1,857 research outputs found

    Grtler Instability and Its Control via Surface Suction over an Axisymmetric Cone at Mach 6

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    The characteristics of Grtler instability over an axisymmetric cone with an aft concave section are studied via linear and nonlinear instability analysis and direct numerical simulations. Several options for the cone geometry have been investigated numerically, subject to a fixed forecone section and constraints on the maximum cone diameter, overall cone length, and minimum N-factor for the most amplified Grtler modes. Computations show that it is possible to design a cone with a peak N-factor of Nmax > 8 at the target Reynolds number of 12.110(exp 6) per meter, corresponding to the maximum quiet Reynolds number in the Boeing/AFOSR Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel at Purdue University. Direct numerical simulations show that an array of roughness elements corresponding to a peak roughness height of 0.1006 mm at the center can excite Grtler vortices that evolve into sufficiently strong streamwise streaks that may break down via high-frequency secondary instability. Thus, the selected axisymmetric configuration of interest should provide an acceptable baseline to investigate the feasibility of several aspects of laminar-flow control via boundary-layer suction. The apparatus that is being used for measurements in the Boeing/AFOSR Quiet Tunnel is described, along with some preliminary experimental results

    Boundary Layer Stability and Laminar-Turbulent Transition Analysis with Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Applied to Martian Atmospheric Entry

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    As Martian atmospheric entry vehicles increase in size to accommodate larger payloads, transitional ow may need to be taken into account in the design of the heat shield in order to reduce heat shield mass. The mass of the Thermal Protection System (TPS) comprises a significant portion of the vehicle mass, and a reduction of this mass would result in fuel savings. The current techniques used to design entry shields generally assume fully turbulent flow when the vehicle is large enough to expect transitional flow, and while this worst-case scenario provides a greater factor of safety it may also result in overdesigned TPS and unnecessarily high vehicle mass. Greater accuracy in the prediction of transition would also reduce uncertainty in the thermal and aerodynamic loads. Stability analysis, using e(sup N) -based methods including Linear Stability Theory (LST) and the Parabolized Stability Equations (PSE), offers a physics-based method of transition prediction that has been thoroughly studied and applied in perfect gas flows, and to a more limited extent in reacting and nonequilibrium flows. These methods predict the amplification of a known disturbance frequency and allow identification of the most unstable frequency. Transition is predicted to occur at a critical amplification or N Factor, frequently determined through experiment and empirical correlations. The LAngley Stability and TRansition Analysis Code (LASTRAC), with modifications for thermochemically reacting flows and arbitrary gas mixtures, will be presented with LST results on a simulation of a high enthalpy CO2 gas wind tunnel test relevant to Martian atmospheric entry. The results indicate transition caused by modified Tollmien-Schlichting waves on the leeward side, which are predicted to be more stable and cause transition slightly downstream when thermochemical nonequilibrium is included in the stability analysis for the same mean flow solution

    Nonlinear Grtler Vortices and Their Secondary Instability in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer

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    Nonlinear development of the Grtler instability over a concave surface gives rise to a highly distorted inflectional flow field in the boundary layer that leads to both wall-normal and spanwise gradients in the flow. Such nonlinear structures are susceptible to strong, high-frequency secondary instabilities that may lead to the onset of laminar-turbulent transition. The present numerical study uses direct numerical simulations and linear secondary instability theory to investigate finite amplitude Grtler vortices and their secondary instability characteristics, respectively, in the hypersonic flow over an axisymmetric cone with a concave aft body. To complement previous studies in the literature wherein the Grtler instability was usually studied for a flat plate and initiated at some upstream location by imposing an eigenfunction as the inflow condition or by blowing and suction at the wall, the present investigation is focused on fully realizable Grtler instability that is excited by an azimuthally periodic array of surface protuberances. Furthermore, while the previous work had mostly focused on the secondary instability of Grtler vortices with cross-plane velocity contours that resembled bell-shaped structures, the present results confirm that fully developed mushroom structures also exist in the hypersonic regime when the Grtler vortex amplitude is sufficiently large. Computations further reveal that the dominant modes of secondary instability in these mushroom-shaped structures correspond to an antisymmetic (i.e., sinuous) stem mode that concentrates within the strong, nearly wall-normal internal shear layers surrounding the stem regions underneath the caps of the mushroom structures. Additionally, there exist a multitude of other significantly unstable secondary instability modes of both symmetric and antisymmetric types. Analogous to the secondary instability of crossflow vortices in hypersonic flows, secondary instability modes of both symmetric and antisymmetric types. Analogous to the secondary instability of crossflow vortices in hypersonic flows, secondary instability modes originating from the Mack mode instability play an important role during the nonlinear breakdown process

    Reynolds number influences in aeronautics

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    Reynolds number, a measure of the ratio of inertia to viscous forces, is a fundamental similarity parameter for fluid flows and therefore, would be expected to have a major influence in aerodynamics and aeronautics. Reynolds number influences are generally large, but monatomic, for attached laminar (continuum) flow; however, laminar flows are easily separated, inducing even stronger, non-monatomic, Reynolds number sensitivities. Probably the strongest Reynolds number influences occur in connection with transitional flow behavior. Transition can take place over a tremendous Reynolds number range, from the order of 20 x 10(exp 3) for 2-D free shear layers up to the order of 100 x 10(exp 6) for hypersonic boundary layers. This variability in transition behavior is especially important for complex configurations where various vehicle and flow field elements can undergo transition at various Reynolds numbers, causing often surprising changes in aerodynamics characteristics over wide ranges in Reynolds number. This is further compounded by the vast parameterization associated with transition, in that any parameter which influences mean viscous flow development (e.g., pressure gradient, flow curvature, wall temperature, Mach number, sweep, roughness, flow chemistry, shock interactions, etc.), and incident disturbance fields (acoustics, vorticity, particulates, temperature spottiness, even electro static discharges) can alter transition locations to first order. The usual method of dealing with the transition problem is to trip the flow in the generally lower Reynolds number wind tunnel to simulate the flight turbulent behavior. However, this is not wholly satisfactory as it results in incorrectly scaled viscous region thicknesses and cannot be utilized at all for applications such as turbine blades and helicopter rotors, nacelles, leading edge and nose regions, and High Altitude Long Endurance and hypersonic airbreathers where the transitional flow is an innately critical portion of the problem

    Laminar-Turbulent Transition Upstream of the Entropy-Layer Swallowing Location in Hypersonic Boundary Layers

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    Numerical and experimental studies have demonstrated that modal growth of planar Mack modes is responsible for laminar-turbulent transition on sharp cones at hypersonic speeds. However, the physical mechanisms that lead to transition onset upstream of the entropy-layer swallowing location over sufficiently blunt geometries are not well understood as yet. Modal amplification is too weak or nonexistent to initiate transition at moderate-to-large bluntness values. Nonmodal analysis shows that, with increasing nose bluntness, both planar and oblique traveling disturbances that peak within the entropy layer experience appreciable energy amplification. However, because of the relatively weak signature of the nonmodal traveling disturbances within the boundary-layer region, the route to transition onset subsequent to the nonmodal growth remains unclear. Thus, nonlinear parabolized stability equations (NPSE) and direct numerical simulations (DNS) have been used to investigate the potential transition mechanisms over a 7-degree blunt cone that was tested in the AFRL Mach-6 high-Reynoldsnumber facility. Computations are performed to separately follow the nonlinear development of two classes of inflow disturbances, namely, a pair of oblique traveling waves with equal but opposite angles with respect to the mean flow direction and a planar traveling wave. Results in both cases show an excellent agreement between the NPSE and DNS predictions, establishing that the NPSE is an accurate and efficient technique for predicting the nonlinear development for these particular nonmodal traveling disturbances. Computations reveal that the oblique mode interactions lead to the generation of stationary streaks inside the boundary layer that, in turn, facilitate the growth of a subharmonic sinuous disturbance. For relatively modest amplitudes of the inflow disturbance, the oblique-mode breakdown can lead to transition at the measured location of transition onset during the experiment. On the other hand, the nonlinear development of a planar traveling wave leads to the formation of inclined structures just above the boundary-layer edge and these structures are strongly reminiscent of the transitional events observed during blunt cone experiments by using schlieren flow visualizations

    Effect of Distributed Patch of Smooth Roughness Elements on Transition in a High-Speed Boundary Layer

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    Surface roughness is known to have a substantial impact on the aerothermodynamic loading of hypersonic vehicles, particularly via its influence on the laminar-turbulent transition process within the boundary layer. Numerical simulations are performed to investigate the effects of a distributed region of densely packed, smooth-shaped roughness elements on the laminar boundary layer over a 7-degree half-angle, circular cone for flow conditions corresponding to a selected trajectory point from the ascent phase of the HIFiRE-1 flight experiment. For peak-to-valley roughness heights of 50 percent or less in comparison with the thickness of the unperturbed boundary layer, the computations converge to a stationary flow, suggesting that the flow is globally stable. Analysis of convective instabilities in the wake of the roughness patch indicates two dominant families of unstable disturbances, namely, a high frequency mode that corresponds to Mack mode waves modified by the wake and a lower frequency mode that corresponds to shear layer instabilities associated with the streaks in the roughness wake. Even though the peak growth rate of the later mode is more than 35 percent greater than the peak growth rates of the Mack modes, the latter modes achieve higher amplification ratios, and hence, are likely to dominate the onset of transition, which is estimated to occur slightly later than that in the unperturbed, i.e., smooth surface boundary layer. Additional computations are performed to investigate the effects of various roughness patch configurations on a Mach 3.5 flat plate boundary layer, to help guide an upcoming experiment in the Mach 3.5 Supersonic Low Disturbance Tunnel at NASA Langley Research Center. In this case, the cumulative reinforcement of basic state distortion over the length of the roughness patch is predicted to yield a significantly earlier transition than that over a smooth plate or a plate with a shorter length roughness patch

    Multiple Boundary Layer Instability Modes with Nonequilibrium and Wall Temperature Effects Using LASTRAC

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    Prediction and control of boundary layer transition from laminar to turbulent is important to many flow regimes and vehicle designs, including vehicles operating at hypersonic conditions where nonequilibrium effects may be encountered. Wall cooling is known to affect the instability characteristics of the boundary layer and subsequently the transition location. Design considerations, including material failure and fuel chemistry, require the use of actively cooled walls in hypersonic vehicles, further motivating the study of wall temperature effects on top of the considerations of reducing heat flux, drag, and uncertainty. In this work, we analyze the stability of a boundary layer with chemical and thermal nonequilibrium on a Mach 20, 6 wedge. We investigate the effects of wall temperature on multiple unstable modes individually and on the integrated growth of disturbances along the surface. We use the LAngley Stability and TRansition Analysis Code (LASTRAC) to evaluate boundary layer stability, using capabilities implemented by the authors. Included are results that address chemical nonequilibrium with both thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium

    Nonmodal Growth of TravelingWaves on Blunt Cones at Hypersonic Speeds

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    The existing database of transition measurements in hypersonic ground facilities has established that, as the nosetip bluntness is increased, the onset of boundary layer transition over a circular cone at zero angle of attack shifts downstream. However, this trend is reversed at sufficiently large values of the nose Reynolds number, so that the transition onset location eventually moves upstream with a further increase in nose-tip bluntness. Because modal amplification is too weak to initiate transition at moderate-to-large bluntness values, nonmodal growth has been investigated as the potential basis for a physics-based model for the frustum transition. The present analysis investigates the nonmodal growth of traveling disturbances initiated within the nose-tip vicinity that peak within the entropy layer. Results show that, with increasing nose bluntness, both planar and oblique traveling disturbances experience appreciable energy amplification up to successively higher frequencies. For moderately blunt cones, the initial nonmmodal growth is followed by a partial decay that is more than overcome by an eventual, modal growth as Mack-mode waves. For larger bluntness values, the Mack-mode waves are not amplified anywhere upstream of the experimentally measured transition location, but the traveling modes still undergo a significant amount of nonmodal growth. This finding does not provide a definitive link between optimal growth and the onset of transition, but it is qualitatively consistent with the experimental observations that frustum transition in the absence of sufficient Mack-mode amplification implies a double peak in disturbance amplification and the appearance of transitional events above the boundary-layer edge

    Nonlinear Instability of Hypersonic Flow past a Wedge

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    The nonlinear stability of a compressible flow past a wedge is investigated in the hypersonic limit. The analysis follows the ideas of a weakly nonlinear approach. Interest is focussed on Tollmien-Schlichting waves governed by a triple deck structure and it is found that the attached shock can profoundly affect the stability characteristics of the flow. In particular, it is shown that nonlinearity tends to have a stabilizing influence. The nonlinear evolution of the Tollmien-Schlichting mode is described in a number of asymptotic limits
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