453 research outputs found

    Learning and Reasoning for Robot Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty

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    Robots frequently face complex tasks that require more than one action, where sequential decision-making (SDM) capabilities become necessary. The key contribution of this work is a robot SDM framework, called LCORPP, that supports the simultaneous capabilities of supervised learning for passive state estimation, automated reasoning with declarative human knowledge, and planning under uncertainty toward achieving long-term goals. In particular, we use a hybrid reasoning paradigm to refine the state estimator, and provide informative priors for the probabilistic planner. In experiments, a mobile robot is tasked with estimating human intentions using their motion trajectories, declarative contextual knowledge, and human-robot interaction (dialog-based and motion-based). Results suggest that, in efficiency and accuracy, our framework performs better than its no-learning and no-reasoning counterparts in office environment.Comment: In proceedings of 34th AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence, 202

    Learning Deployable Navigation Policies at Kilometer Scale from a Single Traversal

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    Model-free reinforcement learning has recently been shown to be effective at learning navigation policies from complex image input. However, these algorithms tend to require large amounts of interaction with the environment, which can be prohibitively costly to obtain on robots in the real world. We present an approach for efficiently learning goal-directed navigation policies on a mobile robot, from only a single coverage traversal of recorded data. The navigation agent learns an effective policy over a diverse action space in a large heterogeneous environment consisting of more than 2km of travel, through buildings and outdoor regions that collectively exhibit large variations in visual appearance, self-similarity, and connectivity. We compare pretrained visual encoders that enable precomputation of visual embeddings to achieve a throughput of tens of thousands of transitions per second at training time on a commodity desktop computer, allowing agents to learn from millions of trajectories of experience in a matter of hours. We propose multiple forms of computationally efficient stochastic augmentation to enable the learned policy to generalise beyond these precomputed embeddings, and demonstrate successful deployment of the learned policy on the real robot without fine tuning, despite environmental appearance differences at test time. The dataset and code required to reproduce these results and apply the technique to other datasets and robots is made publicly available at rl-navigation.github.io/deployable

    Autonomous Reinforcement of Behavioral Sequences in Neural Dynamics

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    We introduce a dynamic neural algorithm called Dynamic Neural (DN) SARSA(\lambda) for learning a behavioral sequence from delayed reward. DN-SARSA(\lambda) combines Dynamic Field Theory models of behavioral sequence representation, classical reinforcement learning, and a computational neuroscience model of working memory, called Item and Order working memory, which serves as an eligibility trace. DN-SARSA(\lambda) is implemented on both a simulated and real robot that must learn a specific rewarding sequence of elementary behaviors from exploration. Results show DN-SARSA(\lambda) performs on the level of the discrete SARSA(\lambda), validating the feasibility of general reinforcement learning without compromising neural dynamics.Comment: Sohrob Kazerounian, Matthew Luciw are Joint first author

    Hierarchical Policy Learning for Mechanical Search

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    Retrieving objects from clutters is a complex task, which requires multiple interactions with the environment until the target object can be extracted. These interactions involve executing action primitives like grasping or pushing as well as setting priorities for the objects to manipulate and the actions to execute. Mechanical Search (MS) is a framework for object retrieval, which uses a heuristic algorithm for pushing and rule-based algorithms for high-level planning. While rule-based policies profit from human intuition in how they work, they usually perform sub-optimally in many cases. Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great performance in complex tasks such as taking decisions through evaluating pixels, which makes it suitable for training policies in the context of object-retrieval. In this work, we first formulate the MS problem in a principled formulation as a hierarchical POMDP. Based on this formulation, we propose a hierarchical policy learning approach for the MS problem. For demonstration, we present two main parameterized sub-policies: a push policy and an action selection policy. When integrated into the hierarchical POMDP's policy, our proposed sub-policies increase the success rate of retrieving the target object from less than 32% to nearly 80%, while reducing the computation time for push actions from multiple seconds to less than 10 milliseconds.Comment: ICRA 202