3 research outputs found

    A Reconfigurable Mixed-signal Implementation of a Neuromorphic ADC

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    We present a neuromorphic Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC), which uses integrate-and-fire (I&F) neurons as the encoders of the analogue signal, with modulated inhibitions to decohere the neuronal spikes trains. The architecture consists of an analogue chip and a control module. The analogue chip comprises two scan chains and a twodimensional integrate-and-fire neuronal array. Individual neurons are accessed via the chains one by one without any encoder decoder or arbiter. The control module is implemented on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), which sends scan enable signals to the scan chains and controls the inhibition for individual neurons. Since the control module is implemented on an FPGA, it can be easily reconfigured. Additionally, we propose a pulse width modulation methodology for the lateral inhibition, which makes use of different pulse widths indicating different strengths of inhibition for each individual neuron to decohere neuronal spikes. Software simulations in this paper tested the robustness of the proposed ADC architecture to fixed random noise. A circuit simulation using ten neurons shows the performance and the feasibility of the architecture.Comment: BioCAS-201

    Sampling and Reconstruction of Bandlimited Signals with Multi-Channel Time Encoding

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    Sampling is classically performed by recording the amplitude of the input at given time instants; however, sampling and reconstructing a signal using multiple devices in parallel becomes a more difficult problem to solve when the devices have an unknown shift in their clocks. Alternatively, one can record the times at which a signal (or its integral) crosses given thresholds. This can model integrate-and-fire neurons, for example, and has been studied by Lazar and Tóth under the name of "Time Encoding Machines". This sampling method is closer to what is found in nature. In this paper, we show that, when using time encoding machines, reconstruction from multiple channels has a more intuitive solution, and does not require the knowledge of the shifts between machines. We show that, if single-channel time encoding can sample and perfectly reconstruct a 2Ω-bandlimited signal, then M-channel time encoding can sample and perfectly reconstruct a signal with M times the bandwidth. Furthermore, we present an algorithm to perform this reconstruction and prove that it converges to the correct unique solution, in the noiseless case, without knowledge of the relative shifts between the machines. This is quite unlike classical multi-channel sampling, where unknown shifts between sampling devices pose a problem for perfect reconstruction