46,692 research outputs found

    Interactive Intent Modeling for Exploratory Search

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    Exploratory search requires the system to assist the user in comprehending the information space and expressing evolving search intents for iterative exploration and retrieval of information. We introduce interactive intent modeling, a technique that models a user’s evolving search intents and visualizes them as keywords for interaction. The user can provide feedback on the keywords, from which the system learns and visualizes an improved intent estimate and retrieves information. We report experiments comparing variants of a system implementing interactive intent modeling to a control system. Data comprising search logs, interaction logs, essay answers, and questionnaires indicate significant improvements in task performance, information retrieval performance over the session, information comprehension performance, and user experience. The improvements in retrieval effectiveness can be attributed to the intent modeling and the effect on users’ task performance, breadth of information comprehension, and user experience are shown to be dependent on a richer visualization. Our results demonstrate the utility of combining interactive modeling of search intentions with interactive visualization of the models that can benefit both directing the exploratory search process and making sense of the information space. Our findings can help design personalized systems that support exploratory information seeking and discovery of novel information.Peer reviewe

    AplicaciĂłn de metadatos Dublin Core a los principales mĂłdulos CAD de CATIA V5

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    CATIA, Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application, is one of the most important commercial software used for Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) in the aerospace and automotive sectors. This study analyzes the main features for Information Visualization, Information Retrieval and Information Organization of the main CAD workbenches in CATIA V5. Finally, the study proposes an application of the Dublin Core metadata scheme for the description of the main CAD objects, including a simple way to define the scheme and export the records within the system

    View-Dependent Visualization for Analysis of Large Datasets

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    Due to the impressive capabilities of human visual processing, interactive visualization methods have become essential tools for scientists to explore and analyze large, complex datasets. However, traditional approaches do not account for the increased size or latency of data retrieval when interacting with these often remote datasets. In this dissertation, I discuss two novel design paradigms, based on accepted models of the information visualization process and graphics hardware pipeline, that are appropriate for interactive visualization of large remote datasets. In particular, I discuss novel solutions aimed at improving the performance of interactive visualization systems when working with large numeric datasets and large terrain (elevation and imagery) datasets by using data reduction and asynchronous retrieval of view-prioritized data, respectively. First I present a modified version of the standard information visualization model that accounts for the challenges presented by interacting with large, remote datasets. I also provide the details of a software framework implemented using this model and discuss several different visualization applications developed within this framework. Next I present a novel technique for leveraging the hardware graphics pipeline to provide asynchronous, view-prioritized data retrieval to support interactive visualization of remote terrain data. I provide the results of statistical analysis of performance metrics to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. Finally I present the details of two novel visualization techniques, and the results of evaluating these systems using controlled user studies and expert evaluation. The results of these qualitative and quantitative evaluation mechanisms demonstrate improved visual analysis task performance for large numeric datasets

    Adaptive Visualization for Focused Personalized Information Retrieval

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    The new trend on the Web has totally changed todays information access environment. The traditional information overload problem has evolved into the qualitative level beyond the quantitative growth. The mode of producing and consuming information is changing and we need a new paradigm for accessing information.Personalized search is one of the most promising answers to this problem. However, it still follows the old interaction model and representation method of classic information retrieval approaches. This limitation can harm the potential of personalized search, with which users are intended to interact with the system, learn and investigate the problem, and collaborate with the system to reach the final goal.This dissertation proposes to incorporate interactive visualization into personalized search in order to overcome the limitation. By combining the personalized search and the interac- tive visualization, we expect our approach will be able to help users to better explore the information space and locate relevant information more efficiently.We extended a well-known visualization framework called VIBE (Visual Information Browsing Environment) and implemented Adaptive VIBE, so that it can fit into the per- sonalized searching environment. We tested the effectiveness of this adaptive visualization method and investigated its strengths and weaknesses by conducting a full-scale user study.We also tried to enrich the user models with named-entities considering the possibility that the traditional keyword-based user models could harm the effectiveness of the system in the context of interactive information retrieval.The results of the user study showed that the Adaptive VIBE could improve the precision of the personalized search system and could help the users to find out more diverse set of information. The named-entity based user model integrated into Adaptive VIBE showed improvements of precision of user annotations while maintaining the level of diverse discovery of information

    Subject-Based Information Retrieval System in Digital Libraries

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    Abstract Objective: Information visualization is the study of interactive depictions of abstract and data to strengthen the human cognition. Designing an appropriate information visualization system may be very useful technique for scholars, who intent to get scientific information from digital libraries. The objective of current study was to map and visualize the key-information of dissertations in academic libraries. To achieve the aim, an information retrieval system was designed to present the interactive graphic view of dissertations' subjects in academic. Methods: An information retrieval system was designed by information visualization toolkit that presents the related subjects of dissertations in academic libraries. In addition, the satisfaction-levels of library-users were analyzed by administrating a standard questionnaire (QUIS Questionnaire). Results: The study indicated that the designed IR system helped to provide a user-friendly environment through displaying subjective relations of dissertations, overwhelming variety of colors in displaying information. Fast and easy access to the cover-to-cover information of dissertations and userinteraction facilities are the advantages of designed IR. Analysis of data furthermore indicated that the users' satisfaction from the system was from medium to high grade. Conclusion: Designing the IR-system revealed an excessive influence on users' satisfaction; therefore, proposing such systems for employing in academic libraries is very suitable and its implementation is necessary

    Informationsvisualisierung und Retrieval im Fokus der Informationspraxis

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    Methoden und Techniken der Informationsvisualisierung werden seit ungefähr zwanzig Jahren im Bereich der Informationssuche eingesetzt. In dieser Literaturstudie werden ausgewählte Visualisierungsanwendungen der letzten Jahre vorgestellt. Sie betreffen zum einen den Retrievalprozess, das Boolesche Retrieval, die facettierte Suche, Dokumentbeziehungen, die Zufallssuche und Ergebnisanzeige, zum anderen spezielle Anwendungen wie die kartenbasierte und adaptive Visualisierung, Zitationsnetzwerke und Wissensordnungen. Die Einsatzszenarien für Applikationen der Informationsvisualisierung sind vielfältig. Sie reichen von mobilen kleinformatigen Anwendungen bis zu großformatigen Darstellungen auf hochauflösenden Bildschirmen, von integrativen Arbeitsplätzen für den einzelnen Nutzer bis zur Nutzung interaktiver Oberflächen für das kollaborative Retrieval. Das Konzept der Blended Library wird vorgestellt. Die Übertragbarkeit von Visualisierungsanwendungen auf Bibliothekskataloge wird im Hinblick auf die Nutzung des Kataloginputs und des Angebots an Sucheinstiegen geprüft. Perspektivische Überlegungen zu zukünftigen Entwicklungsschritten von Bibliothekskatalogen sowie zum Einfluss von Visualisierungsanwendungen auf die Informationspraxis werden angestellt.Information visualization methods and techniques have been applied to information retrieval tasks for about twenty years. This literature survey gives an overview over recent applications in the field of information seeking. Information visualization applications for general search processes (Boolean queries, faceted search, relations between documents, serendipity and presentation of results) as well as for specific applications like map-based visualization, adaptive visualization, citation networks and knowledge systems are presented. Application settings for information visualization are manifold. They span from small-sized mobile devices to wall-sized high resolution displays, from integrative workplaces for individual use to interactive surfaces for collaborative information seeking activities. The idea of the Blended Library is presented. The portability of information visualization applications for library catalogs is evaluated with special regard to metadata use and catalog access points. Possible next stages of library catalog development are discussed. Finally, observations on the influence of visualization applications on the information practice are made

    NITELIGHT: A Graphical Tool for Semantic Query Construction

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    Query formulation is a key aspect of information retrieval, contributing to both the efficiency and usability of many semantic applications. A number of query languages, such as SPARQL, have been developed for the Semantic Web; however, there are, as yet, few tools to support end users with respect to the creation and editing of semantic queries. In this paper we introduce a graphical tool for semantic query construction (NITELIGHT) that is based on the SPARQL query language specification. The tool supports end users by providing a set of graphical notations that represent semantic query language constructs. This language provides a visual query language counterpart to SPARQL that we call vSPARQL. NITELIGHT also provides an interactive graphical editing environment that combines ontology navigation capabilities with graphical query visualization techniques. This paper describes the functionality and user interaction features of the NITELIGHT tool based on our work to date. We also present details of the vSPARQL constructs used to support the graphical representation of SPARQL queries

    Image-Enabled Discourse: Investigating the Creation of Visual Information as Communicative Practice

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    Anyone who has clarified a thought or prompted a response during a conversation by drawing a picture has exploited the potential of image making as an interactive tool for conveying information. Images are increasingly ubiquitous in daily communication, in large part due to advances in visually enabled information and communication technologies (ICT), such as information visualization applications, image retrieval systems and visually enabled collaborative work tools. Human abilities to use images to communicate are however far more sophisticated and nuanced than these technologies currently support. In order to learn more about the practice of image making as a specialized form of information and communication behavior, this study examined face-to-face conversations involving the creation of ad hoc visualizations (i.e., napkin drawings ). A model of image-enabled discourse is introduced, which positions image making as a specialized form of communicative practice. Multimodal analysis of video-recorded conversations focused on identifying image-enabled communicative activities in terms of interactional sociolinguistic concepts of conversational involvement and coordination, specifically framing, footing and stance. The study shows that when drawing occurs in the context of an ongoing dialogue, the activity of visual representation performs key communicative tasks. Visualization is a form of social interaction that contributes to the maintenance of conversational involvement in ways that are not often evident in the image artifact. For example, drawing enables us to coordinate with each other, to introduce alternative perspectives into a conversation and even to temporarily suspend the primary thread of a discussion in order to explore a tangential thought. The study compares attributes of the image artifact with those of the activity of image making, described as a series of contrasting affordances. Visual information in complex systems is generally represented and managed based on the affordances of the artifact, neglecting to account for all that is communicated through the situated action of creating. These finding have heuristic and best-practice implications for a range of areas related to the design and evaluation of virtual collaboration environments, visual information extraction and retrieval systems, and data visualization tools
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