4 research outputs found

    Gesti贸n de Informaci贸n y Gesti贸n de Comunicaci贸n en empresas que utilizan normas de comercio seguro

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    The companies that are part of the supply chain in foreign trade in Ecuador, maintain their organizational development based on processes regulated by cargo safety standards, among which are the Basic Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) that they use They are transversal to the treatment of information and communication, but they are not explicitly stated. The objective of this research was to systematize theoretical assumptions about the components of Information Management (GI); and the Communication Management (GC), that allow to propose a model for its integration in processes regulated by BASC norms as a contributing resource. The research carried out has a qualitative focus and the applied method is the phenomenographic supported by semi-structured interviews with experts in order to analyze their procedures for dealing with information and internal and external communication of companies. It was found that organizations do not adequately manage information and communication, since they do not apply info-communicational principles, but instead focus on isolated treatments, regulations and in many cases only guided by technological means. Consequently, a first generic info-communication model is proposed that allows integrating the information and communication components for the benefit of organizational management.Las empresas que forman parte de la cadena de suministros en el comercio exterior en Ecuador, mantienen su desarrollo organizacional basado en procesos regulados por normas de seguridad en la carga entre las que se encuentran las Basic Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) que, utilizan de forma transversal al tratamiento de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n, pero no las declaran de manera expl铆cita. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue sistematizar presupuestos te贸ricos acerca de los componentes de la Gesti贸n de Informaci贸n (GI); y la Gesti贸n de la Comunicaci贸n (GC), que permitan plantear un modelo para su integraci贸n en procesos regulados por normas BASC como un recurso coadyuvante. La investigaci贸n desarrollada tiene un enfoque cualitativo y el m茅todo aplicado es el fenomenogr谩fico apoyado de entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos a fin de analizar sus procedimientos para tratar la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n interna y externa de las empresas. Se encontr贸 que las organizaciones no gestionan adecuadamente la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n, pues no aplican principios infocomunicacionales, sino que se enfocan en tratamientos aislados, normativas y en muchos casos 煤nicamente guiados por medios tecnol贸gicos. En consecuencia, se plantea un primer modelo gen茅rico infocomunicacional que permite integrar los componentes de informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n en beneficio de la gesti贸n organizacional

    As ci锚ncias sociais e as quest玫es da informa莽茫o

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    Como programa de pesquisa, propo虄e-se uma abordagem da Cie虃ncia da Informac抬a虄o como Cie虃ncia Social, enquanto indagac抬a虄o sobre o presente, buscando entender qual seria a ancoragem das ac抬o虄es de informac抬a虄o no contexto das relac抬o虄es e ac抬o虄es sociais, num complexo cena虂rio a ser explorado sobre os duplos conceitos de regimes e poli虂ticas de informac抬a虄o. Ao mesmo tempo, ao caracterizar os domi虂nios contempora虃neos em que a informac抬a虄o se constitui como tema, como sintoma e como questa虄o, espera-se desenhar a posic抬a虄o e a distribuic抬a虄o epistemolo虂gica dos conhecimentos que a interpelam e reconstroem, em algum ponto de vista e dimensa虄o

    An appraisal of Nigerian Newspapers coverage of women鈥檚 participation in 2007 elections.

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    fair, safe and professional media election coverage. It is a truism that the media play an indispensable role in the proper functioning of a democracy. Discussion of the media's functions usually focuses on their "watchdog" role: by unfettered scrutiny and discussion of the successes and failures of governments, the media can inform the public of how effectively its representatives have performed and help to hold them to account. Yet the media can also play a more specific part in enabling full public participation in elections by giving equal coverage to both men and women in politics. The study aimed to ascertain how well Nigerian newspapers cover women鈥檚 participation in 2007 general elections. There are many newspapers in Nigeria; however, this study makes use of two national newspapers as the research is on a national issue. For the purpose of this study, two Nigerian daily newspapers were studied- The Punch and Guardian. For the study period of eight months, 422 stories were gathered out of which only 56 stories were on women鈥檚 participation. Also, the data analyzed indicated that of the 56 news items, 50 (89.3%) were on the inside pages while the back page recorded the least, 1 (1.8%). The media is encouraged to air their opinions on women鈥檚 issues especially when the turnout is much as witnessed in the last general elections. Editorials allow the newspaper house to share their opinions on national issues; it will be stimulating to perceive different views of women鈥檚 participation in politics. It will indeed be interesting and different to see editorials on women during elections and on women in general. It is therefore pertinent for media professionals to play their fundamental role in the quest to eradicate gender discrimination of all types. KEY WORDS: Media, elections, participation, newspaper, women, politic

    Integrating America's infostructure

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