14,732 research outputs found

    Contested modelling

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    We suggest that the role and function of expert computational modelling in real-world decision-making needs scrutiny and practices need to change. We discuss some empirical and theory-based improvements to the coupling of the modelling process and the real world, including social and behavioural processes, which we have expressed as a set of questions that we believe need to be answered by all projects engaged in such modelling.  These are based on a systems analysis of four research initiatives, covering different scales and timeframes, and addressing the complexity of intervention in a sustainability context. Our proposed improvements require new approaches for analysing the relationship between a project’s models and its publics.  They reflect what we believe is a necessary and beneficial dialogue between the realms of expert scientific modelling and systems thinking.  This paper is an attempt to start that process, itself reflecting a robust dialogue between two practitioners sat within differing traditions, puzzling how to integrate perspectives and achieve wider participation in researching this problem space.&nbsp

    Human Wisdom, Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy

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    This book offers inter alia a systematic investigation of the actual argumentative strategy of Socratic conversation and explorations of Socratic and Platonic morality including an examination ofeudaimonia and the mental conception of health in the Republic as self-control, with a view to the relation of individual health/happiness to social order. The essays cover a period from 1968 to 2012. Some of them are now published for the first time. Self-motion in the later dialogues involves tripartition and tripartition in turn involves embodiment. The Philebus psychology too anticipates Aristotle. The Forms of the Timaeus are patterns, but the two-world picture is abandoned: there is one world constituted by Forms and Place. The Epinomis is arguably genuine. More generally, denying that Plato develops, e.g. exegetically and psychologically, is absurd. There are too many contradictions in the Corpus. The dialogues are artistic wholes and the author's message must be interpreted accordingly: hence in a sense every character is Plato's mouthpiece. Aristotle's idea of the human good or quality of life as optimal mental activity according to the special human capabilities is the root of the modern selfactualization projects. Panaetius (free reason) and Posidonius (science) mark the end of the older Stoa's hard-core materialism and the beginning of a new more 'modern' era

    Flowery Inductive Rhetoric Meets Creative Deductive Arguments Becoming Transnational Researcher-writers

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    Sometimes students from China are characterised as writing inductively, using flowery prose. The proposition explored in this paper is that having higher degree research (HDR) students from China develop their critiques of stereotypes of "Asian students" provides useful insights into where existing supervisory pedagogies might be reworked to enhance their capabilities for writing scholarly arguments. Using evidence from a textbook used by students studying English as a foreign language in China this paper documents the different models of deductive argumentation they are taught. Certain writing conventions for constructing arguments—theses—are required in learning to produce research and to become a transnational researcher-writer. This paper opens up to exploration of the question of what can western supervisors and their Chinese students do

    Warts and all: using student portfolio outcomes to facilitate a faculty development workshop

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    In 2004, the Department of Writing Studies at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island, the U.S., began an assessment of student outcomes for two first-year writing courses (Fall 04 to Fall 05) to evaluate performance on previously established criteria. A study of the students’ Portfolio Assessment Sheets concluded that one pervasive problem was “Development” as determined partly by low A grades in the two courses. To engage the faculty (full-time and adjunct), the grades from Fall 04, Spring 05, and Fall 05 were presented during a SummerWorkshop in June 2006. After analyzing a sample student essay, the 28 faculty participants discussed the implications of “Development” and evaluated the presentation itself. This case study of one college’s participatory exercise in improving writing found some faculty resistance and some unintended results