7,383 research outputs found

    Application of Flexible Micro Temperature Sensor in Oxidative Steam Reforming by a Methanol Micro Reformer

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    Advances in fuel cell applications reflect the ability of reformers to produce hydrogen. This work presents a flexible micro temperature sensor that is fabricated based on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology and integrated into a flat micro methanol reformer to observe the conditions inside that reformer. The micro temperature sensor has higher accuracy and sensitivity than a conventionally adopted thermocouple. Despite various micro temperature sensor applications, integrated micro reformers are still relatively new. This work proposes a novel method for integrating micro methanol reformers and micro temperature sensors, subsequently increasing the methanol conversion rate and the hydrogen production rate by varying the fuel supply rate and the water/methanol ratio. Importantly, the proposed micro temperature sensor adequately controls the interior temperature during oxidative steam reforming of methanol (OSRM), with the relevant parameters optimized as well

    Design of LTCC-based Ceramic Structure for Chemical Microreactor

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    The design of ceramic chemical microreactor for the production of hydrogen needed in portable polymer-electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells is presented. The microreactor was developed for the steam reforming of liquid fuels with water into hydrogen. The complex three-dimensional ceramic structure of the microreactor includes evaporator(s), mixer(s), reformer and combustor. Low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology was used to fabricate the ceramic structures with buried cavities and channels, and thick-film technology was used to make electrical heaters, temperature sensors and pressure sensors. The final 3D ceramic structure consists of 45 LTCC tapes. The dimensions of the structure are 75 × 41 × 9 mm3 and the weight is about 73 g

    Anisotropic Vapor HF etching of silicon dioxide for Si microstructure release

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    Damages are created in a sacrificial layer of silicon dioxide by ion implantation to enhance the etch rate of silicon-dioxide in liquid and vapor phase hydrofluoric acid. The etch rate ratio between implanted and unimplanted silicon dioxide is more than 150 in vapor hydrofluoric acid (VHF). This feature is of interest to greatly reduce the underetch of microelectromechanical systems anchors. Based on the experimentally extracted etch rate of unimplanted and implanted silicon dioxide, the patterning of the sacrificial layer can be predicted by simulation

    Electrolysis-based Parylene Balloon Actuators for Movable Neural Probes

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    In order to track a specific neuron and keep good sampling neural signals during chronic implantation, the neural probes are highly desired to have moving capability. This paper presents a novel electrolysis-based parylene balloon actuator fabricated with MEMS technology. The actuator is integrated with silicon probe to make it movable. A new fabrication technology has been developed to build a parylene balloon structure with silicon spring structure, electrolysis electrodes and electrolyte inside. By applying little current to electrolysis electrodes, high pressure is generated inside the parylene balloon by electrolysis. The spring structure is stretched with the parylene balloon expansion. Therefore the neural probe is moved by the actuation. The electrolysis actuator can generate large stain and pressure, requires modest electrical power and produces minimal heat. Due to the large volume expansion obtained via electrolysis, the small actuator can create a large force. The new electrolysis actuators for movable neural probes have been fabricated and validated

    The Feasibility of a Fully Miniaturized Magneto-Optical Trap for Portable Ultracold Quantum Technology

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    Experiments using laser cooled atoms and ions show real promise for practical applications in quantum- enhanced metrology, timing, navigation, and sensing as well as exotic roles in quantum computing, networking and simulation. The heart of many of these experiments has been translated to microfabricated platforms known as atom chips whose construction readily lend themselves to integration with larger systems and future mass production. To truly make the jump from laboratory demonstrations to practical, rugged devices, the complex surrounding infrastructure (including vacuum systems, optics, and lasers) also needs to be miniatur- ized and integrated. In this paper we explore the feasibility of applying this approach to the Magneto-Optical Trap; incorporating the vacuum system, atom source and optical geometry into a permanently sealed micro- litre system capable of maintaining 101010^{-10} mbar for more than 1000 days of operation with passive pumping alone. We demonstrate such an engineering challenge is achievable using recent advances in semiconductor microfabrication techniques and materialsComment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Unconventional Uses of Microcantilevers as Chemical Sensors in Gas and Liquid Media

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    The use of microcantilevers as (bio)chemical sensors usually involves the application of a chemically sensitive layer. The coated device operates either in a static bending regime or in a dynamic flexural mode. While some of these coated devices may be operated successfully in both the static and the dynamic modes, others may suffer from certain shortcomings depending on the type of coating, the medium of operation and the sensing application. Such shortcomings include lack of selectivity and reversibility of the sensitive coating and a reduced quality factor due to the surrounding medium. In particular, the performance of microcantilevers excited in their standard out-of-plane dynamic mode drastically decreases in viscous liquid media. Moreover, the responses of coated cantilevers operating in the static bending mode are often difficult to interpret. To resolve these performance issues, the following emerging unconventional uses of microcantilevers are reviewed in this paper: (1) dynamic-mode operation without using a sensitive coating, (2) the use of in-plane vibration modes (both flexural and longitudinal) in liquid media, and (3) incorporation of viscoelastic effects in the coatings in the static mode of operation. The advantages and drawbacks of these atypical uses of microcantilevers for chemical sensing in gas and liquid environments are discussed

    Bond Strength Tests Between Silicon Wafers and Duran Tubes (Fusion Bonded Fluidic Interconnects)

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    The fusion bond strength of glass tubes with standard silicon wafers is presented. Experiments with plain silicon wafers and those coated with silicon oxide and silicon nitride are presented. Results obtained are discussed in terms of homogeneity and strength of fusion bond. High pressure testing shows that the bond strength is large enough for most applications of fluidic interconnects. The bond strength for 525 /spl mu/m thick silicon with glass tubes having outer diameter of 6 mm and with wall thickness 2 mm, is more than 60 bars after annealing at a temperature of 800/spl deg/C

    National MEMS Technology Roadmap - Markets, Applications and Devices

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    MEMS teknologiaa on jo pitkään käytetty lukuisien eri laitteiden valmistamiseen. Osa näistä laitteista on ollut markkinoilla jo useita vuosia, kun taas osa on vasta kehitysvaiheessa. Jotta tutkimus ja kehitystyötä osattaisiin jatkossa kohdistaa oikeille painopistealueille, on tärkeää tietää mihin suuntaan kehitys on menossa. Tämä työ on osa kansallista MEMS teknologioiden tiekartta -projektia ja sen tavoitteena oli selvittää MEMS laitteiden kehityksen suuntaa. Työ toteutettiin laajana kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Lisäksi tulosten tueksi haastateltiin asiantuntijoita Suomen MEMS teollisuudesta. Työssä tarkasteltiin lukuisia jo markkinoilta löytyviä ja vasta kehitteillä olevia MEMS laitteita ja analysoitiin niitä sekä teknisestä että kaupallisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen perusteella kävi ilmi, että MEMS markkinat ovat pitkään muodostuneet vakiintuneista laitteista kuten mustesuihkupäistä, kiihtyvyysantureista, paineantureista sekä RF suotimista. Lisäksi mikrofonit, gyroskoopit ja optiset laitteet ovat olleet kaupallisesti saatavilla jo pitkään. Markkinat ovat hiljattain alkaneet tehdä tilaa myös uusille MEMS laitteille, joita tulee ulos nopeaa vauhtia. Viimeisimpänä markkinoille tulleita laitteita ovat erilaiset mikrofluidistiikka laitteet, mikrobolometrit sekä yhdistelmäanturit. Pian kaupallisesti saatavia laitteita ovat magnetometrit, automaattitarkennuslaitteet sekä MEMS oskillaattorit. Näiden laitteiden lisäksi kehitteillä on monia uusia MEMS laitteita, jotka saattavat tarjota merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Kehitteillä olevia laitteita ovat erilaiset lääketieteelliset laitteet, atomikellot, mikrojäähdyttimet, mikrokaiuttimet, energiantuottolaitteet sekä RFID-laitteet. Kaikki kehitteillä olevista laitteista eivät välttämättä tule menestymään kaupallisesti, mutta jatkuva tutkimustyö osoittaa, että monilla MEMS laitteilla on potentiaalia useissa eri sovelluksissa. Markkinanäkökulmasta tarkasteltuna suurin potentiaali piilee kuluttajaelektroniikka markkinoilla. Muita tulevaisuuden kannalta potentiaalisia markkinoita ovat lääketieteelliset ja teollisuusmarkkinat. Tutkimus osoitti että MEMS laitteiden tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen liittyy monia potentiaalisia painopistealueita tulevaisuudessa. Käyttömahdollisuuksien parantamiseksi monet jo vakiintuneet laitteet kaipaavat vielä parannuksia. Toisaalta, jo olemassa olevia laitteita voidaan hyödyntää uusissa sovelluksissa. Lisäksi monet uusista ja kehitteillä olevista MEMS laitteista vaativat vielä kehitystyötä.MEMS technology has long been applied to the fabrication of various devices from which some have already been in use for several years, whereas others are still under development. In order to find future focus areas in research and development activities in the industry, it is important to know where the development is going. This thesis was conducted as a part of National MEMS technology roadmap, and it aimed for determining the evolution of MEMS devices. The work was conducted as an extensive literature review. In addition, experts from the Finnish MEMS industry were interviewed in order obtain a broader insight to the results. In this thesis various existing and emerging MEMS devices were reviewed and analyzed from technological and commercial perspectives. The study showed that the MEMS market has long been composed of established devices, such as inkjet print-heads, pressure sensors, accelerometers and RF filters. Also gyroscopes, microphones and optical MEMS devices have already been on the market for a long time. Lately, many new devices have started to find their place in the markets. The most recently introduced commercial devices include microfluidic devices, micro bolometers, and combo sensors. There are also a few devices including magnetometers, MEMS oscillators, and auto-focus devices that are currently crossing the gap from R&D to commercialization. In addition to the already available devices, many new MEMS devices are under development, and might offer significant opportunities in the future. These emerging devices include various bioMEMS devices, atomic clocks, micro-coolers, micro speakers, power MEMS devices, and RFID devices. All of the emerging devices might not find commercial success, but the constant stream shows, that there are numerous applications, where MEMS devices could be applied in. From a market point of view, the greatest potential in the future lies in consumer electronics market. Other highly potential markets include medical and industrial markets. The results of the thesis indicate that there are many potential focus areas in the future related to MEMS devices, including improvements of the existing devices in order to gain better utilization, application of the existing devices in new areas, and development work among the emerging devices