3 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality Model for Pre-School Learning

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    Science subject is very important to create scientific knowledge among students. In Malaysia, the implementation of the Science Curriculum is normally done via conventional approach. However, this approach is not able to attract students’ interests in exploring more knowledge. In addition, the students only acquire the basic knowledge without being able to visualize the subject matters. Thus, this study is aimed to apply Augmented Reality (AR) technology in teaching and learning of the Basic Science subject to overcome the issues. AR is the augmentation of the real world through the addition of three-dimensional (3D) virtual objects. AR has been proven as an effective method in delivering lessons to the students compared to conventional method. This study applied AR in preschool Basic Science subject that focused on the internal organ of human body known as the Muscular System. This study adapted AR with Experiential Learning Model (ELM) theory to construct the requirement model of the Augmented Reality for Learning in Muscular System (ARMS). The proposed model consisted of three (3) main components; i) Requirement to Implement AR in a Classroom (R-IARC), ii) High-Level Prototyping (HLP), and iii) Experiential Learning Model (ELM). The methodology in this study involved five (5) main phases; i) theoretical study, ii) preliminary study, iii) requirement model construction, iv) ARMS development, v) model evaluation by users and experts respectively. The requirement of the proposed model was collected using multiple facts finding techniques, namely interview, observation, and document reviews. The proposed model was validated using prototyping approach. The evaluation of the prototype was done by expert reviews and end-user acceptance study. The results of the evaluation showed that the ARMS was highly effective to be implemented in the teaching and learning of Basic Science subject. This is because it assists in explaining difficult topics. In addition, it has also been proven that the integration of the AR technology in teaching and learning is able to create an enjoyable environment because it is supported by the visualization of 3D virtual objects. As a result, the students were able to understand and recognize the functions, health, and diseases of the muscular system through ARMS. The study also found that the implementation of ARMS was able to increase the students’ cognitive development and enhance the students’ learning ability

    Integrating Hypermedia Techniques with Augmented Reality Environments

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    Augmented Reality systems, which overlay virtual information over the real world, can benefit greatly from the techniques established by the Open Hypermedia research field. Storing information and links separately from a document can be advantageous for augmented reality applications and can enable the adaption of content to suit users’ preferences. This thesis explores how Open Hypermedia systems might be used as the information systems behind AR environments. This provides benefits to augmented reality developers, not only because of the existing Open Hypermedia methods but also because of the applicability of Open Hypermedia interaction techniques to the augmented reality domain. Tangible augmented reality techniques, in which graphics are overlaid on physical objects that can be manipulated as input devices, can be used to interact with the resulting information spaces by exposing the adaptation processes in the Open Hypermedia systems. This thesis describes the development of various physical interaction metaphors that allow users to physically manipulate the underlying hypermedia structures to their liking, resulting in a natural and intuitive way to navigate complex information spaces

    Hipertexto: dos problemas conceituais à realidade aumentada

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    The subject hypertext has been the centre of recurrent discussions in Linguistic. In spite of that, there has not been a lot of clarity in regards to its concept. Terminological fluctuation and too vague or too specific descriptions prevent bigger consistency about hypertext and hypertextuality. Therefore, the present dissertation aims to compile the principal ideas written about the subject, mainly in a national context, to discuss them afterwards. Such concepts are divided by the recurrent problems found in their descriptions, being the nature problem, the boundary problem and vagueness problem. Some of the commented authors are Coscarelli, Gomes, Koch, Lobo-Sousa, Marcuschi e Xavier, and considerations from Nelson about the subject are taken to the centre of the discussion. Posteriorly, the categories through which hypertext is commonly defined are discussed one by one, based on Koch, Komesu e Marcuschi. Lastly, the connexion between hypertext and augmented reality is addressed, starting from Mann, Manovich e Nelson. Augmented reality is proposed as the best example of hypertext because of its dynamic features, and also because of the relation kept with physical space, which itself recalls the transclusion as imagined by Nelson.O tema hipertexto tem figurado como frequente ponto de discussão por parte da Linguística. Ainda assim, há pouca clareza quanto ao seu conceito. Flutuações terminológicas e descrições pouco ou muito específicas impedem uma consistência maior de hipertexto e hipertextualidade. Dessa forma, a presente dissertação procura compilar as principais ideias relatadas sobre o tema, principalmente em contexto nacional, para então discuti-las. Os conceitos são separados com base nos problemas recorrentes de descrição, sendo eles o problema da natureza, o problema da fronteira e o problema da vagueza. Alguns dos autores contemplados são Coscarelli, Gomes, Koch, Lobo-Sousa, Marcuschi e Xavier, e considerações de Nelson sobre o tema são trazidas para o centro da discussão. Posteriormente, as categorias pelas quais o hipertexto é comumente definido são discutidas uma a uma, com base em Koch, Komesu e Marcuschi. Por fim, disserta-se sobre a relação entre hipertexto e realidade aumentada, tomando como alicerce Mann, Manovich e Nelson. Propõe-se a realidade aumentada como melhor exemplo de hipertexto contemporâneo devido às suas características dinâmicas e também ao diálogo para com o espaço físico, o qual remete à transclusão imaginada por Nelson