7 research outputs found


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    Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan aplikasi Web GIS untuk membantu proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penanggulangan bencana banjir lahar terutama pada tahap tanggap darurat dan pemulihan dari dampak bencana pada infrastruktur di Kabupaten Sleman. Kuesioner dan wawancara semi-terstruktur yang digunakan untuk menginventarisir kebutuhan sistem, ketersediaan data, prosedur kolaborasi, dan evaluasi dari prototype aplikasi yangtelah dibuat. Aplikasi yang telah dibangun dilengkapi dengan analisis spasial khusus untuk pemilihan lokasi hunian sementara, dan beberapa alat untuk memilih prioritas pada perbaikan infrastruktur menggonakan hexagonal grid model. Hasil evaluasi dari prototype menunjukan bahwa hampir semua responden memberikan penilaian yang baik untuk sistem. 80% dari mereka setuju bahwa aplikasi ini akan sangat berguna. Namun, beberapa saran dan masukan perlu diakomodasi untuk membuat sistem sepenuhnya diimplementasikan dan user friendly.Kata kunci : lahar, manajemen bencana, Web GIS, dan MCD

    Design of a web-based LBS framework addressing usability, cost, and implementation constraints

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    This research investigates barriers that prevent Location Based Services (LBS) from reaching its full potential. The different constraints, including poor usability, lack of positioning support, costs, and integration difficulties are highlighted. A framework was designed incorporating components based on existing and new technologies that could help address the constraints of LBS and increase end-user acceptance. This research proposes that usability constraints can be addressed by adapting a system to user characteristics which are inferred on the basis of captured user context and interaction data. A prototype LBS system was developed to prove the feasibility and benefit of the framework design, demonstrating that constraints of positioning, cost, and integration can be overcome. Volunteers were asked to use the system, and to answer questions in relation to their proficiency and experience. User-feedback showed that the proposed combination of functionality was well-received, and the prototype was appealing to many users. Ground-truths from the survey were related back to data captured with a user monitoring component in order to investigate whether users can be classified according to their context and how they interact. The results have shown that statistically significant relationships exist, and that by using the C4.5 decision-tree, computer proficiency can be estimated within one class-width in 76.7% of the cases. These results suggest that it may be possible to build a user-model to estimate computer proficiency on the basis of user-interaction data. The user model could then used to improve usability through adaptive user-specific customisations

    Inspecting user interface quality in web gis applications

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    Web GIS applications can be found in many domains. The quality of the interfaces of applications determines not only the usability of such applications, but the possibilities offered to their users. This work investigates aspects of interface quality for Web GIS applications. The approach adopts an inspection evaluation based on ISO 9241. Preliminary results show the effectiveness of such an approach to user interface evaluation as a complement to tests with users.Pages: 201-21

    SunSpot: A Spatial Decision Support Web-Application for Exploring Urban Solar Energy Potential

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    The growing necessity for meaningful climate change response has encouraged the development of global warming mitigation and adaptation initiatives. Urban solar energy generation is one opportunity that has been investigated by numerous cities through various solar potential Web-applications. However, as solar feasibility can vary considerably across a small geographic area due to variations in local topography and feature shading, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to be implemented. This thesis investigates how a Web-based spatial decision support system (SDSS) can enable non-experts to explore urban solar feasibility and, to a lesser extent, issues related to urban heat. First, a conceptual framework is developed that investigates the linkages between SDSS, Web technologies, public participation, volunteered geographic information, and existing green energy initiatives. This framework identifies the relevance between these fields of study as well as a number of opportunities for improving on past work and taking advantage of new technical capabilities. Second, in order to test the opportunities identified, SunSpot was developed. This Web-SDSS investigates rooftop solar feasibility as well as land cover and surface temperature dynamics relating to the urban heat-island effect in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A number of solar resource datasets were developed in order to facilitate the decision making capabilities of SunSpot. This was done using a combination of different topographical data sources, atmospheric data, and a raster-based irradiance model called Solar Analyst. Third, a number of in-person workshops were conducted to obtain feedback on SunSpot’s usability and ability for users to understand the visual layers and results. Finally, this feedback was analyzed to identify the successes and challenges of SunSpot’s capabilities and design. This revealed a number of recommendations for further development of SunSpot, as well as opportunities for future research relating to the development of local scale solar resource data and the development of similar Web-SDSS applications


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    Abstract: Web GIS applications can be found in many domains. The quality of the interfaces of applications determines not only the usability of such applications, but the possibilities offered to their users. This work investigates aspects of interface quality for Web GIS applications. The approach adopts an inspection evaluation based on ISO 9241. Preliminary results show the effectiveness of such an approach to user interface evaluation as a complement to tests with users

    Usability Of Web Gis Applications From User Perspective: A Case Study [usabilidade De Aplicações Sig Web Na Perspectiva Do Usuário: Um Estudo De Caso]

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    Web GIS applications have received marked attention in the last years, since geographic information can be visualizated/manipulated in different places, for different profiles of users, using the Internet. This increases the complexity implementation of GIS applications, both with regard to functional aspects, and in computer-human interface aspects. The goal of this work is to illustrate the concept and techniques of usability in the context of interfaces for Web GIS applications, by means of a case study of usability test for these applications.(2005) Agritempo, , http://www.agritempo.gov.br, on line, Disponível em:, Último acesso: 06/09/2005Barnum, C., (2002) Usability Testing and Research, , Longman. New YorkDumas, J.S., Redish, J.C.E., (1994) A Practical Guide to Usability Testing, , Ablex, Norwood, NJ(1998) 9241-14 Ergonomic Requirements for Office Work with Visual Display Terminals (VDTs) - Part 14 Menu Dialogues, , ISO/IECKeirnan, T., Anschuetz, L., Rosenbaum, S.E., Combining usability research with documentation development for improved user support (2002) Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Computer Documentation, SIGDOC'02, pp. 84-89. , October 20-23, Toronto, Ontário, CanadáMayhew, D.J., (1999) The Usability Engineering Lifecycle, , Morgan Kaufman, San FranciscoNielsen, J., (1993) Usability Engineering, , Academic Press, Inc. San DiegoNielsen, J., (1994) Guerilla HCI: Using Discount Usability Engineering to Penetrate the Intimidation Barrier in Cost Justifying Usability, pp. 242-272. , (editors: Bias, R.G. e Mayhew, D.J.), Academic Press, BostonPinelle, D., Gutwin, C.E., Task analysis for groupware usability evaluation: Modeling shared-workspace tasks the mechanics of collaboration (2003) ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, TOCHI, 10 (4), pp. 281-311. , December- 2003Rocha, H.V., Da Baranauskas, M.C.C., Design e avaliação de interfaces humano-computador (2003) Núcleo de Informática Aplicada à Educação, NIED, , Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMPRosson, M.B., Carrol, J.M.E., Usability engineering (2002) Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction, , Morgan Kaufmann PublishersSchimiguel, J., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Inspecting user interface quality in web GIS applications (2004) Proceedings of VI Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics, GEOINFO2004, , Campos do Jordão, SPSchimiguel, J., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Investigando aspectos de interação em aplicaçõ es sig na web voltadas ao domínio agrícola (2004) Anais do VI Simpósio Sobre Fatores Humanos Em Sistemas Computacionais, IHC2004, , Curitiba, PRSchimiguel, J., Melo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Accessibility as a quality requirement: Geographic information systems on the web (2005) Conferencia LatinoAmericana de Interacción Humano-Computadora, CLIHC2005, , Cuernavaca, México(2005) SIMEPAR, , http://www.simepar.br, Simepar, [on line]. Disponível em:, Último acesso: 06/09/200

    Um Framework Para Avaliação De Interfaces De Aplicações Sig Web

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    User Interfaces in Web applications of Geographic Information Systems (WebGIS) have been developed without the use of practices and criteria that consider characteristics of this application domain, given the diversity of users in the Web. The interface quality of these applications directly influences their use. This work proposes a semiotic-based framework for the evaluation of GIS applications' interfaces. A set of evaluation recomendations illustrates the framework usage in the GIS domain.168177ABNT, Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. Disponível em: http://www.abnt.com.br. Último acesso: 16/05/2006 (2006)Agritempo, Sistema de Monitoramento Agro-meteorológico. Disponível em: http://www.agritempo.gov.br. Último acesso: 07/05/2006 (2006)Baranauskas, M.C.C., Schimiguel, J., Medeiros, C.M.B., Simoni, C.A.C., (2005) Guiding the Process of Requirements Elicitation with a Semiotic Approach - A Case Study. HCI International, , Las Vegas, USACâmara, G., Casanova, M.A., Hemerly, A.S., Magalhães, G.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., (1996) Anatomina de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, 10 a Escola de Computação, , IC-UNICAMPCambridge Dictionary. Disponível em: http://dictionary.cambridge. org. Último acesso: 07/05/2006 (2006)Embrapa, Disponível em: http://www.cnpm.embrapa.br/. Último acesso: 16/05/2006FUNCEME, Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Chuvas. Disponível em: http://www.funceme.br/. Último acesso: 16/05/2006IS09241, Ergonomie Requirements for Office Work with Visual Display Terminals -VDTs, ISO, Genève, Switzerland 1997Liu, K., (2000) Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeMapInfo. Disponível em: http://www.mapinfo.com/. Último acesso: 07/05/2006 (2006)MapObjects. Disponível em: http://www.esri.com/software/ mapobjects. Último acesso: 07/05/2006 (2006)MCT, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Disponível em: http://www.mct.gov.br. Último acesso: 16/05/2006 (2006)Melo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Bonilha, F.F.G., Avaliação de Acessibilidade na Web com a Participação do Usuário: Um Estudo de Caso (2004) VI Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, , Curitiba, PRMorris, C.S., (1946) Language and Behaviour, , New York, Prentice Hall, BrazillerNakakoji, K., Gross, M.D., Candy, L., Edmonds, E., Tools, Conceptual Frameworks, and Empirical Studies for Early Stages of Design (2001) ACM CHI2001Preece, J., Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., (2002) Interaction Design, , John Wiley & SonsSchimiguel, J., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Investigando Aspectos de Interação em Aplicações SIG na Web voltadas ao Domínio Agrícola. VI Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, 1, pp. 125-136. , Curitiba, PRSchimiguel, J., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Inspecting User Interface Quality in Web GIS Applications GEOINFO2004 Symposium on Geolnformatics, 1, pp. 201-219. , Campos do Jordão, SPSchimiguel, J., Melo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Accessibility as a Quality Requirement: Geographic Information Systems on the Web Proc. of Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 124, pp. 8-19Schimiguel, J., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Usabilidade de Aplicações SIG Web na Perspectiva do Usuário: Um estado de caso (2006) Revista IP Informática Pública, 8 (1). , Belo Horizonte, MGSIMEPAR, Tecnologia e Informações Ambientais. Disponível em: http://www.simepar.br. Último acesso: 07/05/2006 (2006)Simoni, C.A.C., Melo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., A Case Study (2005) The 8 th International Workshop on Organisational Semiotics, , Towards a Social-based Process for Information System Development:, Toulouse, FranceStamper, R.K., (1973) Information, , Batsford, London and Wiley, New YorkW3C, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. Disponível em: http://www.w3.org/. Último acesso: 18/05/2006 (2006