3 research outputs found

    The impact of reviews on consumers’ consideration towards electric vehicles (EV)

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    The development of the Internet and technology led to increasingly more digital consumers, who are tired of being marketed to. Thus, many companies started adopting reviews as part of their marketing strategy to reach the target audience in social media. This trend is also present in the market of electric vehicle (EV). This dissertation was developed with the aim of understanding how EV consumers perceive social media online posts as endorsers of EV as a mobility product, through the lens of the Source Credibility Model. These objectives were addressed using a quantitative research method that adopted an experiment between subjects, comparing firm-created reviews (firmcreated content) with user-created reviews (user-generated content) . Previous literature was reviewed, and an online questionnaire was conducted, with 243 obtained valid answers. Moreover, the willingness to consider and willingness to buy an EV were considered as a variable in the analysis, being proposed because of trustworthiness communicated by the type of review. The results of this dissertation found that the difference between User-Generated Content and car brand reviews (firm-created content) is not statistically significant in the moment of influencing decision of considering or buying an EV as a mobility product. It was observed that there is a valid positive influence relationship of trustworthiness on the relationship between the types of review and the consideration of buying an EV. Lastly, with this model and this research, it was confirmed that there is a positive influence of the trustworthiness on willingness to buy and consideration to buy.A emergência da Internet e o desenvolvimento da tecnologia levou a um número crescente de consumidores digitais, cansados de serem comercializados. Assim, muitas empresas começaram a adotar o marketing de publicação em linha para chegar às pessoas nas redes sociais. Esta nova abordagem do marketing é também utilizada como uma ferramenta no marketing social para promover a mudança de comportamento, especialmente quanto ao processo de decisão de aquisição de um novo veículo elétrico (VE). Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de compreender como os consumidores de VE veem os anúncios online nas redes sociais como endossantes de VE como um produto de mobilidade, partindo do Modelos de Credibilidade na Fonte. Estes objectivos foram abordados utilizando um método de investigação quantitativa que adoptou uma experiência entre sujeitos, comparando conteúdo criado por empresas, com conteúdo criado por utilizadores online. A literatura anterior foi revista e foi conduzido um questionário online, com 243 respostas bem-sucedidas. Além disso, a vontade de considerar foi incluída como uma variável na análise com influência direta na fiabilidade, dificilmente abordada na literatura. Os resultados constataram que a diferença entre o Conteúdo Gerado pelo Utilizador e o conteúdo de marcas de automóveis não é estatisticamente significativa, no momento de influenciar a decisão de considerar um VE como um produto de mobilidade. Observou-se que existe uma relação de influência positiva válida de confiança na relação entre os tipos de revisão e a consideração da compra. Finalmente, foi confirmado que existe uma influência positiva da fiablilidade na vontade de comprar

    The role of leaders' emotions management towards leadership effectiveness in non-government organizations

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    Non-government organizations are challenged with ineffective leadership due to leaders’ inappropriate management of emotions that lead towards unfavorable followers’ attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, this study is undertaken to examine the role of leaders’ emotions management towards leadership effectiveness. It aims to investigate the effect of leaders’ emotional labor strategies, emotional intelligence, and emotional consonance on followers’ attitudes (emotional engagement and positive emotional reactions) and behaviors (task performance and organizational citizenship behavior). It further scrutinizes the mediating effect of perceived transformational leadership and the moderating effect of perceived emotional sincerity. The target population was leaders and their direct followers in NGOs of Malaysia and Pakistan. Survey questionnaire method was employed, and data were collected from 374 and 383 dyads (leader-follower) respectively by using cluster sampling. PLS-SEM was used for statistical analysis. Findings revealed that leaders’ emotions management played a significant role in shaping followers’ attitudes and behaviors that lead towards leadership effectiveness in NGOs. Leaders’ emotional labor strategies, emotional intelligence, and emotional consonance were related to perceived transformational leadership as well as followers’ attitudes and behaviors. Furthermore, perceived transformational leadership significantly mediated the relationship of leaders’ emotional labor strategies, emotional intelligence, and emotional consonance with followers’ attitudes and behaviors in both countries. Moreover, perceived emotional sincerity moderated the relationship of leaders’ emotional labor strategies with followers’ attitudes and behaviors in both Pakistani and Malaysian NGOs. Few relationships were found to be insignificant in both countries due to contextual factors and particular research settings. Multi-group comparison was also carried out in the study which signified that few relationships were significantly different due to cultural differences. This study enriches the body of knowledge by integrating leaders’ emotions with followers’ attitudes and behaviors. It also provides guidelines to NGOs regarding the management of their leaders’ emotions effectively

    Cultural Factors As Predictor Of Adjustment Process And The Role Of Self-Efficacy As A Moderator Among Expatriate Academics In Malaysia

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    In 2011, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak claimed that the Ministry of Education (MOE) needs to increase the number of international students studying in Malaysia by 2025. The enrolling number of international student is coordinated with Key Performance Index (KPI) of internationalisation of Malaysian Higher Education. This situation would increase job opportunities for those who are with PhD qualifications and attract more expatriate academics into Malaysia higher education institutions as to fulfil the needs of the international students and to put Malaysia in the world map as higher education hub. In the effort of increasing the number of international students, higher education institutions in Malaysia has drawn their attention to identify on how to better accommodate and retain expatriate academics. These efforts are resulted depending on how well the expatriate academics adjusted themselves into Malaysian academia. Adjustment difficulties among expatriate academics could affect their job performance and these may affect their decision to remain at or leave the institution