3 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Structural Equation Modeling dalam Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Penyelesaian Proyek Konstruksi di Indonesia

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    Ketepatan waktu penyelesaian proyek konstruksi adalah indikator efisiensi keberhasilan perencanaan proyekyang menguntungkan semua pihak. Akan tetapi, pada Kenyataannya mayoritas proyek konstruksi di Indonesiamengalami keterlambatan karena beberapa faktor. Sebanyak 40 faktor-faktor penyebab keterlambatan proseskonstruksi di Indonesia telah dikelompokan menjadi variabel laten eksogenus dan variabel laten endogenusuntuk kemudian dimodelkan dan dinilai antara masing-masing indikator penyusunnya. Pemodelan variabel lateneksogenus dan variabel laten endogenus ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SmartPLS versi 2.0.Hasil dari analisis model menunjukan bahwa variabel design & documentation related factors merupakanpenyebab terbesar dalam keterlambatan konstruksi dengan frekuensi yang sering terjadi diakibatkan oleh salahsatu indikator penyusunnya yaitu mistakes and errors in design. Selain itu, hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitianini dapat dijadikan acuan dalam mengurangi masalah keterlambatan konstruksi karena model yang dibangundalam penelitian ini tidak hanya memiliki tingkat validitas yang baik, tetapi juga dapat menjelaskan hubunganantara indikator-indikator penyusun dari variabel konstruk itu sendiri

    Perencanaan Investasi Pembangunan Perumahan “Savana Residence” Di Tinjau Dari Ekonomi Dan Kebutuhan Pasar (Lokasi : Di Desa Sukorejo Kecamatan Tunjungan Kabupaten Blora)

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    The house is a place to live where we get the first education before going down to the community. On the other side of the house is also a basic requirement of each person. Over time and as a lane crossing connecting the city of Semarang with the city Surabaya. Blora began to grow and began to increase development for the welfare of its people, The population increase will make the need for new residence in Blora district. This research has purpose to know how big demand for new dwelling by society of Blora, How much is the total cost of the housing development investment plan and the feasibility of housing investment planning in Sukorejo Village Tunjungan Blora Regency according to the financial management aspect. From result of economic analysis used got result of value of NPV Rp 1,141,286,871.98., IRR value 11.184%> 11%, Value BCR = IP 1.07> 1, The value of PP 22 months 3 days, the value of ROI 4.47% / month, BEP value sold 39 units of houses. From the results of the above economic analysis, the construction of housing "SAVANA RESIDENCE" can be implemented because it qualifies. Keyword: investment , home demand, feasibility study

    Järnvägsprojektering – analys av tekniska gränssnitt och samordning

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    Railway detail planning is divided in seven major technical branches; ground works, track, power supply, catenary, signalling, telecommunication and cable-trenching. Technical consultants perform detail planning at the request of a client, usually the Swedish Rail Administration (Banverket). The work results in design and other technical documents. According to common public opinion the quality in these documents has decreased and co-ordination of technical interfaces has great impact on this matter. Because of that the purpose of this study is to identify important technical interfaces and to analyse co-ordination. The author proposes a list of actions aimed to improve the quality in detail planning documents. Data input are interviews with more than twenty persons, mostly representing a consultant but also the Swedish Rail Administration. Their opinions then were analysed in the light of facts based on the regulations of the Swedish Rail Administration. Some of the identified important technical interfaces are: Ground works: Placement of concrete foundations for catenary Track: Placement of isolation joints for signalling Power supply: Placement of catenary objects Catenary: Earthing together with objects for ground works, power supply, signalling and telecommunication. Signalling: Placement of catenary masts Telecommunication: Communication requirements for signalling Cable-trenching: Major cable-trenching for power supply, catenary, signalling and telecommunication. Different things have effects on the co-ordination of technical interfaces. Yet, a main cause seems to exist – technical modifications during detail planning. To reduce the amount of modifications and also to improve the handling of these following actions are proposed: 1. Accomplish railway investment projects with “enlarged co-operation” 2. Use the CAD-handling program BVADM and the model SESAM. Keywords: Railway detail planning, technical interfaces, co-ordination, co operation, SESAM, BVADM