5 research outputs found

    Towards a Semantic-based Approach for Modeling Regulatory Documents in Building Industry

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    Regulations in the Building Industry are becoming increasingly complex and involve more than one technical area. They cover products, components and project implementation. They also play an important role to ensure the quality of a building, and to minimize its environmental impact. In this paper, we are particularly interested in the modeling of the regulatory constraints derived from the Technical Guides issued by CSTB and used to validate Technical Assessments. We first describe our approach for modeling regulatory constraints in the SBVR language, and formalizing them in the SPARQL language. Second, we describe how we model the processes of compliance checking described in the CSTB Technical Guides. Third, we show how we implement these processes to assist industrials in drafting Technical Documents in order to acquire a Technical Assessment; a compliance report is automatically generated to explain the compliance or noncompliance of this Technical Documents

    Aide à la rédaction de documents réglementaires dans le domaine du bâtiment

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    National audienceL'industrie du bâtiment connaît actuellement une croissance phénoménale de ses textes techniques et réglementaires. Dans ce contexte, il est urgent et crucial d'aider à la création de nouvelles règlementations et de faciliter leur traitement automatique. Dans cet article, nous présentons une approche ontologique pour modéliser les documents technico-réglementaires dans l'industrie du bâtiment. Nous nous concentrons sur trois volets. Premièrement, nous décrivons notre approche pour la modélisation des guides pratiques émis par le CSTB en règles SBVR basées sur un vocabulaire contrôlé, puis leur formalisation en SPARQL. Deuxièmement, les contraintes réglementaires représentées en SPARQL sont exploitées dans la modélisation de processus de vérification de la conformité d'un document par rapport à la règlementation. Troisièmement, ces processus sont mis en œuvre pour aider à la rédaction d'Avis Techniques émis par le CSTB sur des dossiers techniques soumis par des industriels ; un rapport de conformité est automatiquement généré pour déterminer la conformité ou non-conformité des dossiers techniques et l'expliquer

    Towards a Semantic-based Approach for Modeling Regulatory Documents in Building Industry

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    International audienceRegulations in the Building Industry are becoming increasingly complex and involve more than one technical area. They cover products, components and project implementation. They also play an important role to ensure the quality of a building, and to minimize its environmental impact. In this paper, we are particularly interested in the modeling of the regulatory constraints derived from the Technical Guides issued by CSTB and used to validate Technical Assessments. We first describe our approach for modeling regulatory constraints in the SBVR language, and formalizing them in the SPARQL language. Second, we describe how we model the processes of compliance checking described in the CSTB Technical Guides. Third, we show how we implement these processes to assist industrials in drafting Technical Documents in order to acquire a Technical Assessment; a compliance report is automatically generated to explain the compliance or noncompliance of this Technical Documents

    Coloured Petri Nets-based Approach for Manipulating RDF Data

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a solution for controlling RDF data manipulation operations. We propose a formal approach to manage any modification, query or adaptation of the data to satisfy end-user/application criteria (e.g., RDF filtering). An overview of the RDF data manipulation framework with its main components is first presented. We then introduce the RDF-oriented Composition Definition Language (RDFCDL) including the syntax and its graphical representations defined based on CPNs. The language aims to support both expert and non-expert developers to create/compose RDF manipulation operations. Besides, an ontology for representing processes modelled with the RDFCDL language is developed in order to share and reuse the processes more easily. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach providing a means for end-users to create activity nodes over RDF data based upon system-defined functions and allowing manipulating processes to be stored in RDF file format

    Integrating Written Policies in Business Rule Management Systems

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    International audienceKnowledge acquisition is a key issue in the business rule methodology. As Natural Language (NL) policies and regulations are often important or even contractual sources of knowledge, we propose a framework for acquisition and maintenance of business rules based on NL texts. It enables business experts to author the specification of rule applications without the help of knowledge engineers. This framework has been created as part of the ONTORULE project, which is defining an integrated platform for acquisition, maintenance and execution of business-oriented knowledge bases combining ontologies and rules. Our framework relies on a data structure, called "index", encompassing and connecting the source text, the ontology and a textual representation of rules. Textual rules are as close to the Structured English representation of SBVR as possible for business users in charge of rule elicitation. The index relies on W3C technologies, which makes the tools interoperable and enable semantic search. We show that such an index structure supports the parallel maintenance of policy documents and knowledge bases (acquisition, consistency check and update). Two detailed examples with preliminary results are provided, one from air travel and the other from the automotive industry