18 research outputs found

    Horizontal Integration of Warfighter Intelligence Data: A Shared Semantic Resource for the Intelligence Community

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    We describe a strategy that is being used for the horizontal integration of warfighter intelligence data within the framework of the US Army’s Distributed Common Ground System Standard Cloud (DSC) initiative. The strategy rests on the development of a set of ontologies that are being incrementally applied to bring about what we call the ‘semantic enhancement’ of data models used within each intelligence discipline. We show how the strategy can help to overcome familiar tendencies to stovepiping of intelligence data, and describe how it can be applied in an agile fashion to new data resources in ways that address immediate needs of intelligence analysts

    Ontology of Intelligence

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    In intelligence, the ontological problem is related to the nature and characteristics of entities that threaten and are threatened. Developing a threat ontology requires a taxonomy. An ontology for threat analysis and action must be able to shape ontological distinctions between potential and viable threats. This provides a better understanding of how threats (ie intentions, capabilities, and opportunities) can exist and can be changed over time. Escalating threats from a state of potency to a state of viability could be avoided by using appropriate threat mitigation techniques. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25163.5456

    Ontologia activității de informații

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    Analiștii se află în domeniul "cunoașterii". Activitatea de informații se referă la cunoaștere și tipurile de probleme abordate sunt probleme de cunoaștere. Așa că avem nevoie de un concept de lucru bazat pe cunoaștere. Avem nevoie de o înțelegere de bază a ceea ce știm și cum știm, ce nu știm, și chiar ce se poate cunoaște și ce nu se poate cunoaște. Analiza informațiilor implică "transformarea faptelor disparate în concluzii concentrate". Analiza ar trebui să ofere o bază utilă pentru conceptualizarea funcțiilor activității de informații, dintre care cele mai importante sunt "estimarea" și "predicția". DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25534.8480

    Ontological Support for Living Plan Specification, Execution and Evaluation

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    Maintaining systems of military plans is critical for military effectiveness, but is also challenging. Plans will become obsolete as the world diverges from the assumptions on which they rest. If too many ad hoc changes are made to intermeshed plans, the ensemble may no longer lead to well-synchronized and coordinated operations, resulting in the system of plans becoming itself incoherent. We describe in what follows an Adaptive Planning process that we are developing on behalf of the Air Force Research Laboratory (Rome) with the goal of addressing problems of these sorts through cyclical collaborative plan review and maintenance. The interactions of world state, blue force status and associated plans are too complex for manual adaptive processes, and computer-aided plan review and maintenance is thus indispensable. We argue that appropriate semantic technology can 1) provide richer representation of plan-related data and semantics, 2) allow for flexible, non-disruptive, agile, scalable, and coordinated changes in plans, and 3) support more intelligent analytical querying of plan-related data

    Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability

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    When the U.S. conducts warfare, elements of a force are drawn from different services and work together as a single team to accomplish an assigned mission. To achieve such unified action, it is necessary that the doctrines governing the actions of members of specific services be both consistent with and subservient to joint Doctrine. Because warfighting today increasingly involves not only live forces but also automated systems, unified action requires that information technology that is used in joint warfare must be aligned with joint doctrine. It requires also that the separate information systems used by the different elements of a joint force must be interoperable, in the sense that data and information that is generated by each element must be usable (understandable, processable) by all the other elements that need them. Currently, such interoperability is impeded by multiple inconsistencies among the different data and software standards used by warfighters. We describe here the on-going project of creating a Joint Doctrine Ontology (JDO), which uses joint doctrine to provide shared computer-accessible content valid for any field of military endeavor, organization, and information system. JDO addresses the two previously mentioned requirements of unified action by providing a widely applicable benchmark for use by developers of information systems that will both guarantee alignment with joint doctrine and support interoperability

    IAO-Intel: An Ontology of Information Artifacts in the Intelligence Domain

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    We describe on-going work on IAO-Intel, an information artifact ontology developed as part of a suite of ontologies designed to support the needs of the US Army intelligence community within the framework of the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS-A). IAO-Intel provides a controlled, structured vocabulary for the consistent formulation of metadata about documents, images, emails and other carriers of information. It will provide a resource for uniform explication of the terms used in multiple existing military dictionaries, thesauri and metadata registries, thereby enhancing the degree to which the content formulated with their aid will be available to computational reasoning

    Ontologie de l'activité de renseignement

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    Dans l'activité de renseignement, le problème ontologique est lié à la nature et aux caractéristiques des entités qui menacent et sont menacées. La menace est un objet ontologique très complexe et, par conséquent, une ontologie appropriée doit être construite conformément aux principes métaphysiques formels qui peuvent prendre en compte la complexité des objets, des attributs, des processus, des événements et des relations qui composent ces états de choses. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22693.7344

    PREDICAT: a semantic service-oriented platform for data interoperability and linking in earth observation and disaster prediction

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    The increasing volume of data generated by earth observation programs such as Copernicus, NOAA, and NASA Earth Data, is overwhelming. Although these programs are very costly, data usage remains limited due to lack of interoperability and data linking. In fact, multi-source and heterogeneous data exploitation could be significantly improved in different domains especially in the natural disaster prediction one. To deal with this issue, we introduce the PREDICAT project that aims at providing a semantic service-oriented platform to PREDIct natural CATastrophes. The PREDICAT platform considers (1) data access based on web service technology; (2) ontology-based interoperability for the environmental monitoring domain; (3) data integration and linking via big data techniques; (4) a prediction approach based on semantic machine learning mechanisms. The focus in this paper is to provide an overview of the PREDICAT platform architecture. A scenario explaining the operation of the platform is presented based on data provided by our collaborators, including the international intergovernmental Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS)

    Ontology of plays for autonomous teaming and collaboration

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    We propose a domain-level ontology of plays for the facilitation of play-based collaborative autonomy among unmanned and manned-unmanned aircraft teams in the Army’s Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) mission domain. We define a play as a type of plan that prescribes some pattern of intentional acts that are intended to reliably result in some goal in some competitive context, and which specifies one or more roles that are realized by those prescribed intentional acts. The ontology is well suited to be extended to other types of military and nonmilitary unmanned vehicle operations