17,033 research outputs found

    The influence of national culture on the attitude towards mobile recommender systems

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.This study aimed to identify factors that influence user attitudes towards mobile recommender systems and to examine how these factors interact with cultural values to affect attitudes towards this technology. Based on the theory of reasoned action, belief factors for mobile recommender systems are identified in three dimensions: functional, contextual, and social. Hypotheses explaining different impacts of cultural values on the factors affecting attitudes were also proposed. The research model was tested based on data collected in China, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Findings indicate that functional and social factors have significant impacts on user attitudes towards mobile recommender systems. The relationships between belief factors and attitudes are moderated by two cultural values: collectivism and uncertainty avoidance. The theoretical and practical implications of applying theory of reasoned action and innovation diffusion theory to explain the adoption of new technologies in societies with different cultures are also discussed.National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean governmen

    Dual Drivers of Facebook Usage and Regret Experience in Networking versus Brand page Usage

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    In this article, we draw on Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) to identify the dual drivers (positive and negative) of two Facebook usage types: online networking versus brand page usage, and their potential respective effects on regret experience and on Facebook continuous intention. We also investigate the role played by perceived privacy concerns in these two mechanisms. Our findings indicate that exhibitionism, entertainment value and specific functional gratifications; i.e. interpersonal connectivity for social networking and information value for brand page usage; are significant drivers for both usage types. Whereas, regret experienced by users in these two contexts seem to follow divergent paths and affect differently Facebook continuance intention

    e-Consumer Behaviour

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    Purpose – The primary purpose of this article is to bring together apparently disparate and yet interconnected strands of research and present an integrated model of e-consumer behaviour. It has a secondary objective of stimulating more research in areas identified as still being underexplored. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is discursive, based on analysis and synthesis of econsumer literature. Findings – Despite a broad spectrum of disciplines that investigate e-consumer behaviour and despite this special issue in the area of marketing, there are still areas open for research into econsumer behaviour in marketing, for example the role of image, trust and e-interactivity. The paper develops a model to explain e-consumer behaviour. Research limitations/implications – As a conceptual paper, this study is limited to literature and prior empirical research. It offers the benefit of new research directions for e-retailers in understanding and satisfying e-consumers. The paper provides researchers with a proposed integrated model of e-consumer behaviour. Originality/value – The value of the paper lies in linking a significant body of literature within a unifying theoretical framework and the identification of under-researched areas of e-consumer behaviour in a marketing context

    Sosyal medya uygulamalarını kullanmaya yönelik niyetin belirleyicileri

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    This study examines to understand the smartphone users' attitudes and intention towards social media apps with the perspective of three widely used models; uses and gratification (U&G) theory's psychological motivations factors (entertainment, sociality, and information), innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and the technology acceptance model (TAM). Thus, in the framework of this research, the proposed research model consists of three respective models. The random sampling technique used to collect research samples from Usak province in Turkey. The data used in testing the research model collected by the questionnaires. The numbers of the valid survey collected were 527. The structural equation modeling conducted to analyze the research assumptions and model. The outcomes indicate that the users' perceived ease of use (PEOU) influenced by complexity, relative advantage, observability, trialability. Perceived usefulness (PU) affected by compatibility, relative advantage, observability, trialability, and PEOU, while with attitude together influencing intention to use social media app. Another outcome showed that attitude determined by sociality, entertainment, PEOU, and PU. Empirical results also provided support for the integrative approach. The results show that TAM in the extension of an innovation diffusion theory and psychological motivations can help decision-makers in the social media app.Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmanın amacı, akıllı telefon kullanıcılarının sosyal medya uygulamalarına yönelik tutumlarını ve niyetlerini, yaygın olarak kullanılan ĂŒĂ§ model; kullanımlar ve doyumlar teorisinin psikolojik faktörleri (eğlence, sosyalleƟme ve bilgi), yeniliğin yayılımı kuramı ve teknoloji kabul modeli bakÄ±ĆŸ açısıyla incelemektir. Bu araƟtırma hedefi çerçevesinde, bu ĂŒĂ§ model bir araƟtırma modeli altında birleƟtirilmiƟtir. AraƟtırma örnekleri UƟak Ä°l’inden rasgele örneklem tekniği ile elde edilmiƟtir. AraƟtırma modelinin test edilmesinde kullanılan veriler anket yolu ile toplanmÄ±ĆŸtır. Toplanan geçerli anket sayısı 527 dir. AraƟtırma modeli ile araƟtırma hipotezleri yapısal eƟitlik modellemesi ile test edilmiƟtir. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, kullanıcıların algılanan kullanım kolaylığı; karmaĆŸÄ±klık, bağıl avantaj, gözlemlenebilirlik ve denenebilirlik tarafından etkilenmektedir. Algılanan fayda ise; uygunluk, bağıl avantaj, gözlemlenebilirlik, denenebilirlik ve algılanan kullanım kolaylığı tarafından etkilenirken, algılanan fayda ile tutum sosyal medya uygulaması kullanım niyeti ĂŒzerinde etkilidir. Diğer taraftan sosyalleƟme, eğlence, algılanan kullanım kolaylığı ve algılanan fayda tutumun belirleyicisidir. Nicel sonuçlar bĂŒtĂŒnleƟik yaklaĆŸÄ±mın desteklendiğini göstermiƟtir. Yeniliğin yayılımı kuramı ve psikolojik motivasyonlar bağlamında teknoloji kabul modelinin sosyal medya uygulamaları karar vericilerine yardımcı olabileceğini göstermektedir

    Continuance Intention on Mobile Social Networking Service: Examine the Effects of Habit and Gratifications

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    By integrating the uses and gratifications theory and habit theory, this study develops a theoretical model to explore factors affecting continuance intention of mobile social networking service. 218 valid data were collected in China. The empirical results show that, cognitive need and affective need have significant impacts on continuance intention. In addition, habit is significantly determined by affective need, tension-release need and prior use, which further significantly influences continuance intention

    Smart technology for healthcare: Exploring the antecedents of adoption intention of healthcare wearable technology

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    © The Author(s), 2019. Technological advancement and personalized health information has led to an increase in people using and responding to wearable technology in the last decade. These changes are often perceived to be beneficial, providing greater information and insights about health for users, organizations and healthcare and government. However, to date, understanding the antecedents of its adoption is limited. Seeking to address this gap, this cross-sectional study examined what factors influence users’ adoption intention of healthcare wearable technology. We used self-administrated online survey to explore adoption intentions of healthcare wearable devices in 171 adults residing in Hong Kong. We analyzed the data by Partial least squares – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results reveal that perceived convenience and perceived irreplaceability are key predictors of perceived useful ness, which in turn strengthens users’ adoption intention. Additionally, the results also reveal that health belief is one of the key predictors of adoption intention. This paper contributes to the extant literature by providing understanding of how to strengthen users’ intention to adopt healthcare wearable technology. This includes the strengthening of perceived convenience and perceived irreplaceability to enhance the perceived usefulness, incorporating the extensive communication in the area of healthcare messages, which is useful in strengthening consumers’ adoption intention in healthcare wearable technology

    The role of utilitarian and hedonic aspects in the continuance intention to use social mobile apps

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the main factors that determine users’ continuance intention to use social mobile Apps, considering two utilitarian (i.e., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) variables and a hedonic (i.e., perceived enjoyment) variable. As social mobile Apps may be utilitarian or hedonic, we aim to evaluate possible differences in the significance of the aforementioned antecedent factors in utilitarian Apps (i.e., TripAdvisor) and hedonic Apps (i.e., Instagram). The data were collected from an international sample of users; the Partial Least Squares method was applied to analyze the research model, using SMARTPLS 3.0. To analyze the moderating effects, a multi-group PLS analysis was carried out to compare the differences between the path relationships in the two Apps. The results show that continuance intention to use is explained by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, satisfaction and user experience (control variable), and the impact of utilitarian variables is generally greater for utilitarian Apps, whereas the impact of perceived enjoyment is higher for hedonic Apps. This study contributes to the general body of knowledge about mobile Apps by providing a comprehensive theoretical foundation and practical implications that illuminate the continuance use of social mobile Apps

    The Impact of Trust on Acceptance of Online Banking

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    Major benefits of Online Banking include for banks cost savings, and for customers convenience. Nevertheless, many people perceive Internet banking as risky. This paper introduces a tentative conceptual framework. Trust will be integrated into the Technology Acceptance Model – TAM - (Davis, 1989). Recent research showed that Trust has a striking influence on user willingness to engage in online exchanges of money and personal sensitive information. Detailed literature about Online Banking and Trust is provided. TAM is discussed in depth; external variables that are suitable for the Online Banking context is suggested. In addition the theoretical justification for the conceptual framework integration is discussed. Finally managerial implications and recommendations for Online Banking acceptance are suggested

    Why Don’t You Use It? Assessing the Determinants of Enterprise Social Software Usage: A Conceptual Model Integrating Innovation Diffusion and Social Capital Theories

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    Social software has recently attracted the attention of organizations. Nowadays organizational social software applications are often bundled within enterprise social software platforms (ESSPs). Given the popularity of social software in the private realm (e.g., Facebook), organizations expect their employees to use the ESSPs in the same frequency right after rollout. However, employees do not always meet this expectation, leading to internal social software platforms that starve for attention. While there is some research investigating users’ motives to adopt social software in the private realm, empirical research on social software adoption in an enterprise setting is still scarce. As a step towards closing this research gap, we collected a rich set of qualitative data aiming at investigating the determinants of employees’ ESSP usage. Based on theory and the collected qualitative data, this paper proposes a conceptual ESSP adoption model combining the theoretical perspectives of innovation diffusion theory and social capital theory

    Elucidating social networking apps decisions: Performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of behavioural intention and use behaviour towards social networking apps. Exogenous latent constructs, namely, performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence are the key antecedents proposed based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology to predict the usage intention and behaviour of social networking apps (i.e. endogenous latent constructs). Experience as a moderator is the extended construct to explain social networking apps user’s behavioural intention. Design/methodology/approach: To target young generation (Millennial), a cross-sectional data collection approach was conducted to collect data from the social networking apps users (i.e. Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and others) whereby a total of 384 valid questionnaires were obtained from six universities in Malaysia. Statistical analysis using partial least squares path modelling approach and a variance-based structural equation modelling (VB-SEM) techniques is performed to analyse the measurement and structural relationship. Findings: The findings indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence determine behavioural intention, and behavioural intention impacts social networking apps use behaviour. Moreover, the moderation analysis reveals that the relationship between effort expectancy and behavioural intention is moderated by experience, whereas the relationship between social influence and behavioural intention is not moderated by experience. Originality/value: While the surge of social networking apps has gained tremendous popularity among Millennial as an attractive market segment, previous studies mainly have focussed on intention and behaviour of online users in general. Despite apps and related technologies which have opened a new era of effective communications in marketing, social networking apps usage intention and behaviour focussing on Millennial is not well understood in the current literature. This study contributes and sheds lights on the current issue of social networking apps usage intention and behaviour and looks into a key rising market segment, the Millennial users. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited
