7 research outputs found

    Registraci贸n de componentes para programaci贸n de robots m贸viles aut贸nomos

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    Se presenta el dise帽o de un ambiente de programaci贸n para robots m贸viles aut贸nomos utilizando el concepto de registraci贸n de componentes. Mediante este concepto se dispone de la facilidad de incorporar nuevos algoritmos de planificaci贸n, navegaci贸n y/o nuevas representaciones para su utilizaci贸n en el control del robot y adem谩s, su comparaci贸n. El objetivo final es presentar un ambiente lo suficientemente flexible que permita la implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n pr谩ctica de distintos algoritmos y representaciones en la programaci贸n de robots m贸viles aut贸nomos.脕rea: Ingenier铆a de Software - Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Aktionsprimitiv-basierte Steuerungsarchitektur f眉r Anwendungen in der Robotik und Fertigungstechnik

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt einen Entwurf f眉r eine flexible und robuste Steuerungsarchitektur f眉r Roboter- und Fertigungssysteme vor. Dabei wurde versucht ein offenes Konzept zu realisieren, welches einen vereinfachten Engineeringprozess erm枚glicht. Hierzu wird innerhalb der Steuerung eine Trennung zwischen einem funktionellen verhaltensbasierten und einem ablauforientierten Modell vorgeschlagen. Dieser Ansatz wird durch die Verwendung von Aktionsprimitiven innerhalb einer hybriden Robotersteuerung erm枚glicht. Diese garantieren durch ihre ausgepr盲gte Modularit盲t eine hohe Flexibilit盲t und Erweiterbarkeit des entstandenen Systems. Im Beitrag wird sowohl der entstandene Entwurf diskutiert als auch eine prototypische objektorientierte Implementierung vorgestellt sowie erste Ergebnisse pr盲sentiert.This paper presents a framework for a flexible and robust control architecture for robotic systems. The design incorporates an application independent system concept which allows a simplified engineering process. For this purpose a distinction between a functional behavioural and a sequential control system model is proposed. This approach is based on the utilisation of action primitives within a hybrid control architecture. The use of these primitives affords a high level of modularity through increasing flexibility and expandability of the resulting system. In this paper the proposed framework will be discussed as well as a prototypical object-oriented implementation and first results

    Registraci贸n de componentes para programaci贸n de robots m贸viles aut贸nomos

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    Se presenta el dise帽o de un ambiente de programaci贸n para robots m贸viles aut贸nomos utilizando el concepto de registraci贸n de componentes. Mediante este concepto se dispone de la facilidad de incorporar nuevos algoritmos de planificaci贸n, navegaci贸n y/o nuevas representaciones para su utilizaci贸n en el control del robot y adem谩s, su comparaci贸n. El objetivo final es presentar un ambiente lo suficientemente flexible que permita la implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n pr谩ctica de distintos algoritmos y representaciones en la programaci贸n de robots m贸viles aut贸nomos.脕rea: Ingenier铆a de Software - Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Development of a service robot with an open architecture and advanced interface.

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    Chow Man Kit.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-92).Abstracts in English and Chinese.ABSTRACT --- p.i鎽樿 --- p.iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.vTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.viLIST OF FIGURES --- p.ixLIST OF TABLES --- p.xiChapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Previous Models on Robot Software Architecture --- p.2Chapter 1.1.1 --- SPA --- p.2Chapter 1.1.2 --- Sub sumption Architecture --- p.3Chapter 1.1.3 --- Three Layer Architecture --- p.4Chapter 1.1.4 --- Two Layer Architecture --- p.6Chapter 1.1.5 --- RCS --- p.7Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation and Research Objective --- p.9Chapter 1.2.1 --- Motivation --- p.9Chapter 1.2.2 --- Contribution --- p.10Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Outline --- p.11Chapter 2. --- STUDY ON ARCHITECTURE --- p.12Chapter 2.1 --- Hierarchy in Architecture --- p.12Chapter 2.1.1 --- Purpose of Hierarchy --- p.12Chapter 2.1.2 --- Suggested Hierarchy --- p.14Chapter 2.1.3 --- Short Summary in Hierarchy --- p.18Chapter 2.2 --- Modularity in Architecture --- p.18Chapter 2.2.1 --- Purpose of Modularity --- p.18Chapter 2.2.2 --- Suggested Modularity --- p.19Chapter 2.3 --- Connectivity in Architecture --- p.20Chapter 2.3.1 --- Purpose of Connectivity --- p.20Chapter 2.3.2 --- Suggested Connectivity --- p.21Chapter 3. --- STUDY ON INTERFACES --- p.23Chapter 3.1 --- Physical Interface --- p.24Chapter 3.2 --- Application Programming Interface (API) --- p.24Chapter 3.3 --- User Interface --- p.27Chapter 4. --- PROSPOSED ROBOT SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE --- p.29Chapter 5. --- PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION --- p.32Chapter 5.1 --- Hardware Implementation --- p.32Chapter 5.1.1 --- Driving Module --- p.33Chapter --- Wheels and motors arrangement --- p.36Chapter --- Kinematics of wheeled mobile robot --- p.37Chapter --- Inverse kinematics of the mobile robot --- p.41Chapter --- Dynamic Controller --- p.44Chapter --- Emergency Stop --- p.52Chapter --- Homing Mechanism for Steering Axis --- p.53Chapter 5.1.2 --- Sensing Module --- p.54Chapter --- Sensing System --- p.55Chapter --- Using Comport as the Data Transmission Medium --- p.55Chapter 5.1.3 --- Power Configuration --- p.56Chapter --- Basic Power Connection --- p.57Chapter --- Design on Power Distribution System --- p.57Chapter 5.2 --- Software Considerations --- p.59Chapter 5.2.1 --- Operating System --- p.59Chapter 5.2.2 --- Parallel Processing --- p.59Chapter 5.3 --- Implementation of Robot Software Architecture --- p.61Chapter 5.3.1 --- Local Terminal Module --- p.62Chapter 5.3.2 --- Navigation Module --- p.62Chapter 5.3.3 --- Sensing Module --- p.64Chapter --- Sensor Data Retrieval --- p.65Chapter --- Error Checking --- p.65Chapter --- Calculating Obstacle Repulsive Vector --- p.67Chapter --- Visualizing Sensor Data --- p.67Chapter 5.3.4 --- Communication Module --- p.68Chapter 5.3.5 --- New idea integrated in Communication Module --- p.70Chapter 5.4 --- Summary --- p.73Chapter 6. --- APPICATION EXAMPLE AND EXPERIMENT --- p.76Chapter 6.1 --- Application Example --- p.77Chapter 6.2 --- Experiment --- p.78Chapter 7. --- CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS --- p.81Chapter 7.1 --- Conclusions --- p.81Chapter 7.2 --- Future Works --- p.83APPENDIX --- p.84Chapter A. --- Homing Mechanism for Steering Axis --- p.84Chapter A.1 --- Working Algorithm --- p.84Chapter A.2 --- Hardware Component --- p.85Chapter A.3 --- Circuit Diagram --- p.85Chapter A.4 --- Pin Assignment --- p.85Chapter B. --- Power Specification --- p.86Chapter B.1 --- Power Consumption by PC --- p.86Chapter B.2 --- Hardware Component on Power --- p.87BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.8

    Supervisory Control System Architecture for Advanced Small Modular Reactors

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    This technical report was generated as a product of the Supervisory Control for Multi-Modular SMR Plants project within the Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface technology area under the Advanced Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Research and Development Program of the U.S. Department of Energy. The report documents the definition of strategies, functional elements, and the structural architecture of a supervisory control system for multi-modular advanced SMR (AdvSMR) plants. This research activity advances the state-of-the art by incorporating decision making into the supervisory control system architectural layers through the introduction of a tiered-plant system approach. The report provides a brief history of hierarchical functional architectures and the current state-of-the-art, describes a reference AdvSMR to show the dependencies between systems, presents a hierarchical structure for supervisory control, indicates the importance of understanding trip setpoints, applies a new theoretic approach for comparing architectures, identifies cyber security controls that should be addressed early in system design, and describes ongoing work to develop system requirements and hardware/software configurations

    A layered control architecture for mobile robot navigation

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    A Thesis submitted to the University Research Degree Committee in fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in RoboticsThis thesis addresses the problem of how to control an autonomous mobile robot navigation in indoor environments, in the face of sensor noise, imprecise information, uncertainty and limited response time. The thesis argues that the effective control of autonomous mobile robots can be achieved by organising low level and higher level control activities into a layered architecture. The low level reactive control allows the robot to respond to contingencies quickly. The higher level control allows the robot to make longer term decisions and arranges appropriate sequences for a task execution. The thesis describes the design and implementation of a two layer control architecture, a task template based sequencing layer and a fuzzy behaviour based low level control layer. The sequencing layer works at the pace of the higher level of abstraction, interprets a task plan, mediates and monitors the controlling activities. While the low level performs fast computation in response to dynamic changes in the real world and carries out robust control under uncertainty. The organisation and fusion of fuzzy behaviours are described extensively for the construction of a low level control system. A learning methodology is also developed to systematically learn fuzzy behaviours and the behaviour selection network and therefore solve the difficulties in configuring the low level control layer. A two layer control system has been implemented and used to control a simulated mobile robot performing two tasks in simulated indoor environments. The effectiveness of the layered control and learning methodology is demonstrated through the traces of controlling activities at the two different levels. The results also show a general design methodology that the high level should be used to guide the robot's actions while the low level takes care of detailed control in the face of sensor noise and environment uncertainty in real time