191 research outputs found

    Important Trematodes In Man In Indonesia

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    Trematode infections are considered to be a non public health problem in Indonesia, with the excep­tion of the two species namely Schistosoma japonicum and Fasciolopsis buski which are still assumed to be the most important trematodes of Indonesia. Other trematode infections reported occasionally were caused by: Echinostoma spp, Haplorchis yokogawai, Haplorchis taichui, Paralecithodendrium molenkampi, Phaneropsolus bonnei and Plachiorchis javensis. Schistosoma japonicum infection has been known to be endemic among the inhabitants of Lake Lindu since 1937. Surveys carried out since that time revealed prevalence rates which varied from 8-55%. Further studies proved that the species at Lindu were similar to the species found in Asia. Resurvey initiated in 1971 gave almost a similar prevalence rate followed by the discovery of the molluscan intermediate host namely Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis. In 1972 a new focus of schistosomiasis was discovered at Napu Valley. Other survey did not reveal any other endemic foci. The result of a biological study carried out since 1976 reconfirmed the diagnosis of the species. Clinical study showed that the significant signs and symptoms of schistosomiasis found among the Lindu inhabitants were : dermatitis, diarrhea, dysentry, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, distention of the abdomen, melaena. hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Control of schistosomiasis was initiated in 1981, using praziquantel for mass treatment. Twelve cycles of treatment at Lake Lindu area and 10 cycles at Napu Valley resulted in a reduction of overall prevalence rate from 15,80 % at Lindu area in 1981 to 1,14 % in 1987 whereas in Napu Valley the reduction was from 35,8 % in 1982 to 1,00 % in 1987. Fasciolopsis buski infection was first reported in 1982 from the Regency of Babirik, Hulu Sungai Utara in South Kalimantan Province. The following survey in that area in 1986 revealed a prevalence rate of 27,0 %. Clinical examination showed that some of the complaints were : diarrhea, poor appetite, mild abdominal colic or burning sensation, vomiting and fever. Physical examination revealed emaciation, anemia, distented abdomen, ascites, and jaundice. Another survey in four other adjacent villages showed prevalence rates that varied from 0,00% - 68,3%. The epidemiological survey carried out recendy did not reveal the intermediate hosts except only two metacercariae which could not be identified

    Military hospital ships: practical notes for medical officers on the selection, equipment, organization, and administration of a military hospital ship

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    An endeavour has been made in these notes to justify their claim to being "practical" as set forth in the title.The sequence of events has been taken in its natural order from the sebection of the ship to the description of a complete voyage.The question of selection'devolves least on the Medical Officer,and therefore has been dealt with shottly. As regards the fitting -out and equipping of a Hospital Ship,it is most unlikely that,unaided,this duty would aver fall to any Medical Officer to supervise. The work in practically every known case falls to the Admiralty to carry out,but practical suggestions from Medical Officers, I have always found are welcomed.As before mentioned,it would be to my mind a mere waste of time to attempt to give all details of dimensions of pantries,and other structures,spaces between cots,and other such minutiae.Better it is,I think,to accept the standard we all know, and to rest content with suggestions for improvement on that standard.It is with organization and administration that all but a very few Medical Officers called to hospital ship duty will have to deal.For the working of a Hospital ship there is no standard set, and often no previous experience 7upon which to act


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    Quan, el 1992, vam fer la presentació oficial del GEDE a l'INEFC de Barcelona, ja dúiem un temps treballant al voltant d'aspectes que feien referència a les dones i l'esport. Vam creure que ja havia arribat el moment d'oficialitzar la nostra tasca i, aleshores, vam trobar a l'INEFC tot el recolzament que necessitàvem. La nostra intenció era engegar un espai on poder treballar i investigar els condicionants i les característiques que ens ajudessin a entendre un món tan complicat com el de l'esport i, sobretot, la seva relació amb el món de les dones. A llarg d'aquests sis anys, hem engegat una sèrie de treballs, estudis, investigacions i projectes pràctics que hem pogut desenvolupar gràcies a que aquest àmbit ha estat inclòs dins de les línies d'investigació de l'INEFC, a més d'haver gaudit d'ajuts de la Generalitat de Catalunya i de col·laboracions amb la Diputació de Barcelona. Arribat aquest moment, creiem que seria interessant posar a l'abast dels lectors de la revista alguns dels treballs que hem portat a terme

    Quanta Mathematica Instrumentalis!

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    Quanta mathematica instrumentalis, from Latin, might mean How much mathematics for physical applications. But we try to give this expression another meaning. \ud We discuss how mathematics and its instrumental nature could serve as paradigm for other human activities and science in general. We introduce notions of higher observer and field of information. We discuss question why we are to study and develop mathematics more diligently than we do in natural way.\u

    Cada quinze dies

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