7 research outputs found

    Optimal Control Problem of Converter Steelmaking Production Process Based on Operation Optimization Method

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    Dynamic operation optimization has been utilized to realize optimal control problem for converter. The optimal control indicator is determined via current state of converter smelting production process, and the set values of operation variable would control converter production. Relationship between various operating variables, current temperature, and carbon content is constructed through operation analysis of a great deal of actual production data; then, the dynamic optimal control indicator is derived from historical excellent smelting data; finally, the dynamic operation optimization model is built by taking the minimum deviation between the current data—molten steel temperature and carbon content—and optimal data which are determined by the optimal control indicator as objective function. DE (differential evolution) with improved strategy is used to solve the proposed model for obtaining the set values of each operating variable, which is beneficial for further control. Simulation of actual production data shows the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method. That proved that the proposed method solves the optimal control problem of converter steelmaking process as well

    Integrated storage space allocation and ship scheduling problem in bulk cargo terminals

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    This study is motivated by the practices of large iron and steel companies that have steady and heavy demands for bulk raw materials, such as iron ore, coal, limestone, etc. These materials are usually transported to a bulk cargo terminal by ships (or to a station by trains). Once unloaded, they are moved to and stored in a bulk material stockyard, waiting for retrieval for use in production. Efficient storage space allocation and ship scheduling are critical to achieving high space utilization, low material loss, and low transportation costs. In this article, we study the integrated storage space allocation and ship scheduling problem in the bulk cargo terminal. Our problem is different from other associated problems due to the special way that the materials are transported and stored. A novel mixed-integer programming model is developed and then solved using a Benders decomposition algorithm, which is enhanced by the use of various valid inequalities, combinatorial Benders cuts, variable reduction tests, and an iterative heuristic procedure. Computational results indicate that the proposed solution method is much more efficient than the standard solution software CPLEX

    Modeling and solution for the ship stowage planning problem of coils in the steel industry

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    We consider a ship stowage planning problem where steel coils with known destination ports are to be loaded onto a ship. The coils are to be stowed on the ship in rows. Due to their heavy weight and cylindrical shape, coils can be stowed in at most two levels. Different from stowage problems in previous studies, in this problem there are no fixed positions on the ship for the coils due to their different sizes. At a destination port, if a coil to be unloaded is not at a top position, those blocking it need to be shuffled. In addition, the stability of ship has to be maintained after unloading at each destination port. The objective for the stowage planning problem is to minimize a combination of ship instability throughout the entire voyage, the shuffles needed for unloading at the destination ports, and the dispersion of coils to be unloaded at the same destination port. We formulate the problem as a novel mixed integer linear programming model. Several valid inequalities are derived to help reducing solution time. A tabu search (TS) algorithm is developed for the problem with the initial solution generated using a construction heuristic. To evaluate the proposed TS algorithm, numerical experiments are carried out on problem instances of three different scales by comparing it with a model-based decomposition heuristic, the classic TS algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm, and the manual method used in practice. The results show that for small problems, the proposed algorithm can generate optimal solutions. For medium and large practical problems, the proposed algorithm outperforms other methods

    Integrated storage space allocation and ship scheduling problem in bulk cargo terminals

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in IIE Transactions on 29 Jul 2015, available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0740817X.2015.1063791This study is motivated by the practices of large iron and steel companies that have steady and heavy demands for bulk raw materials, such as iron ore, coal, limestone, etc. These materials are usually transported to a bulk cargo terminal by ships (or to a station by trains). Once unloaded, they are moved to and stored in a bulk material stockyard, waiting for retrieval for use in production. Efficient storage space allocation and ship scheduling are critical to achieving high space utilization, low material loss, and low transportation costs. In this article, we study the integrated storage space allocation and ship scheduling problem in the bulk cargo terminal. Our problem is different from other associated problems due to the special way that the materials are transported and stored. A novel mixed-integer programming model is developed and then solved using a Benders decomposition algorithm, which is enhanced by the use of various valid inequalities, combinatorial Benders cuts, variable reduction tests, and an iterative heuristic procedure. Computational results indicate that the proposed solution method is much more efficient than the standard solution software CPLEX

    Modeling and solution for the ship stowage planning problem of coils in the steel industry

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: TANG, L. ...et al., 2015. Modeling and solution for the ship stowage planning problem of coils in the steel industry. Naval Research Logistics, 62(7), pp. 564-581., which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nav.21664. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.We consider a ship stowage planning problem where steel coils with known destination ports are to be loaded onto a ship. The coils are to be stowed on the ship in rows. Due to their heavy weight and cylindrical shape, coils can be stowed in at most two levels. Different from stowage problems in previous studies, in this problem there are no fixed positions on the ship for the coils due to their different sizes. At a destination port, if a coil to be unloaded is not at a top position, those blocking it need to be shuffled. In addition, the stability of ship has to be maintained after unloading at each destination port. The objective for the stowage planning problem is to minimize a combination of ship instability throughout the entire voyage, the shuffles needed for unloading at the destination ports, and the dispersion of coils to be unloaded at the same destination port. We formulate the problem as a novel mixed integer linear programming model. Several valid inequalities are derived to help reducing solution time. A tabu search (TS) algorithm is developed for the problem with the initial solution generated using a construction heuristic. To evaluate the proposed TS algorithm, numerical experiments are carried out on problem instances of three different scales by comparing it with a model-based decomposition heuristic, the classic TS algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm, and the manual method used in practice. The results show that for small problems, the proposed algorithm can generate optimal solutions. For medium and large practical problems, the proposed algorithm outperforms other methods

    Coil batching to improve productivity and energy utilization in steel production

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    This paper investigates a practical batching decision problem that arises in the batch annealing operations in the cold rolling stage of steel production faced by most large iron and steel companies in the world. The problem is to select steel coils from a set of waiting coils to form batches to be annealed in available batch annealing furnaces and choose a median coil for each furnace. The objective is to maximize the total reward of the selected coils less the total coil'coil and coil'furnace mismatching cost. For a special case of the problem that arises frequently in practical settings where the coils are all similar and there is only one type of furnace available, we develop a polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm to obtain an optimal solution. For the general case of the problem, which is strongly NP-hard, an exact branch-and-price-and-cut solution algorithm is developed using a column and row generation framework. A variable reduction strategy is also proposed to accelerate the algorithm. The algorithm is capable of solving medium-size instances to optimality within a reasonable computation time. In addition, a tabu search heuristic is proposed for solving larger instances. Three simple search neighborhoods, as well as a sophisticated variable-depth neighborhood, are developed. This heuristic can generate near-optimal solutions for large instances within a short computation time. Using both randomly generated and real-world production data sets, we show that our algorithms are superior to the typical rule-based planning approach used by many steel plants. A decision support system that embeds our algorithms was developed and implemented at Baosteel to replace their rule-based planning method. The use of the system brings significant benefits to Baosteel, including an annual net profit increase of at least 1.76 million U.S. dollars and a large reduction of standard coal consumption and carbon dioxide emissions

    Multiobjective differential evolution based on fuzzy performance feedback: Soft constraint handling and its application in antenna designs

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    The recently emerging Differential Evolution is considered one of the most powerful tools for solving optimization problems. It is a stochastic population-based search approach for optimization over the continuous space. The main advantages of differential evolution are simplicity, robustness and high speed of convergence. Differential evolution is attractive to researchers all over the world as evidenced by recent publications. There are many variants of differential evolution proposed by researchers and differential evolution algorithms are continuously improved in its performance. Performance of differential evolution algorithms depend on the control parameters setting which are problem dependent and time-consuming task. This study proposed a Fuzzy-based Multiobjective Differential Evolution (FMDE) that exploits three performance metrics, specifically hypervolume, spacing, and maximum spread, to measure the state of the evolution process. We apply the fuzzy inference rules to these metrics in order to adaptively adjust the associated control parameters of the chosen mutation strategy used in this algorithm. The proposed FMDE is evaluated on the well known ZDT, DTLZ, and WFG benchmark test suites. The experimental results show that FMDE is competitive with respect to the chosen state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. The advanced version of FMDE with adaptive crossover rate (AFMDE) is proposed. The proof of concept AFMDE is then applied specifically to the designs of microstrip antenna array. Furthermore, the soft constraint handling technique incorporates with AFMDE is proposed. Soft constraint AFMDE is evaluated on the benchmark constrained problems. AFMDE with soft constraint handling technique is applied to the constrained non-uniform circular antenna array design problem as a case study