250,938 research outputs found

    Is COVID-19 pushing us to the fifth industrial revolution (Society 5.0)?

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may further promote the development of Industry 4.0 leading to the fifth industrial revolution (Society 5.0). Industry 4.0 technology such as Big Data (BD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) may lead to a personalized system of healthcare in Pakistan. The final bridge between humans and machines is Society 5.0, also known as the super-smart society that employs AI in healthcare manufacturing and logistics. In this communication, we review various Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 technologies including robotics and AI being inspected to control the rate of transmission of COVID-19 globally. We demonstrate the applicability of advanced information technologies including AI, BD, and Information of Technology (IoT) to healthcare. Lastly, we discuss the evolution of Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0 given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with the technological strategies being considered and employed

    The Emergence and Potential Impact of Medicine 2.0 in the Healthcare Industry

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    Medicine 2.0 has emerged within healthcare information technology to enable more defined relationships among providers and patients. Physicians, hospitals, and patients are using Medicine 2.0 through social networking to maintain their foothold in the evolution of medical technologies. The authors’ purpose was to determine potential improvements that Medicine 2.0 has on communication and collaboration of healthcare information. Research has shown that Medicine 2.0 has integrated into the healthcare industry and is enabling an increase in communication in healthcare matters. The provider-patient relationship is improving through the use of Medicine 2.0 and has positively impacted society so far

    Genomics is changing personal healthcare and medicine: the dawn of iPH (individualized preventive healthcare)

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    This opinion piece focuses on the convergence of information technology (IT) in the form of personal monitors, especially smart phones and possibly also smart watches, individual genomic information and preventive healthcare and medicine. This may benefit each one of us not only individually but also society as a whole through iPH (individualized preventive healthcare). This shift driven by genomic and other technologies may well also change the relationship between patient and physician by empowering the former but giving him/her also much more individual responsibility

    Telehealth and information society: a critical study of emerging concepts in policy and practice

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    This thesis explores a number of interrelated factors that influence the development of telehealth. Telehealth refers to health-related services that can be provided in electronic form over various telecommunications networks, including applications beyond clinical settings and reaching out to communities and homes. As such this study encompass different disciplines and draws not only on the medical tradition but also on information systems, social theory and ideas of information society. The study is based on the fundamental claim that technology does not follow a pre-determinate path but is shaped by people, who in turn are constrained by historical conditions and current structures. The research takes into consideration a number of such defining structures, including the organisation of healthcare in Britain, the health policy process, strategies for the employment of information and communications technologies (ICTs), conflicting ethical traditions and their manifestations in evaluation processes, and visions of an information society. The theoretical position and research approach is informed by critical theory. Thus the work focuses on the different, often conflicting, interests of varied stakeholders. It also unveils factors constraining social aims to which telehealth could aspire, e.g. reducing social exclusion and supporting empowerment of patients and citizens. Insights into these concepts and their practical manifestations are explored through a set of linked case studies, which investigate a variety of telehealth projects and initiatives in the London Borough of Lewisham. The thesis' contribution is twofold - practical and theoretical. The practical contribution is aimed at those who work in and study telehealth, offering a new approach and focus that is not substantially found in other telehealth studies. In this the thesis makes a contribution to the ongoing debates about telehealth's potential implications for the healthcare process. The theoretical contribution is found in the thesis' re-affirmation of the applicability of critical theory to the development of ICT-based social and organisational innovations, re-conceptualised in the light of post-modern and information society theories

    A Strategic Improvisation Model: A Case Study Of Healthcare Information Systems Design

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    Pressured by the speed of technological advances, the need for change and improvisation has hit the healthcare industry. Now society demands that healthcare providers offer better patient care through the creative use of information technologies. In turn, healthcare management asserts pressure on IS/IT practitioners to expand the boundaries for innovative IS design strategies. Research on healthcare information systems (HIS) improvisation remains relatively underdeveloped. To fill this gap, from the perspective of a case study, we use both organizational improvisation and bricolage theoretical lenses to examine how strategic improvisation might give rise to superior HIS design. Theoretically, we proposed an inductively-derived conceptual model of improvisation that explains how strategic improvisation contributes to the formation of superior HIS that offer value added and quality patient-centric healthcare delivery. Professionally, this study contributes three key insights for IS improvisation in the healthcare industry with application to wider information systems development

    Lifelong Learning and Technology

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    AbstractToday, interaction of technology can be seen in almost every aspect of our daily life. Scientific research on how people perceive, respond to, and interact with artificial agents is needed as these technologies can impact our lives from entertainment to education and healthcare. Society is now becoming more dependent on technologies. New opportunities and ways to integrate technology into the learning process are being created every day. This review article seeks to shed light on the interaction of the rapidly changing world of information and technologies to the learning and education

    Financial and economic mechanisms of promoting innovative activity in the context of the digital economy formation

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    International audienceThe paper analyzes some financial, tax, information, communication, infrastructural, technological and organizational mechanisms of innovative activity promotion in conditions of transition to a digital economy. End-to-end technologies including "Big Data", "New Production Technologies", "Quantum Technologies", "Technologies of Virtual and Augmented Realities", the possibilities of their application in various sectors of the national economy were singled out and analyzed. The role of end-to-end technologies in the development of the Russian economy and promotion of innovative activities of companies was studied. A comparative analysis of the main indicators of informatization of the society of Russia and some leading foreign countries for the period of 2005-2015 was carried out. The conclusions were made about an insufficient use of the Internet in Russia, primarily in rural areas, which hindered the social progress of Russian society. The leading role of digital (information) technologies in solving social problems, including education, social services and healthcare, was defined. The necessity of development of electronic services in the sphere of education and health was proved. Ways of cluster development based on the example of the Kaluga Region in the development of digital technologies were studied. The influence of development institutions on stimulating innovation activity in Russia was analyzed

    The Legal Framing of Computerized Processing of Health Data : A European and Canadian Perspective

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : CRDP - Droit, biotechnologie et rapport au milieu]The use of information and communication technologies in the health and social service sectors, and the development of multi-centred and international research networks present many benefits for society: for example, better follow-up on an individual’s states of health, better quality of care, better control of expenses, and better communication between healthcare professionals. However, this approach raises issues relative to the protection of privacy: more specifically, to the processing of individual health information

    Analysis of the Results of a Survey Among Healthcare Professionals Working with Electronic Medicine Lists

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    In the current information society, electronic communication technologies are the basis of the most successful economic, administrative, health, and other organizations. A number of countries in Europe and around the world have successfully implemented the model of electronic management and the large-scale use of electronic services. Already in 2017, based on detailed analysis and technological recommendations, the project for the implementation of the first two parallel stages of the construction of the National Health Information System (NHIS) was launched. It covers all participants and main flows of information in the healthcare sector, including: -          Electronic health record (patient file);-          Eluctronic recipe (e-recipe);-          Electronic referrals (e-referrals); The aim of this study is to summarize the opinions of healthcare professionals about working with an electronic medicine list. 87 health professionals (midwives) from a total of 128 states who were directly engaged in the activities of the hospital wards of SHOGAT Prof. Dr. D. Stamatov, Varna, were interviewed during the period May–June 2022. More than half of the respondents (66.7%) prefer the electronic form for prescribing drug therapies. 57.5% believe that the process of work is facilitated by the introduced amendments regarding the work with electronic databases compared to paper media. In conclusion, in the current information society, electronic communication technologies are the basis of the most successful economic, administrative, and health activities that support the processes of diagnosis and treatment in hospital structures. They save time and resources, ensure patient safety, and improve the quality of service

    Psychological and pedagogical features of the use of ICT in primary school

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    В умовах формування інформаційного суспільства виникає необхідність підготовки особистості, яка орієнтується в інформаційних потоках, самостійно вчиться, знаходить і використовує відсутні знання або інші ресурси. Інформаційні і комунікаційні технології (ІКТ), мають застосовуватися в комфортних і здоров'язбережувальних умовах для молодшого школяра.In the emerging information society it is necessary to prepare the individual, which is oriented in the flow of information, self-learning, finds and uses appropriate knowledge or other resources. Information and communication technologies (ICT) should be used for this purpose in a comfortable and healthcare way for primary school children