15 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Takoyaki “Takosopo-takoyaki Van Java” Dari Sari Wortel Yang Kaya Betakaroten

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    Takosopo adalah inovasi USAha makanan dari makanan modern yakni takoyaki makanan asal Jepang. Takoyaki di inovasikan dengan wortel sebagai unsur penambah gizi pada makanan ini.seperti yang telah diketahui bahwa wortel memiliki kandungan yang kaya β karoten yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh. Menggunakan teknik pengolahan dan penjualan “on the spot” mampu menarik perhatian para konsumen mulai dari anak-anak, mahasiswa, hingga orang dewasa serta memperoleh keuntungan 100% dari modal awal selama 25 hari kerja. Sesuai dengan tujuan Takosopo “Takoyaki Van Java” mampu menghasilkan dan menciptakan makanan alternative yang sehat dan disukai banyak kalangan dengan harga terjangkau serta menciptakan peluang USAha yang menjanjikan

    Template Jurnal Hilirisasi Iptek LPPM Unand

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    TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture Practice: An Exploratory Case Study

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    Organizations use enterprise architecture (EA), which describes an enterprise from an integrated business and IT perspective, to improve business and IT alignment. The literature describes many different methodologies to organize EA practice. However, organizations typically adapt these EA methodologies to their specific needs rather than use them directly “out of the box”. As a result, actual EA practices often differ substantially from the original EA methodologies. Unsurprisingly, establishing a successful EA practice remains troublesome even though multiple detailed methodologies exist. However, researchers have yet to investigate the adaptation of EA methodologies in organizations. In this paper, based on an in-depth qualitative case study, I explore the adaptation of the most popular EA methodology, TOGAF, to address this gap. In this paper, I holistically describe a TOGAF-based EA practice and analyze the adaptation of the TOGAF methodology in an organization. From my findings, I conclude that none of the TOGAF-specific recommendations proved useful in the studied EA practice. Supported by ample indirect evidence available in the existing EA literature, this study questions the value of TOGAF as a standard for EA practice. Moreover, the studied EA practice hardly resembles any established EA methodologies or theoretical conceptualizations. Therefore, the EA practice that this case study describes presents a new, largely unexplored empirical phenomenon. Although this study raises multiple “inconvenient” questions challenging the status quo in the EA discipline, it does not provide definite answers to most of these questions, which calls for further research on methodological aspects of EA practice

    Innovation-Driven Enterprise Architecture

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    Organizations don't use Enterprise Architecture (EA) to leverage innovation as much as they should. And this while the organization's ability to innovate is an essential capability in a competitive market. IT can enable business innovation and EA is rooted in IT. Therefore, IT is considered the common denominator between EA and business innovation. This exploratory research provides new insight to bridge a knowledge gap on how EA can enhance an organization‘s ability in IT-enabled business innovation. It reveals that organizational learning is critical to the innovative capabilities of organizations. With this in mind, the most important capability domains have been determined: Knowledge, Collaboration & communication, Information processing & coordination, and Ideation. To facilitate these capabilities, several technological and organizational assets are identified: Key stakeholders, Collaborative organizational culture, Web technologies, Knowledge management systems, and Data Analytics. We developed a conceptual model which positions the capability domains and key assets. This model has been validated through a case study, conducted within a global manufacturing company. Conclusion is that EA is a viable approach to systematically address and facilitate IT-enabled business innovation. By focusing on the capabilities and facilitating these through organizational and technical assets, organizations can enhance their ability in IT-enabled business innovation

    Metodología para la evaluación y comparación de marcos de trabajo de arquitectura empresarial

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    Enterprise architecture, as an integrating discipline, has been gaining in relevance both in the academic world and in the business world. For its practical application, it uses frameworks, which are the constructs largely responsible for the success of the discipline. These models bring practical utility to enterprise architectures but have the drawback of their diversity. In this paper, a methodology is developed for the evaluation and selection of enterprise architecture frameworks that, starting from the critical analysis of various methods, proposes a comprehensive approach based on selection filters. Using documentary analysis techniques to identify the available methods and through the analysis, grouping and discrimination of criteria, the final methodological proposal is reached. The proposal, made up of 23 criteria grouped into two selection filters, constitutes a formal methodological approach to what should be an adequate framework, always taking into account the evaluator's own needs. The proposal, in addition to integrating multiple initiatives at the international level, stands as a versatile success to deal not only with uncertainty when choosing a framework for a specific solution, but it is also useful to venture into the implementation of maturity models, to select best practices for architecture point solutions and for inclusion in an enterprise architect's basic toolbox.La arquitectura empresarial, en su carácter de disciplina integradora, ha ido ganando en relevancia tanto en el mundo académico como en el mundo empresarial. Para su aplicación práctica se sirve de los marcos de trabajo, que son en gran parte los constructos responsables del éxito de la disciplina. Más allá de su utilidad práctica, los marcos de trabajo tienen el inconveniente de su proliferación en los últimos años. Su actual variedad, lejos de ayudar, está siendo una limitante de peso para su aplicación práctica. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental, desarrollar una metodología para la evaluación y selección de marcos de trabajo de arquitectura empresarial que, basándose en las mejores prácticas internacionales, constituya una propuesta integral para la práctica arquitectónica. La investigación, de tipo cualitativa, utiliza fundamentalmente el análisis documental y parte del análisis crítico de un grupo de métodos de evaluación de marcos de trabajo hasta llegar a una propuesta conformada por 23 criterios y 2 filtros de selección. La propuesta metodológica resultante se erige como un acierto versátil para tratar no solo la incertidumbre al escoger un marco de trabajo, sino que es útil para incursionar en la implementación de modelos de madurez, para soluciones puntuales de arquitectura y para incluirse en la caja de herramientas básicas de un arquitecto empresarial

    An Ontology-Aided Computer-Based Approach for Business Model Innovation Ideation

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    Business model innovation (BMI) is a key leverage for the successful long-term performance of a business. Still, there are almost no computer-based tools to support the BMI process. Most available tools focus on the initiation phase of the BMI process: to map out the current business model. Unfortunately, the later steps, such as the ideation phase, are currently not supported by computer-based tools. However, computer-based tools can assist managers in the decision- making process of elaborating new BMI ideas. This research addresses the research question on how a computer-based tool can suggest BMI cases based on a business’s business model, enterprise architecture, business innovation case characteristics, or criteria for which they are looking for in a potential BMI. A particular focus is on the combination of BMI with information technology. The research has shown that although a computer-based and ontology-aided approach for facilitating BMI would be beneficial for managers, additional research is required. A more detailed conceptualization of a business model than the current status quo can contribute to achieving such a computer-based tool for BMI recommendation. This thesis follows a design science research strategy. As part of the awareness phase, a literature review was conducted as well as three BMI cases were collected for further analysis of their characteristics. Since this research aimed to develop an ontology-aided approach for supporting the BMI ideation, a BMI ontology and a matching method had to be developed. The BMI ontology is built modularly, and therefore, it contains the individual ontologies for a business model, business capability, business innovation case, and enterprise architecture and their interconnections. Additionally, a construction industry-specific ontology was developed and added to the BMI ontology to showcase the possibility for extensions for industry-specific criteria since the developed BMI ontology is an unspecific industry ontology and thus, applicable for every business. Further, the ontology was implemented into a computer-based tool with case- based-reasoning ability to evaluate the possibility of matching BMI cases with a business model, enterprise architecture, or business innovation case criteria. Additionally, to have the functionality of filtering BMI cases, a matching method between BMI cases and filtering criteria was developed and evaluated by leveraging the collected BMI cases during the awareness phase. Through a computer-based tool, browsing, matching, and comparing BMI possibilities become an efficient and straightforward task

    Peran Kelompok Sadhar Wisata Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Air Di Desa Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Yogyakarta Special Region which has interesting places of interest and become a good potential to grow DIY citizen reconstruction. Tourism development efforts in each tourist attraction has been done to become an attractive destination for people who want to visit and recreation. One of them is the potential of the famous Water Tour is the water tour Lava Bantal and Embung Tegal Tirto existing Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The Role of Awareness Group of Tourists in Water Tourism Development That is Lava Bantal and Embung Tegal Tirto In Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta which has been developing water tourism object to become a destination place in Yogyakarta. Qualitative descriptive research with data retrieval through interview techniques to the actors of tourism that is the group of tourism awareness that developed the water tourism Embung Tegal Tirto and Lava Bantal and the spread of questionnaires to tourists who come to the water tour to know the responses of tourists to the Role of Group Conscious Tourism In Water Tourism Development In Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. From the results of the questionnaire that 51.6% of tourist wisatwan asses s infrastructure facilities in tourism is good enough. Lava Bantal as a water tour is considered clean enough where as many as 60% of tourists in addition to the Lava Bantal business to create a sense of security is running well, where visitors always diterjaminnya vehicle while parked and quiet while enjoying the scenery in the object this is said to visitors as much 50%. Devices and citizens have kept objects well

    Peran Kelompok Sadhar Wisata Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Air Di Desa Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Yogyakarta Special Region which has interesting places of interest and become a good potential to grow DIY citizen reconstruction. Tourism development efforts in each tourist attraction has been done to become an attractive destination for people who want to visit and recreation. One of them is the potential of the famous Water Tour is the water tour Lava Bantal and Embung Tegal Tirto existing Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The Role of Awareness Group of Tourists in Water Tourism Development That is Lava Bantal and Embung Tegal Tirto In Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta which has been developing water tourism object to become a destination place in Yogyakarta. Qualitative descriptive research with data retrieval through interview techniques to the actors of tourism that is the group of tourism awareness that developed the water tourism Embung Tegal Tirto and Lava Bantal and the spread of questionnaires to tourists who come to the water tour to know the responses of tourists to the Role of Group Conscious Tourism In Water Tourism Development In Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. From the results of the questionnaire that 51.6% of tourist wisatwan asses s infrastructure facilities in tourism is good enough. Lava Bantal as a water tour is considered clean enough where as many as 60% of tourists in addition to the Lava Bantal business to create a sense of security is running well, where visitors always diterjaminnya vehicle while parked and quiet while enjoying the scenery in the object this is said to visitors as much 50%. Devices and citizens have kept objects well