45 research outputs found

    Quality-Aware Network for Face Parsing

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    This is a very short technical report, which introduces the solution of the Team BUPT-CASIA for Short-video Face Parsing Track of The 3rd Person in Context (PIC) Workshop and Challenge at CVPR 2021. Face parsing has recently attracted increasing interest due to its numerous application potentials. Generally speaking, it has a lot in common with human parsing, such as task setting, data characteristics, number of categories and so on. Therefore, this work applies state-of-the-art human parsing method to face parsing task to explore the similarities and differences between them. Our submission achieves 86.84% score and wins the 2nd place in the challenge.Comment: 2nd place in Short-video Face Parsing Track of The 3rd Person in Context (PIC) Workshop and Challenge at CVPR 202

    Learning to Reconstruct People in Clothing from a Single RGB Camera

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    We present a learning-based model to infer the personalized 3D shape of people from a few frames (1-8) of a monocular video in which the person is moving, in less than 10 seconds with a reconstruction accuracy of 5mm. Our model learns to predict the parameters of a statistical body model and instance displacements that add clothing and hair to the shape. The model achieves fast and accurate predictions based on two key design choices. First, by predicting shape in a canonical T-pose space, the network learns to encode the images of the person into pose-invariant latent codes, where the information is fused. Second, based on the observation that feed-forward predictions are fast but do not always align with the input images, we predict using both, bottom-up and top-down streams (one per view) allowing information to flow in both directions. Learning relies only on synthetic 3D data. Once learned, the model can take a variable number of frames as input, and is able to reconstruct shapes even from a single image with an accuracy of 6mm. Results on 3 different datasets demonstrate the efficacy and accuracy of our approach

    Learning to Dress {3D} People in Generative Clothing

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    Three-dimensional human body models are widely used in the analysis of human pose and motion. Existing models, however, are learned from minimally-clothed 3D scans and thus do not generalize to the complexity of dressed people in common images and videos. Additionally, current models lack the expressive power needed to represent the complex non-linear geometry of pose-dependent clothing shapes. To address this, we learn a generative 3D mesh model of clothed people from 3D scans with varying pose and clothing. Specifically, we train a conditional Mesh-VAE-GAN to learn the clothing deformation from the SMPL body model, making clothing an additional term in SMPL. Our model is conditioned on both pose and clothing type, giving the ability to draw samples of clothing to dress different body shapes in a variety of styles and poses. To preserve wrinkle detail, our Mesh-VAE-GAN extends patchwise discriminators to 3D meshes. Our model, named CAPE, represents global shape and fine local structure, effectively extending the SMPL body model to clothing. To our knowledge, this is the first generative model that directly dresses 3D human body meshes and generalizes to different poses. The model, code and data are available for research purposes at https://cape.is.tue.mpg.de.Comment: CVPR-2020 camera ready. Code and data are available at https://cape.is.tue.mpg.d

    SIZER: A Dataset and Model for Parsing 3D Clothing and Learning Size Sensitive 3D Clothing

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    While models of 3D clothing learned from real data exist, no method can predict clothing deformation as a function of garment size. In this paper, we introduce SizerNet to predict 3D clothing conditioned on human body shape and garment size parameters, and ParserNet to infer garment meshes and shape under clothing with personal details in a single pass from an input mesh. SizerNet allows to estimate and visualize the dressing effect of a garment in various sizes, and ParserNet allows to edit clothing of an input mesh directly, removing the need for scan segmentation, which is a challenging problem in itself. To learn these models, we introduce the SIZER dataset of clothing size variation which includes 100100 different subjects wearing casual clothing items in various sizes, totaling to approximately 2000 scans. This dataset includes the scans, registrations to the SMPL model, scans segmented in clothing parts, garment category and size labels. Our experiments show better parsing accuracy and size prediction than baseline methods trained on SIZER. The code, model and dataset will be released for research purposes.Comment: European Conference on Computer Vision 202