106,231 research outputs found

    A Sub-block Based Image Retrieval Using Modified Integrated Region Matching

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    This paper proposes a content based image retrieval (CBIR) system using the local colour and texture features of selected image sub-blocks and global colour and shape features of the image. The image sub-blocks are roughly identified by segmenting the image into partitions of different configuration, finding the edge density in each partition using edge thresholding followed by morphological dilation. The colour and texture features of the identified regions are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) respectively. The colour and texture feature vectors is computed for each region. The shape features are computed from the Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD). A modified Integrated Region Matching (IRM) algorithm is used for finding the minimum distance between the sub-blocks of the query and target image. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods.Comment: 7 page

    Integrated Multiple Features for Tumor Image Retrieval Using Classifier and Feedback Methods

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    AbstractThe content based image retrieval method greatly assists in retrieving medical images close to the query image from a large database basing on their visual features. This paper presents an effective approach in which the region of the object is extracted with the help of multiple features ignoring the background of the object by employing edge following segmentation method followed by extracting texture and shape characteristics of the images. The former is extracted with the help of Steerable filter at different orientations and radial Chebyshev moments are used for extracting the later. Initially the images similar to the query image are extracted from a large group of medical images. Then the search is by accelerating the retrieval process with the help of Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The performance of the retrieval system is enhanced by adapting the subjective feedback method. The experimental results show that the proposed region based multiple features and integrated with classifier and subjective feedback method yields better results than classical retrieval systems

    Region-based Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval Framework

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    Many systems have been proposed for automatic description and indexing of digital data, for posterior retrieval. One of such content-based indexing-and-retrieval systems, and the one used as a framework in this thesis, is the MUVIS system, which was developed at Tampere University of Technology, in Finland. Moreover, Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) utilising frame-based and region-based features has been a dynamic research area in the past years. Several systems have been developed using their specific segmentation, feature extraction, and retrieval methods. In this thesis, a framework to model a regionalised CBIR framework is presented. The framework does not specify or fix the segmentation and local feature extraction methods, which are instead considered as “black-boxes” so as to allow the application of any segmentation method and visual descriptor. The proposed framework adopts a grouping approach in order to correct possible over- segmentation faults and a spatial feature called region proximity is introduced to describe regions topology in a visual scene by a block-based approach. Using the MUVIS system, a prototype system of the proposed framework is implemented as a region-based feature extraction module, which integrates simple colour segmentation and region-based feature description based on colour and texture. The spatial region proximity feature represents regions and describes their topology by a novel metric proposed in this thesis based on the block-based approach and average distance calculation. After the region-based feature extraction step, a feature vector is formed which holds information about all image regions with their local low-level and spatial properties. During the retrieval process, those feature vectors are used for computing the (dis-)similarity distances between two images, taking into account each of their individual components. In this case a many-to-one matching scheme between regions characterised by a similarity maximisation approach is integrated into a query-by-example scheme. Retrieval performance is evaluated between frame-based feature combination and the proposed framework with two different grouping approaches. Experiments are carried out on synthetic and natural image databases and the results indicate that a promising retrieval performance can be obtained as long as a reasonable segmentation quality is obtained. The integration of the region proximity feature further improves the retrieval performance especially for divisible, object-based image content. Finally, frame-based and region-based texture extraction schemes are compared to evaluate the effect of a region on the texture description and retrieval performance utilising the proposed framework. Results show that significant degradations over the retrieval performance occur on region-based texture descriptors compared with the frame-based approaches

    Combining textual and visual information processing for interactive video retrieval: SCHEMA's participation in TRECVID 2004

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    In this paper, the two different applications based on the Schema Reference System that were developed by the SCHEMA NoE for participation to the search task of TRECVID 2004 are illustrated. The first application, named ”Schema-Text”, is an interactive retrieval application that employs only textual information while the second one, named ”Schema-XM”, is an extension of the former, employing algorithms and methods for combining textual, visual and higher level information. Two runs for each application were submitted, I A 2 SCHEMA-Text 3, I A 2 SCHEMA-Text 4 for Schema-Text and I A 2 SCHEMA-XM 1, I A 2 SCHEMA-XM 2 for Schema-XM. The comparison of these two applications in terms of retrieval efficiency revealed that the combination of information from different data sources can provide higher efficiency for retrieval systems. Experimental testing additionally revealed that initially performing a text-based query and subsequently proceeding with visual similarity search using one of the returned relevant keyframes as an example image is a good scheme for combining visual and textual information

    Signature-based perceptual nearness: Application of near sets to image retrieval

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    Preprint versionThis paper presents a signature-based approach to quantifying perceptual nearness of images. A signature is defined as a set of descriptors, where each descriptor consists of a real-valued feature vector associated with a digital image region (set of pixels) combined with a region-based weight. Tolerance near sets provide a formal framework for our application of near sets to image retrieval. The tolerance nearness measure tNM was created to demonstrate application of near set theory to the problem of image correspondence. A new form of tNM has been introduced in this work, which takes into account the region size. Our method is compared to two other well-known image similarity measures: earth movers distance (EMD) and integrated region matching (IRM).https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11786-013-0145-

    A New Approach to Automatic Saliency Identification in Images Based on Irregularity of Regions

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    This research introduces an image retrieval system which is, in different ways, inspired by the human vision system. The main problems with existing machine vision systems and image understanding are studied and identified, in order to design a system that relies on human image understanding. The main improvement of the developed system is that it uses the human attention principles in the process of image contents identification. Human attention shall be represented by saliency extraction algorithms, which extract the salient regions or in other words, the regions of interest. This work presents a new approach for the saliency identification which relies on the irregularity of the region. Irregularity is clearly defined and measuring tools developed. These measures are derived from the formality and variation of the region with respect to the surrounding regions. Both local and global saliency have been studied and appropriate algorithms were developed based on the local and global irregularity defined in this work. The need for suitable automatic clustering techniques motivate us to study the available clustering techniques and to development of a technique that is suitable for salient points clustering. Based on the fact that humans usually look at the surrounding region of the gaze point, an agglomerative clustering technique is developed utilising the principles of blobs extraction and intersection. Automatic thresholding was needed in different stages of the system development. Therefore, a Fuzzy thresholding technique was developed. Evaluation methods of saliency region extraction have been studied and analysed; subsequently we have developed evaluation techniques based on the extracted regions (or points) and compared them with the ground truth data. The proposed algorithms were tested against standard datasets and compared with the existing state-of-the-art algorithms. Both quantitative and qualitative benchmarking are presented in this thesis and a detailed discussion for the results has been included. The benchmarking showed promising results in different algorithms. The developed algorithms have been utilised in designing an integrated saliency-based image retrieval system which uses the salient regions to give a description for the scene. The system auto-labels the objects in the image by identifying the salient objects and gives labels based on the knowledge database contents. In addition, the system identifies the unimportant part of the image (background) to give a full description for the scene


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    When composing a text, writers have to continually shift between content planning and content translating. This continuous shifting gives the writing activity its cyclic nature. The first section of this paper will analyse the writing process as a hierarchical cyclic activity. A methodological paradigm will be proposed for the investigation of the writing process. In the second section, we will partially present two experiments that were conducted independently, with this paradigm. Both give a coherent and interesting picture of what happens with content while the writer is planning. The characteristics of cycles depend both on the nature of the content information being recovered and on the complexity of the processes applied to this content

    Advanced content-based semantic scene analysis and information retrieval: the SCHEMA project

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    The aim of the SCHEMA Network of Excellence is to bring together a critical mass of universities, research centers, industrial partners and end users, in order to design a reference system for content-based semantic scene analysis, interpretation and understanding. Relevant research areas include: content-based multimedia analysis and automatic annotation of semantic multimedia content, combined textual and multimedia information retrieval, semantic -web, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards, user interfaces and human factors. In this paper, recent advances in content-based analysis, indexing and retrieval of digital media within the SCHEMA Network are presented. These advances will be integrated in the SCHEMA module-based, expandable reference system
