11 research outputs found

    Integrating Knowledge Modelling in Business Process Management

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    In this paper we present a new approach for integrating Business Process Management and Knowledge Management. We focus on the modelling of weakly-structured knowledge-intensive business processes. We develop a framework for modelling this type of processes that explicitly considers knowledge-related tasks and knowledge objects and present a workflow tool that is an implementation of our theoretical meta-model. As an example, we sketch one case study, the process for granting full old age pension as it is performed in the Greek Social Security Institution. Finally we briefly describe some related approaches and compare them to our work and draw the main conclusions and further research directions

    Special Theme of Research in Information Systems Analysis and Design - I. Unraveling Knowledge Requirements Through Business Process Analysis

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    Organizations analyze their business processes in order to improve them. Business processes are also considered retainers, users and creators of organizational knowledge. Thus, they can be analyzed to identify the knowledge used, created and embedded in them. A process analysis approach that focuses on redesign does not necessarily capture the knowledge used and created in a process. Choosing a knowledge-focused approach should lead to understanding knowledge needs but might not lead to improved business processes. This paper describes an approach for Knowledge Requirements Analysis (KRA) that combines process analysis with identifying knowledge used and created during the process. KRA is the process of identifying and analyzing existing organizational knowledge and prescribing improvements to it. The KRA methodology presented in this paper combines two methods: a knowledge engineering method (CommonKADS) and a process modeling method (EDPDT). The EDPDT constructs are used to operationalize the organization and task models of CommonKADS and thus create the KRA methodology. The methodology was applied successfully to the process of ethical reviews of grant applications in a university. The main advantage of the proposed methodology is that it enables organizations to keep track of their knowledge resources embedded in various business processes. Knowledge that is not shared or used can be detected and new knowledge can be identified to support and improve existing processes better. This approach can lead to improved knowledge management in organization


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    Knowledge management (KM) is increasingly recognised as a strategic practice of knowledge-intensive companies, becoming an integral part of an organisation\u27s strategy to improve business performance. This paper provides an overview of business process modelling applications and analyses the relationship between business process modelling and knowledge management projects. It presents the case study of Croatian leading banks and the insurance company, discussing its practical experience in conducting business process modelling projects and investigating the opportunity for integrating business process repository and organisational knowledge as the foundation for knowledge management system development

    The application of a business intelligence tool for service delivery improvement : the case of South Africa

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    Abstract: The global environment requires organisations to adapt and respond quickly to the complexity of its nature. Responding to such an environment depends on real-time information. In the last decade, organisations have relied much on human expertise to extract and analyse and process data into meaningful information for decision making. Many will probably agree with the assertion that the complexity of the globalisation has led to a complexity in modern data analysis, which encompasses different elements (technology and innovation, internet of things and influx of data to name but few), resulting in modern scientific problems. It is evident that organisational knowledge has become the enabling factor for decision-making in both the private and public sector. Yet, the study of the opinion that the advancement of technology and internet of things has complicated matters further for humankind to interpret complex and vast amounts of data at the speed required to keep up with the demands of the global environment in which they operate. Therefore, it is likely that the discovered knowledge may be inaccurate at times. In responding to these dynamics, organisations require computational intelligence systems to transform the data they acquire into real-time meaningful information in order to make informed decisions. ..D.Phil. (Engineering Management

    Alinhamento operacional: um mosaico de interesses, conhecimento, ações e resultado

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.O alinhamento operacional nas organizações é uma alternativa de gestão para assegurar maior performance aos processos. O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso em uma concessionária de distribuição de energia elétrica brasileira, utilizando como contexto o call center e os seus processos sustentadores, sobre os quais foi estudado o alinhamento operacional. Tem por objetivo propor um modelo de verificação de alinhamento operacional com base no alinhamento integrado de resultado, conhecimento, ações e interesses para fomentar o alinhamento operacional de processos. Na abordagem teórica preocupou-se em reunir aspectos associados ao alinhamento estratégico (vertical) e operacional (horizontal) sob diversas nuances, para convergir em um modelo que possibilite experimentar, avaliar e concluir sobre a aplicação prática desse tipo de alinhamento. A pesquisa consistiu na observação assistemática em 25 reuniões durante 5 anos, em um grupo, em média, de 20 gestores de call center de outras empresas do setor elétrico onde foi estruturado o conhecimento e experiência para fundamentar a variável base e os fatores de influência na performance do call center. Em uma concessionária brasileira foi realizado experimento envolvendo três áreas sustentadoras do call center pelo período de um ano, caracterizando o grupo do experimento e outras duas áreas como grupo de controle. O modelo submetido ao experimento consistiu na formação de equipe com atribuições tais que naturalmente apliquem os conceitos de equipes autogerenciadas e das quatro variáveis propostas: resultado, conhecimento, ações e interesse. O resultado do experimento foi verificado pela evolução da variável observada, na performance do call center e pela percepção dos agentes, confirmando os conceitos aplicados e o resultado do experimento. Seguiu-se a pesquisa modelo envolvendo os grupos do experimento e de controle para observar e concluir sobre o alinhamento operacional. Para viabilizar tal pesquisa foi utilizado um ambiente de processos críticos, cujas equipes possuam: a) competências para desenvolver suas atividades; b) bom nível de desempenho anterior ao experimento; c) subordinações distintas; d) exigência de alinhamento estratégico; e) envolvimento em atividades operacionais intensivas; f) exigência de elevado conhecimento e envolvimento multidisciplinar; g) a fundamental necessidade de entendimento entre as partes. Como resultado prático visa demonstrar, que processos cujas equipes estejam alinhadas pelas quatro variáveis são mais produtivas e seus resultados são aceitos de forma coletiva. As conclusões foram positivas, o resultado obtido no experimento pôde ser comprovado por meta e reconhecido pelo cliente final dos processos como eficazes. Permitiu de forma complementar concluir sobre aspectos associados ao tipo de atividade das equipes envolvidas, assim como que o fomento do alinhamento operacional evidenciou a contribuição para o alinhamento estratégico constatado pelo modelo de verificação experimentado

    Business-process oriented knowledge management: concepts, methods, and tools

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    The interrelationship between knowledge management and business process management and its impact on the decision-making process in the construction sector : a case study of Jordan

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    In recent years, Knowledge has always been accepted as being a valuable asset. In particular, it has become an important factor for the construction industry. To adapt to changes in the local and global business environment including the information technology revolution and to cope with the new competition, construction organisations have attempted to manage and apply their knowledge effectively and efficiently. The literature has shown that several problems in relation to the decision-making process in the construction sector in general and in particular, in Jordan, have been identified, e.g. selecting suppliers, equipment, and contractors. Because of the numerous number of business processes associated with making key decisions which require eliciting the correct knowledge to facilitate performing those business processes, there is a gap in the integration between knowledge management and business processes with regard to the decision making process. In order to bridge this gap, this research was carried out in order to investigate and explain how organisations in the construction sector can enhance the decision-making process (DMP) by practicing knowledge management (KM) and business process management (BPM) activities. To fulfil this aim, a mixed-methods approach has been adopted, combining a literature review approach, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to collect data from the Jordanian construction organisations. A framework has been proposed. This framework contains three elements with twelve sub-variables with all of these determined from an extensive review of previous studies and validated through an empirical survey. The quantitative data was obtained from the respondents through the use of a five-point Likert scale. To refine and validate the proposed framework, semi-structured interviews were then carried out with selected, experienced practitioners in the construction sector in order to elicit their views on any element that should be added to the framework in addition to those that had been discovered within the literature review and synthesis, and to discover if the domain experts supported the outcomes from the questionnaire survey and to verify the findings achieved from the questionnaire analysis. The current study provides a method of acquiring a more comprehensive knowledge of the importance of KM alongside BPM for the improvement of DM styles to attain organisational goals. It generates a strong operational as well as theoretical approach to the organisational utilization of knowledge and business processes through the development of an associated theoretical framework. While previous studies have indicated that knowledge enablers along with business processes guarantee organisational achievement across organisational DMP, this research shows that precise decision-making determination by decision makers could strengthen the relationship chain