8 research outputs found

    Improving state-of-theart continuous speech recognition systems using the N-best paradigm with neural networks

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    In an effort to advance the state of the art in continuous speech recognition employing hidden Markov models (HMM), Segmental Neural Nets (SNN) were introduced recently to ameliorate the wellknown limitations of HMMs, namely, the conditional-independence limitation and the relative difficulty with which HMMs can handle segmental features. We describe a hybrid SNN/I-IMM system that combines the speed and performance of our HMM system with the segmental modeling capabilities of SNNs. The integration of the two acoustic modeling techniques is achieved successfully via the N-best rescoring paradigm. The N-best lists are used not only for recognition, but also during training. This discriminative training using N-best is demonstrated to improve performance. When tested on the DARPA Resource Management speaker-independent corpus, the hybrid SNN/HMM system decreases the error by about 20% compared to the state-of-the-art HMM system

    Training and Scaling Preference Functions for Disambiguation

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    We present an automatic method for weighting the contributions of preference functions used in disambiguation. Initial scaling factors are derived as the solution to a least-squares minimization problem, and improvements are then made by hill-climbing. The method is applied to disambiguating sentences in the ATIS (Air Travel Information System) corpus, and the performance of the resulting scaling factors is compared with hand-tuned factors. We then focus on one class of preference function, those based on semantic lexical collocations. Experimental results are presented showing that such functions vary considerably in selecting correct analyses. In particular we define a function that performs significantly better than ones based on mutual information and likelihood ratios of lexical associations.Comment: To appear in Computational Linguistics (probably volume 20, December 94). LaTeX, 21 page

    Integration of diverse recognition methodologies through reevaluation of N-best sentence hypotheses

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    Near-miss modeling : a segment-based approach to speech recognition

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 129-134).by Jane W. Chang.Ph.D

    Recommending Structured Objects: Paths and Sets

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    Recommender systems have been widely adopted in industry to help people find the most appropriate items to purchase or consume from the increasingly large collection of available resources (e.g., books, songs and movies). Conventional recommendation techniques follow the approach of ``ranking all possible options and pick the top'', which can work effectively for single item recommendation but fall short when the item in question has internal structures. For example, a travel trajectory with a sequence of points-of-interest or a music playlist with a set of songs. Such structured objects pose critical challenges to recommender systems due to the intractability of ranking all possible candidates. This thesis study the problem of recommending structured objects, in particular, the recommendation of path (a sequence of unique elements) and set (a collection of distinct elements). We study the problem of recommending travel trajectories in a city, which is a typical instance of path recommendation. We propose methods that combine learning to rank and route planning techniques for efficient trajectory recommendation. Another contribution of this thesis is to develop the structured recommendation approach for path recommendation by substantially modifying the loss function, the learning and inference procedures of structured support vector machines. A novel application of path decoding techniques helps us achieve efficient learning and recommendation. Additionally, we investigate the problem of recommending a set of songs to form a playlist as an example of the set recommendation problem. We propose to jointly learn user representations by employing the multi-task learning paradigm, and a key result of equivalence between bipartite ranking and binary classification enables efficient learning of our set recommendation method. Extensive evaluations on real world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches for path and set recommendation

    Attelage de systèmes de transcription automatique de la parole

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    Nous abordons, dans cette thèse, les méthodes de combinaison de systèmesde transcription de la parole à Large Vocabulaire. Notre étude se concentre surl attelage de systèmes de transcription hétérogènes dans l objectif d améliorerla qualité de la transcription à latence contrainte. Les systèmes statistiquessont affectés par les nombreuses variabilités qui caractérisent le signal dela parole. Un seul système n est généralement pas capable de modéliserl ensemble de ces variabilités. La combinaison de différents systèmes detranscription repose sur l idée d exploiter les points forts de chacun pourobtenir une transcription finale améliorée. Les méthodes de combinaisonproposées dans la littérature sont majoritairement appliquées a posteriori,dans une architecture de transcription multi-passes. Cela nécessite un tempsde latence considérable induit par le temps d attente requis avant l applicationde la combinaison.Récemment, une méthode de combinaison intégrée a été proposée. Cetteméthode est basée sur le paradigme de décodage guidé (DDA :Driven DecodingAlgorithm) qui permet de combiner différents systèmes durant le décodage. Laméthode consiste à intégrer des informations en provenance de plusieurs systèmes dits auxiliaires dans le processus de décodage d un système dit primaire.Notre contribution dans le cadre de cette thèse porte sur un double aspect : d une part, nous proposons une étude sur la robustesse de la combinaison par décodage guidé. Nous proposons ensuite, une amélioration efficacement généralisable basée sur le décodage guidé par sac de n-grammes,appelé BONG. D autre part, nous proposons un cadre permettant l attelagede plusieurs systèmes mono-passe pour la construction collaborative, à latenceréduite, de la sortie de l hypothèse de reconnaissance finale. Nous présentonsdifférents modèles théoriques de l architecture d attelage et nous exposons unexemple d implémentation en utilisant une architecture client/serveur distribuée. Après la définition de l architecture de collaboration, nous nous focalisons sur les méthodes de combinaison adaptées à la transcription automatiqueà latence réduite. Nous proposons une adaptation de la combinaison BONGpermettant la collaboration, à latence réduite, de plusieurs systèmes mono-passe fonctionnant en parallèle. Nous présentons également, une adaptationde la combinaison ROVER applicable durant le processus de décodage via unprocessus d alignement local suivi par un processus de vote basé sur la fréquence d apparition des mots. Les deux méthodes de combinaison proposéespermettent la réduction de la latence de la combinaison de plusieurs systèmesmono-passe avec un gain significatif du WER.This thesis presents work in the area of Large Vocabulary ContinuousSpeech Recognition (LVCSR) system combination. The thesis focuses onmethods for harnessing heterogeneous systems in order to increase theefficiency of speech recognizer with reduced latency.Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is affected by many variabilitiespresent in the speech signal, therefore single ASR systems are usually unableto deal with all these variabilities. Considering these limitations, combinationmethods are proposed as alternative strategies to improve recognitionaccuracy using multiple recognizers developed at different research siteswith different recognition strategies. System combination techniques areusually used within multi-passes ASR architecture. Outputs of two or moreASR systems are combined to estimate the most likely hypothesis amongconflicting word pairs or differing hypotheses for the same part of utterance.The contribution of this thesis is twofold. First, we study and analyze theintegrated driven decoding combination method which consists in guidingthe search algorithm of a primary ASR system by the one-best hypothesesof auxiliary systems. Thus we propose some improvements in order to makethe driven decoding more efficient and generalizable. The proposed methodis called BONG and consists in using Bag Of N-Gram auxiliary hypothesisfor the driven decoding.Second, we propose a new framework for low latency paralyzed single-passspeech recognizer harnessing. We study various theoretical harnessingmodels and we present an example of harnessing implementation basedon client/server distributed architecture. Afterwards, we suggest differentcombination methods adapted to the presented harnessing architecture:first we extend the BONG combination method for low latency paralyzedsingle-pass speech recognizer systems collaboration. Then we propose, anadaptation of the ROVER combination method to be performed during thedecoding process using a local vote procedure followed by voting based onword frequencies.LE MANS-BU Sciences (721812109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A characterization of the problem of new, out-of-vocabulary words in continuous-speech recognition and understanding

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-173).by Irvine Lee Hetherington.Ph.D