8 research outputs found

    The acceptance of domestic technology: TAM as applied to a proposed classification scheme

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    Information systems researchers have studied technology acceptance for decades. Domestic technologies, such as ambient computing devices or smart homes have more recently begun to show up in scientific literature, mostly in the area of computing design. Such studies often use an ethnographic method, or study the development and potential use of particular gadgets or systems. Consumers have largely not embraced these technologies. In asking why this is the case, a previously proven method to study technology acceptance was sought and found in Davis\u27 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study seeks to demonstrate the applicability of TAM to the study of emerging domestic technologies.;In addition, a classification scheme is proposed for domestic technologies, classifying technologies based on task goal and technology type. Participants in the study were exposed to technologies from each of the four classification quadrants. Standard TAM measures, along with measures of gender, sex role attitude, and product class involvement were administered to 113 participants and path analysis was performed to determine the effect on behavioral intention (i.e., the intention to use the technology) of these factors


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    Dewasa ini persaingan dunia kerja semakin kompleks dan persaingan kualifikasi persaingan kerja semakin ketat. Siswa diharapkan dapat memiliki perencanaan karir sesuai dengan bakat, minat, taraf intelegensi, dan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dimiliki untuk memudahkan siswa dalam merencanakan karir. Dalam membuat perencanaan karir, siswa membutuhkan informasi sebagai bahan pertimbangan siswa dalam membuat perencanaan karir yang sesuai dengan bakat, minat, taraf intelegensi dan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dimilikinya melalui layanan informasi karir. Dengan pemahaman tersebut, siswa mampu merencanakan karirnya secara matang sesuai dengan keadaan dirinya. Upaya meningkatkan perencanaan karir dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan layanan informasi karir berbantuan website. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perencanaan karir siswa SMA di Kota Tarakan melalui layanan informasi karir berbantuan website. Desain eksperimen yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah pre eksperimen dalam bentuk one group pretest-post design.Penelitian ini melibatkan 35 siswa sebagai kelompok eksperimen yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini adalah layanan informasi karir berbantuan website efektif meningkatkan perencanaan karir siswa SMA di Kota Tarakan (10,094, p < 0.01). __________________________________________________________ Today's increasingly complex business world competition and competition qualifications increasingly tight. Students are expected to have career planning according to their talents, interests, intelligence level, and life values to facilitate students in career planning. In making career planning, students need information as a material balance of students in making career planning in accordance with the talent, interests, intelligence level and the values of life it has through career information services. With that understanding, students are able to plan their careers according to their situation. Efforts to improve career planning can be done using career information services assisted by website. This study aims to improve the career planning of senior high school students in Tarakan City through information career services assistance through the website. The experimental design used in this research is quasi-experiment in the form of one group pretest-post design. The career planning scale consists of 45 items with 5 falling items and 0.875 alpha coefficient. This study involved 35 students as an experimental group selected by purposive sampling. The result of this research indicate that career information service the website-assisted effectively improve the career planning of high school students in Tarakan City (10,094, p <0.01)


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    Abstract. UseeTV is an entertainment portal website. There is no increasing number ofvisitor in page view since 2013 to Q2 2014, although it has been carried out variouspromotional activities. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of Website Qualityand Promotion of the attitude and consumer decision using UseeTV.com. The research data isthe data page view UseeTV.com starting from 2013-2014. Convenience sampling was use assampling method taken by 402 population UseeTV.com users. Based on that population andusing slovin formulas with the margin error 10% then obtained a sample of respondents asmany as 200 people. Structural Equation Model (SEM) is used for method of analysis study.Research results show that the Website Quality and Promotions significantly affect theAttitude and Consumer Decision. Website Quality is the biggest significant variable ininfluencing attitude and consumers decision to use the portal website UseeTV.com.Keywords : Website Quality, Promotion, Attitude, Consumer Decisio

    On the core elements of the experience of playing video games

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    This dissertation presents a multi-method approach to study the user experience of playing video games. The motivation is to devise an objective assessment of the concept of user experience. It is proposed that user experience is better understood when it is studied as a two fold phenomenon formed by a process and an outcome. This definition allows the combination of the subjective nature of experience together with the objectivity needed to propose an objective assessment of experience. An experience is personal in the achieved outcome, during the process of forming it there are elements specific to the type of experience common to all individuals. The thesis presents a series of studies to explore and understand the gaming experience as well as to identify the procedural elements of the experience. The outcome of the studies was the formulation of the theoretical framework that we called Core Elements of the Gaming Experience (CEGE), which focuses on the process of the experience. The metaphor of ”puppetry” is used to provide a link to the outcome of the experience. Based on the theorical framework, a questionnaire and model were developed. The model was validated using Structural Equation Modelling, which provided an adequate fit suggesting that the CEGE model is an accurate abstraction of the process of the gaming experience. Lastly, the framework was used to study different gaming experiences under different conditions. The results suggest that the CEGE theoretical framework can be used to assess this type of experience. The contributions of this dissertation are: the methodological approach used to study the user experience of playing video games, a novel approach to understand user experience as a falsifiable concept, a theoretical framework and metaphor to describe the gaming experience, a model that describes the gaming experience, and an instrument that can be used to assess and explore different gaming experiences

    Autoeficacia y Actitudes hacia la educación científica de los docentes de proyecto de tesis de una universidad privada

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación entre la autoeficacia y actitudes hacia la educación científica de los docentes de proyecto de tesis de una universidad privada. El estudio fue de tipo descriptico-correlacional y bajo un diseño de investigación no experimental. La muestra estuvo compuesta por docentes de proyecto de tesis de una universidad privada (n = 206), de ambos sexos y con un rango de edad entre los 25 a 55 años. Los resultados descriptivos evidenciaron que, del total de la muestra se encontraron mayores indicios de autoeficacia de nivel alto (f = 194, 94.1%) y actitudes (f = 100, 48.5%), teniendo como puntajes altos a todas las dimensiones de las dos variables. Por otro lado, los análisis inferenciales muestran relaciones estadísticamente significativas de tipo directa con una relación mediana entre la autoeficacia y la actitud hacia la investigación (Rho = .698**; p = .000), asimismo las relaciones entre la autoeficacia y las dimensiones de las actitudes (p<.001). En conclusión, la autoeficacia hacia la investigación propicia mayores actitudes hacia la investigación en una muestra de docentes de proyecto de tesis de una universidad privada