5 research outputs found

    Generic Attack on Iterated Tweakable FX Constructions

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    International audienceTweakable block ciphers are increasingly becoming a common primitive to build new resilient modes as well as a concept for multiple dedicated designs. While regular block ciphers define a family of permutations indexed by a secret key, tweakable ones define a family of permutations indexed by both a secret key and a public tweak. In this work we formalize and study a generic framework for building such a tweakable block cipher based on regular block ciphers, the iterated tweakable FX construction, which includes many such previous constructions of tweakable block ciphers. Then we describe a cryptanal-ysis from which we can derive a provable security upper-bound for all constructions following this tweakable iterated FX strategy. Concretely, the cryptanalysis of r rounds of our generic construction based on n-bit block ciphers with κ-bit keys requires O(2 r r+1 (n+κ)) online and offline queries. For r = 2 rounds this interestingly matches the proof of the particular case of XHX2 by Lee and Lee (ASIACRYPT 2018) thus proving for the first time its tightness. In turn, the XHX and XHX2 proofs show that our generic cryptanalysis is information theoretically optimal for 1 and 2 rounds

    Insuperability of the Standard Versus Ideal Model Gap for Tweakable Blockcipher Security

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    Insuperability of the Standard Versus Ideal Model Gap for Tweakable Blockcipher Security

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    Insuperability of the standard versus ideal model gap for tweakable blockcipher security

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    Abstract. Two types of tweakable blockciphers based on classical blockciphers have been presented over the last years: non-tweak-rekeyable and tweak-rekeyable, depending on whether the tweak may influence the key input to the underlying blockcipher. In the former direction, the best possible security is conjectured to be 2σn/(σ+1),where n is the size of the blockcipher and σ is the number of blockcipher calls. In the latter direction, Mennink and Wang et al. presented optimally secure schemes, but only in the ideal cipher model. We investigate the possibility to construct a tweak-rekeyable cipher that achieves optimal security in the standard cipher model. As a first step, we note that all standard-model security results in literature implicitly rely on a generic standard-to-ideal transformation, that replaces all keyed blockcipher calls by random secret permutations, at the cost of the security of the blockcipher. Then, we prove that if this proof technique is adopted, tweak-rekeying will not help in achieving optimal security: if 2σn/(σ+1) is the best one can get without tweak-rekeying, optimal 2n provable security with tweak-rekeying is impossible

    TEDT, a Leakage-Resilient AEAD mode for High (Physical) Security Applications

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    We propose TEDT, a new Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) mode leveraging Tweakable Block Ciphers (TBCs). TEDT provides the following features: (i) It offers asymptotically optimal security in the multi-user setting. (ii) It offers nonce misuse-resilience, that is, the repetition of nonces does not impact the security of ciphertexts produced with fresh nonces. (iii) It offers KDM security in the multi-user setting, that is, its security is maintained even if key-dependent messages are encrypted. (iv) It offers full leakage-resilience, that is, it limits the exploitability of physical leakages via side-channel attacks, even if these leakages happen during every message encryption and decryption operation. (v) It can be implemented with a remarkably low energy cost when strong resistance to side-channel attacks is needed, supports online encryption and handles static & incremental associated data efficiently. Concretely, TEDT encourages leveled implementations, in which two TBCs are implemented: one needs strong and energy demanding protections against side-channel attacks but is used in a limited way, while the other only requires weak and energy efficient protections and performs the bulk of the computation. As a result, TEDT leads to considerably more energy efficient implementations compared to traditional AEAD schemes, whose side-channel security requires to uniformly protect every (T)BC execution