delays, and planning and scheduling deficiencies, all of which result in decreased productivity, cost and time overruns, conflicts, and time-consuming legal disputes. To mitigate the effects of these difficulties, four new prototype systems are created: a front-end planning tool (FEPT), a construction value packaging system (CVPS), an integrated construction materials management (ICMM) system, and an ACSNM database. Because these components are closely interdependent elements of construction supply nexus management, the successfully developed model incorporates cross-functional integration. This research therefore effectively addresses process management, process integration, and document management, features not included in previous implementations of similar models for construction-related applications. This study also introduces new concepts and definitions, such as construction value packages comprised of value units that form the scope of value-added work defined by type, stage in the value chain, and other elements such as drawings and specifications. The application of the new technologies and methods reveals that the ACSNM has the potential to improve the performance and management of the enterprise-wide supply chain. Through opportunities provided by our industry partners, Coreworx Inc. and Aecon Group Inc., the elements of the developed model have been validated with respect to implementation using data from several construction megaprojects. The model is intended to govern current supply nexus processes associated with such megaprojects but may be general enough for eventual application in other construction sectors, such as multi-unit housing and infrastructure

    A Network-Based Design Synthesis of Distributed Ship Services Systems for a Non Nuclear Powered Submarine in Early Stage Design

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    Even though the early-stage design of a complex vessel is where the important decisions are made, the synthesis of the distributed ship service systems (DS3) often relies on “past practice” and simple vessel displacement based weight algorithms. Such an approach inhibits the ability of the concept designer to consider the impact of different DS3 options. It also reduces the ability to undertake Requirements Elucidation, especially regarding the DS3. Given the vital role the many DS3 provide to a submarine, this research considers whether there is a better way to synthesise DS3 without resorting to the detailed design of the distributed systems, which is usually inappropriate at the exploratory stages of design. The research proposes a new approach, termed the Network Block Approach (NBA), combining the advantages of the 3D physical based synthesis UCL Design Building Block (DBB) approach with the Virgina Tech Architectural Flow Optimisation (AFO) method, when applied to submarine DS3 design. Utilising a set of novel frameworks and the Paramarine CASD tool, the proposed approach also enabled the development of the submarine concept design at different levels of granularities, ranging from modelling individual spaces to various DS3 components and routings. The proposed approach also allowed the designer to balance the energy demands of various distributed systems, performing a steady-state flow simulation, and visualising the complexity of the submarine DS3 in a 3D multiplex network configuration. Such 3D based physical and network syntheses provide potential benefits in early-stage submarine DS3 design. The overall aim of proposing and demonstrating a novel integrated DS3 synthesis approach applicable to concept naval submarine design was achieved, although several issues and limitations emerged during both the development and the implementation of the approach. Through identification of the research limitations, areas for future work aimed at improving the proposal have been outlined