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    Imbalances in regional infrastructural availability have been a major reason behind lopsided development in India. This paper examines the veracity of this argument in light of empirical results at the district level using a multidimensional approach with sub-sectoral, sectoral and composite indices of development and infrastructural availability. Significant association between infrastructural and development levels of regions is observed, though the magnitude has declined in recent years. This association is different for regions at different stages of development. The findings suggest that identification of specific requirements of different regions, benefit-cost analysis, followed by infrastructural expansion are major planks of balanced regional development.Infrastructure; Regional; Planning; India

    Infrastructure and Development Interlinkage in West Bengal: A VAR Analysis

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    Theoretical propositions proclaim that the association between Infrastructure Availability and Development of a region is quite strong and runs from the former to the latter. Empirical studies are however, inconclusive. While few researchers have concluded that the impact of infrastructure on development levels, though positive, is not significant, equally large numbers of studies claim that infrastructure explains a substantial part of development levels. In this paper the association between infrastructural availability and development for the West Bengal economy is explored using a multidimensional approach and a time series study. It is observed that both developmental and infrastructural indices have shown a continuously rising trend during 1971-2001. The causation seems to be stronger from infrastructure to development. The long run relationships suggest strong positive impact of infrastructural availability on development levels. Different facets of infrastructure seem to have different impacts on different dimensions of development. A segmented policy aiming at specific sectors need to be adopted, with the greatest importance being attached to those infrastructural indicators that have highest total impact and strongest 'linkages' across sectors. Only this can sustain the development 'push' generated in West Bengal. Otherwise, the superstructure will have only a weak base and will come crashing down any day.Infrastructure; Development; Error Correction; VAR; Time Series

    Infrastructural Development and Enrollment in Elementary Education in Odisha

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    The role education plays in socio-economic progress of a country cannot be undermined as minimum educational attainment has a direct and positive bearing on efficiency in resource allocation leading to higher income and an equitable distribution of such income thereby reduces inequality. (Tilak1978, Psacharapolous and Woodhall, 1995). An attempt has been made in this paper to construct a composite infrastructure index for primary education level and also tries to find out the role infrastructure plays in promoting the enrolment in primary schools in the state of Odisha.Secondary data relating to population, number of schools, gross enrolment ratio, availability of infrastructural facilities for the year 2015-16 have been collected from Census Reports, Government of India, Directorate of Elementary Education, Directorate of Mass Education, Government of Odisha and the District Information System for Education data (DISE) published by National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi. The study covers entire 30 districts of Odisha.The physical infrastructure index for primary schools of Odisha is constructed using the technique of Principal Component Analysis on the basis of which the districts are ranked. The impact of school infrastructure facilities on the gross enrolment in primary schools is studied by using multiple linear regression model

    Combating the Challenges of Rise in Urban Slums in Cities in Developing World_A Case Study of Lagos State

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    Lagos State is an urban complex that embodies tremendous contrasts. As the former national capital and the major port of the largest country in Africa, it is a magnet for migrants from all over Nigeria and neighbouring countries alike. Hence, Lagos state attained the status of a megacity with a population estimate of over 15 million inhabitants with an attendant housing and infrastructural development problems. The objective of this paper is to address how to stem the tide of negative development experienced in Lagos in the planning of other developing cities in Nigeria, most especially in the new Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The paper is narrative and historical in methodology. Thus, the paper embarks on a comprehensive literature study of the historical development of Lagos State with a view to determining how it resulted into a megacity with an inadequate level of infrastructural development to match its status, which subsequently gave rise to development of urban slums and squatter settlements within the metropolis. The paper concludes by giving recommendations on how to improve infrastructural facilities, upgrade urban slums and squatter settlements without necessarily resulting into house demolitions or outright eviction of people from their abode

    Engineers and Infrastructural Development

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    Engineering activities are those which make the resources of nature available in a form that will benefit man and it also involve the provision of systems which perform economically and optimally. Engineers build infrastructures such as road, power plant and Radio stations e.t.c for the benefits of mankind and this will aid rapid development of any country. If there are no qualified numbers of engineers in any country, the country will suffer some sets back in its quest for development of infrastructures because these set of professionals will implement the developmental plans of such country and its technological advancement. All the engineering sectors are therefore required to contribute their own quotas to the infrastructural development of such nation since they all work hand in hand such as Electrical engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering e.t.c. It is necessary that the Federal Government engage the use of indigenous engineers in facilities and infrastructural development to have a better, a secured, a safe and a sound nation

    Power Law Signature in Indonesian Population

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    The paper analyzes the spreading of population in Indonesia. The spreading of population in Indonesia is clustered in two regional terms, i.e.: kabupaten and kotamadya. It is interestingly found that the rank in all kabupaten respect to the population does not have fat tail properties, while in the other hand; there exists power-law signature in kotamadya. We analyzed that this fact could be caused by the equal or similar infrastructural development in all regions; nevertheless, we also note that the first 20 kabupatens are dominated in Java and Sumatera. Furthermore, the fat tail character in the rank of kotamadya could be caused by the big gap between big cities one another, e.g.: Jakarta, Surabaya, and others. The paper ends with some suggestions of more attention to infrastructural development in eastern regional cities

    Educational tools for infrastructural development

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    Educational tools for infrastructural developmen

    Impact of Infrastructure and Agroclimate on the Location of Rural Bank Branches in Pakistan: A Preliminary Assessment

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    Rural financial institutions play an important role in development and growth of the agricultural sector. In developing economies some rural areas are adequately served by financial institutions, while others have little or no access to these institutions. This uneven pattern of geographic location of rural bank branches has been attributed largely to regional differences in agroclimatic conditions and infrastructural endowments. We have estimated several alternative specifications which can be helpful in understanding the spatial distribution of commercial bank branches across the rural areas. Our results indicate that the location of rural bank branches is significantly influenced by infrastructural endowments and agroclimatic environment.

    Analysing governance‐led infrastructural development nexus in sub‐Saharan Africa : Does the moderating role of institutional quality matter?

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    Governments engage in infrastructural developments across the globe, and the level of success often colligates with institutional quality levels. However, despite the presence of governance, the lack of well-developed infrastructure has bedevilled sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries for decades. Therefore, this study investigates the governance-led infrastructural development hypothesis for the SSA region from an institutional quality perspective towards addressing the infrastructural deficit challenges of the region. A combination of advanced panel econometric techniques was applied to data collected from the African Development Bank, World Bank World Development Indicator, and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to investigate the governance-led infrastructural development hypothesis in SSA while controlling for financial development, economic growth, and industrialization in the region. The findings show that the interaction of institutional quality measures and governance indicators significantly and positively induces infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Additionally, while economic growth and financial development yield no expected significant influence on infrastructural developments, industrialization plays a crucial role, as its spillover effects are not confined to boosting economic growth alone but also to infrastructural transformations. Thus, the provision of policy frameworks by authorities to strengthen institutions and promote good governance is vital for articulating and facilitating infrastructural development plans for SSA.© 2024 The Authors. Growth and Change published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Development of Basic Infrastructure: An Analysis of South 24 Parganas District in West Bengal, India

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    Infrastructure provides the fundamental basis for socio-economic development of any country. It acts as the backbone of an economy. Regional disparities in infrastructural development naturally result in uneven development. Infrastructural development has greater significance in less developed areas due to their various inherent deficiencies and imbalances. With regard to this, status of the basic sectors of the infrastructure of South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal, India has been discussed in this article. This is a less developed area. Comparative analysis on infrastructural achievements at sub-district level has also been made. The study not only points towards the lack of uniform infrastructural development over the entire region, but also towards a tendency for concentration of such growth process in those areas of the district which lie in close proximity to the metropolis of Kolkata .