7 research outputs found

    Human Activity Recognition from Wi-Fi CSI Data Using Principal Component-Based Wavelet CNN

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is an emerging technology with several applications in surveillance, security, and healthcare sectors. Noninvasive HAR systems based on Wi-Fi Channel State Information (CSI) signals can be developed leveraging the quick growth of ubiquitous Wi-Fi technologies, and the correlation between CSI dynamics and body motions. In this paper, we propose Principal Component-based Wavelet Convolutional Neural Network (or PCWCNN) -- a novel approach that offers robustness and efficiency for practical real-time applications. Our proposed method incorporates two efficient preprocessing algorithms -- the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). We employ an adaptive activity segmentation algorithm that is accurate and computationally light. Additionally, we used the Wavelet CNN for classification, which is a deep convolutional network analogous to the well-studied ResNet and DenseNet networks. We empirically show that our proposed PCWCNN model performs very well on a real dataset, outperforming existing approaches.Comment: \c{opyright} 2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0

    The four key challenges of advanced multisensor navigation and positioning

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    The next generation of navigation and positioning systems must provide greater accuracy and reliability in a range of challenging environments to meet the needs of a variety of mission-critical applications. No single navigation technology is robust enough to meet these requirements on its own, so a multisensor solution is required. Although many new navigation and positioning methods have been developed in recent years, little has been done to bring them together into a robust, reliable, and cost-effective integrated system. To achieve this, four key challenges must be met: complexity, context, ambiguity, and environmental data handling. This paper addresses each of these challenges. It describes the problems, discusses possible approaches, and proposes a program of research and standardization activities to solve them. The discussion is illustrated with results from research into urban GNSS positioning, GNSS shadow matching, environmental feature matching, and context detection

    Estimation Algorithms for Non-Gaussian State-Space Models with Application to Positioning

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    State-space models (SSMs) are used to model systems with hidden time-varying state and observable measurement output. In statistical SSMs, the state dynamics is assumed known up to a random term referred to as the process noise, and the measurements contain random measurement noise. Kalman ïŹlter (KF) and Rauch– Tung–Striebel smoother (RTSS) are widely-applied closed-form algorithms that provide the parameters of the exact Bayesian ïŹltering and smoothing distributions for discrete-time linear statistical SSMs where the process and measurement noises follow Gaussian distributions. However, when the SSM involves nonlinear functions and/or non-Gaussian noises, the Bayesian ïŹltering and smoothing distributions cannot in general be solved using closed-form algorithms. This thesis addresses approximate Bayesian time-series inference for two positioning-related problems where the assumption of Gaussian noises cannot capture all useful knowledge of the considered system’s statistical properties: map-assisted indoor positioning and positioning using time-delay measurements.The motion constraints imposed by the indoor map are typically incorporated in the position estimate using the particle ïŹlter (PF) algorithm. The PF is a Monte Carlo algorithm especially suited for statistical SSMs where the Bayesian posterior distributions are too complicated to be adequately approximated using a well-known distribution family with a low-dimensional parameter space. In mapassisted indoor positioning, the trajectories that cross walls or ïŹ‚oor levels get a low probability in the model. In this thesis, improvements to three different PF algorithms for map-assisted indoor positioning are proposed and compared. In the wall-collision PF, weighted random samples, also known as particles, are moved based on inertial sensor measurements, and the particles that collide with the walls are downweighted. When the inertial sensor measurements are very noisy, map information is used to guide the particles such that fewer particles collide with the walls, which implies that more particles contribute to the estimation. When no inertial sensor information is used, the particles are moved along the links of a graph that is dense enough to approximate the set of expected user paths.Time-delay based ranging measurements of e.g. ultra-wideband (UWB) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) contain occasional positive measurement errors that are large relative to the majority of the errors due to multipath effects and denied line of sight. In this thesis, computationally efïŹcient approximate Bayesian ïŹlters and smoothers are proposed for statistical SSMs where the measurement noise follows a skew t -distribution, and the algorithms are applied to positioning using time-delay based ranging measurements. The skew t -distribution is an extension of the Gaussian distribution, which has two additional parameters that affect the heavytailedness and skewness of the distribution. When the measurement noise model is heavy-tailed, the optimal Bayesian algorithm is robust to occasional large measurement errors, and when the model is positively (or negatively) skewed, the algorithms account for the fact that most large errors are known to be positive (or negative). Therefore, the skew t -distribution is more ïŹ‚exible than the Gaussian distribution and captures more statistical features of the error distributions of UWB and GNSS measurements. Furthermore, the skew t -distribution admits a conditionally Gaussian hierarchical form that enables approximating the ïŹltering and smoothing posteriors with Gaussian distributions using variational Bayes (VB) algorithms. The proposed algorithms can thus be computationally efïŹcient compared to Monte Carlo algorithms especially when the state is high-dimensional. It is shown in this thesis that the skew-t ïŹlter improves the accuracy of UWB based indoor positioning and GNSS based outdoor positioning in urban areas compared to the extended KF. The skew-t ïŹlter’s computational burden is higher than that of the extended KF but of the same magnitude.Tila-avaruusmalleilla mallinnetaan jĂ€rjestelmiĂ€, joilla on tuntema-ton ajassa muuttuva tila sekĂ€ mitatattava ulostulo. Tilastollisissa tila-avaruusmalleissa jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tilan muutos tunnetaan lukuunotta-matta prosessikohinaksi kutsuttua satunnaista termiĂ€, ja mittauk-set sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t satunnaista mittauskohinaa. Kalmanin suodatin sekĂ€Rauchin Tungin ja Striebelin siloitin ovat yleisesti kĂ€ytettyjĂ€ sulje-tun muodon estimointialgoritmeja, jotka tuottavat tarkat bayesilĂ€i-set suodatus- ja siloitusjakaumat diskreettiaikaisille lineaarisille ti-lastollisille tila-avaruusmalleille, joissa prosessi- ja mittauskohinatnoudattavat gaussisia jakaumia. Jos kĂ€siteltyyn tila-avaruusmalliinkuitenkin liittyy epĂ€lineaarisia funktioita tai epĂ€gaussisia kohinoita,bayesilĂ€isiĂ€ suodatus- ja siloitusjakaumia ei yleensĂ€ voida ratkais-ta suljetun muodon algoritmeilla. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa tutkitaan ap-proksimatiivista bayesilĂ€istĂ€ aikasarjapÀÀttelyĂ€ ja sen soveltamistakahteen paikannusongelmaan, joissa gaussinen jakauma ei mallinnariittĂ€vĂ€n hyvin kaikkea hyödyllistĂ€ tietoa tutkitun jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tilas-tollisista ominaisuuksista: kartta-avusteinen sisĂ€tilapaikannus sekĂ€signaalin kulkuaikamittauksiin perustuva paikannus.SisĂ€tilakartan tuottamat liikerajoitteet voidaan liittÀÀ paikkaestimaat-tiin kĂ€yttĂ€en partikkelisuodattimeksi kutsuttua algoritmia. Partik-kelisuodatin on Monte Carlo -algoritmi, joka soveltuu erityisesti ti-lastollisille tila-avaruusmalleille, joissa bayesilĂ€isen posteriorijakau-man tiheysfunktio on niin monimutkainen, ettĂ€ sen approksimointitunnetuilla matalan parametridimension jakaumilla ei ole mielekĂ€s-tĂ€. Kartta-avusteisessa sisĂ€tilapaikannuksessa reitit, jotka leikkaavatseiniĂ€ tai kerrostasoja, saavat muita pienemmĂ€t todennĂ€köisyydet.TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa esitetÀÀn parannuksia kolmeen eri partikkelisuo-datusalgoritmiin, joita sovelletaan kartta-avusteiseen sisĂ€tilapaikan-vnukseen. SeinĂ€törmayssuodattimessa painolliset satunnaisnĂ€ytteeteli partikkelit liikkuvat inertiasensorimittausten mukaisesti, ja sei-nÀÀn törmÀÀvĂ€t partikkelit saavat pienet painot. Kun inertiasensori-mittauksissa on paljon kohinaa, partikkeleita voidaan ohjata siten,ettĂ€ seinĂ€törmĂ€ysten mÀÀrĂ€ vĂ€henee, jolloin suurempi osa partikke-leista vaikuttaa estimaattiin. Kun inertiasensorimittauksia ei kĂ€ytetĂ€lainkaan, sisĂ€tilakartta voidaan esittÀÀ graaïŹna, jonka kaarilla partik-kelit liikkuvat ja joka on riittĂ€vĂ€n tiheĂ€ approksimoimaan odotetta-vissa olevien reittien joukkoa.Esimerkiksi laajan taajuuskaistan radioista (UWB, ultra-wideband)tai paikannussatelliiteista saatavat radiosignaalin kulkuaikaan pe-rustuvat etĂ€isyysmittaukset taas voivat sisĂ€ltÀÀ monipolkuheijastus-ten ja suoran reitin estymisen aiheuttamia positiivismerkkisiĂ€ vir-heitĂ€, jotka ovat huomattavan suuria useimpiin mittausvirheisiinverrattuna. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa esitetÀÀn laskennallisesti tehokkaitabayesilĂ€isen suodattimen ja siloittimen approksimaatioita tilastol-lisille tila-avaruusmalleille, joissa mittauskohina noudattaa vinoat -jakaumaa. Vino t -jakauma on gaussisen jakauman laajennos, jasillĂ€ on kaksi lisĂ€parametria, jotka vaikuttavat jakauman paksuhĂ€n-tĂ€isyyteen ja vinouteen. Kun mittauskohinaa mallintava jakaumaoletetaan paksuhĂ€ntĂ€iseksi, optimaalinen bayesilĂ€inen algoritmi eiole herkkĂ€ yksittĂ€isille suurille mittausvirheille, ja kun jakauma olete-taan positiivisesti (tai negatiivisesti) vinoksi, algoritmit hyödyntĂ€vĂ€ttietoa, ettĂ€ suurin osa suurista virheistĂ€ on positiivisia (tai negatiivi-sia). Vino t -jakauma on siis gaussista jakaumaa joustavampi, ja sillĂ€voidaan mallintaa kulkuaikaan perustuvien mittausten virhejakau-maa tarkemmin kuin gaussisella jakaumalla. Vinolla t -jakaumalla onmyös ehdollisesti gaussinen esitys, joka soveltuu suodatus- ja siloi-tusposteriorien approksimointiin variaatio-Bayes-algoritmilla. NĂ€inollen esitetyt algoritmit voivat olla laskennallisesti tehokkaampiakuin Monte Carlo -algoritmit erityisesti tilan ollessa korkeaulotteinen.TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa nĂ€ytetÀÀn, ettĂ€ vino-t -virhejakauman kĂ€yttö pa-rantaa UWB-radioon perustuvan sisĂ€tilapaikannuksen tarkkuuttasekĂ€ satelliittipohjaisen ulkopaikannuksen tarkkuutta kaupunkiym-pĂ€ristössĂ€ verrattuna laajennettuun Kalmanin suodattimeen. Vino-t -suodatuksen laskennallinen vaativuus on suurempi mutta samaakertaluokkaa kuin laajennetun Kalmanin suodattimen

    BLE-based Indoor Localization and Contact Tracing Approaches

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has penetrated different aspects of modern life with smart sensors being prevalent within our surrounding indoor environments. Furthermore, dependence on IoT-based Contact Tracing (CT) models has significantly increased mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is, therefore, an urgent quest to develop/design efficient, autonomous, trustworthy, and secure indoor CT solutions leveraging accurate indoor localization/tracking approaches. In this context, the first objective of this Ph.D. thesis is to enhance accuracy of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-based indoor localization. BLE-based localization is typically performed based on the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Extreme fluctuations of the RSSI occurring due to different factors such as multi-path effects and noise, however, prevent the BLE technology to be a reliable solution with acceptable accuracy for dynamic tracking/localization in indoor environments. In this regard, first, an IoT dataset is constructed based on multiple thoroughly separated indoor environments to incorporate the effects of various interferences faced in different spaces. The constructed dataset is then used to develop a Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based information fusion strategy to form a multiple-model implementation consisting of RSSI, Pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR), and Angle-of-Arrival (AoA)-based models. In the second part of the thesis, the focus is devoted to application of multi-agent Deep Neural Networks (DNN) models for indoor tracking. DNN-based approaches are, however, prone to overfitting and high sensitivity to parameter selection, which results in sample inefficiency. Moreover, data labelling is a time-consuming and costly procedure. To address these issues, we leverage Successor Representations (SR)-based techniques, which can learn the expected discounted future state occupancy, and the immediate reward of each state. A Deep Multi-Agent Successor Representation framework is proposed that can adapt quickly to the changes in a multi-agent environment faster than the Model-Free (MF) RL methods and with a lower computational cost compared to Model-Based (MB) RL algorithms. In the third part of the thesis, the developed indoor localization techniques are utilized to design a novel indoor CT solution, referred to as the Trustworthy Blockchain-enabled system for Indoor Contact Tracing (TB-ICT) framework. The TB-ICT is a fully distributed and innovative blockchain platform exploiting the proposed dynamic Proof of Work (dPoW) approach coupled with a Randomized Hash Window (W-Hash) and dynamic Proof of Credit (dPoC) mechanisms

    Information fusion for indoor localization

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    International audienceThis paper describes a fusion approach to the problem of indoor localization of a pedestrian user, in which PNS measurements, cartographic constraints and ranging or proximity beacon measurements are combined in a particle filter approximation of the Bayesian filter. Some critical issues are also addressed, such as taking the constraints into account, monitoring the degeneracy of the weights and the sample depletion in terms of the effective sample size, detecting track loss, and recovering from a detected loss