20,484 research outputs found

    An incremental approach to genetic algorithms based classification

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    Incremental learning has been widely addressed in the machine learning literature to cope with learning tasks where the learning environment is ever changing or training samples become available over time. However, most research work explores incremental learning with statistical algorithms or neural networks, rather than evolutionary algorithms. The work in this paper employs genetic algorithms (GAs) as basic learning algorithms for incremental learning within one or more classifier agents in a multi-agent environment. Four new approaches with different initialization schemes are proposed. They keep the old solutions and use an “integration” operation to integrate them with new elements to accommodate new attributes, while biased mutation and crossover operations are adopted to further evolve a reinforced solution. The simulation results on benchmark classification data sets show that the proposed approaches can deal with the arrival of new input attributes and integrate them with the original input space. It is also shown that the proposed approaches can be successfully used for incremental learning and improve classification rates as compared to the retraining GA. Possible applications for continuous incremental training and feature selection are also discussed

    Incremental multiple objective genetic algorithms

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    This paper presents a new genetic algorithm approach to multi-objective optimization problemsIncremental Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithms (IMOGA). Different from conventional MOGA methods, it takes each objective into consideration incrementally. The whole evolution is divided into as many phases as the number of objectives, and one more objective is considered in each phase. Each phase is composed of two stages: first, an independent population is evolved to optimize one specific objective; second, the better-performing individuals from the evolved single-objective population and the multi-objective population evolved in the last phase are joined together by the operation of integration. The resulting population then becomes an initial multi-objective population, to which a multi-objective evolution based on the incremented objective set is applied. The experiment results show that, in most problems, the performance of IMOGA is better than that of three other MOGAs, NSGA-II, SPEA and PAES. IMOGA can find more solutions during the same time span, and the quality of solutions is better

    Catastrophic forgetting: still a problem for DNNs

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    We investigate the performance of DNNs when trained on class-incremental visual problems consisting of initial training, followed by retraining with added visual classes. Catastrophic forgetting (CF) behavior is measured using a new evaluation procedure that aims at an application-oriented view of incremental learning. In particular, it imposes that model selection must be performed on the initial dataset alone, as well as demanding that retraining control be performed only using the retraining dataset, as initial dataset is usually too large to be kept. Experiments are conducted on class-incremental problems derived from MNIST, using a variety of different DNN models, some of them recently proposed to avoid catastrophic forgetting. When comparing our new evaluation procedure to previous approaches for assessing CF, we find their findings are completely negated, and that none of the tested methods can avoid CF in all experiments. This stresses the importance of a realistic empirical measurement procedure for catastrophic forgetting, and the need for further research in incremental learning for DNNs.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 201

    Artificial Neural Network Pruning to Extract Knowledge

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    Artificial Neural Networks (NN) are widely used for solving complex problems from medical diagnostics to face recognition. Despite notable successes, the main disadvantages of NN are also well known: the risk of overfitting, lack of explainability (inability to extract algorithms from trained NN), and high consumption of computing resources. Determining the appropriate specific NN structure for each problem can help overcome these difficulties: Too poor NN cannot be successfully trained, but too rich NN gives unexplainable results and may have a high chance of overfitting. Reducing precision of NN parameters simplifies the implementation of these NN, saves computing resources, and makes the NN skills more transparent. This paper lists the basic NN simplification problems and controlled pruning procedures to solve these problems. All the described pruning procedures can be implemented in one framework. The developed procedures, in particular, find the optimal structure of NN for each task, measure the influence of each input signal and NN parameter, and provide a detailed verbal description of the algorithms and skills of NN. The described methods are illustrated by a simple example: the generation of explicit algorithms for predicting the results of the US presidential election.Comment: IJCNN 202

    Neural networks in geophysical applications

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    Neural networks are increasingly popular in geophysics. Because they are universal approximators, these tools can approximate any continuous function with an arbitrary precision. Hence, they may yield important contributions to finding solutions to a variety of geophysical applications. However, knowledge of many methods and techniques recently developed to increase the performance and to facilitate the use of neural networks does not seem to be widespread in the geophysical community. Therefore, the power of these tools has not yet been explored to their full extent. In this paper, techniques are described for faster training, better overall performance, i.e., generalization,and the automatic estimation of network size and architecture