77 research outputs found

    Truncated Differential Based Known-Key Attacks on Round-Reduced Simon

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    At Crypto 2015, Blondeau, Peyrin and Wang proposed a truncated-differential-based known-key attack on full PRESENT, a nibble oriented lightweight blockcipher with a SPN structure. The truncated difference they used is derived from the existing multidimensional linear characteristics. An innovative technique of their work is the design of a MITM layer added before the characteristic that covers extra rounds with a complexity lower than that of a generic construction. We notice that there are good linear hulls for bit-oriented block cipher Simon corresponding to highly qualified truncated differential characteristics. Based on these characteristics, we propose known-key distinguishers on round-reduced Simon block cipher family, which is bit oriented and has a Feistel structure. Similar to the MITM layer, we design a specific start-from-the-middle method for pre-adding extra rounds with complexities lower than generic bounds. With these techniques, we launch basic known-key attacks on round-reduced Simon. We also involve some key guessing technique and further extend the basic attacks to more rounds. Our known-key attacks can reach as many as 29/32/38/48/63-rounds of Simon32/48/64/96/128, which comes quite close to the full number of rounds. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first known-key results on the block cipher Simon

    Lower data attacks on Advanced Encryption Standard

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    The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is one of the most commonly used and analyzed encryption algorithms. In this work, we present new combinations of some prominent attacks on AES, achieving new records in data requirements among attacks, utilizing only 242^4 and 2162^{16} chosen plaintexts (CP) for 6-round and 7-round AES-192/256 respectively. One of our attacks is a combination of a meet-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack with a square attack mounted on 6-round AES-192/256 while another attack combines an MiTM attack and an integral attack, utilizing key space partitioning technique, on 7-round AES-192/256. Moreover, we illustrate that impossible differential (ID) attacks can be viewed as the dual of MiTM attacks in certain aspects which enables us to recover the correct key using the meet-in-the-middle (MiTM) technique instead of sieving through all potential wrong keys in our ID attack. Furthermore, we introduce the constant guessing technique in the inner rounds which significantly reduces the number of key bytes to be searched. The time and memory complexities of our attacks remain marginal

    Programming the Demirci-Selçuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attack with Constraints

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    International audienceCryptanalysis with SAT/SMT, MILP and CP has increased in popularity among symmetric-key cryptanalysts and designers due to its high degree of automation. So far, this approach covers differential, linear, impossible differential, zero-correlation, and integral cryptanaly-sis. However, the Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle (DS-MITM) attack is one of the most sophisticated techniques that has not been automated with this approach. By an in-depth study of Derbez and Fouque's work on DS-MITM analysis with dedicated search algorithms, we identify the crux of the problem and present a method for automatic DS-MITM attack based on general constraint programming, which allows the crypt-analysts to state the problem at a high level without having to say how it should be solved. Our method is not only able to enumerate distin-guishers but can also partly automate the key-recovery process. This approach makes the DS-MITM cryptanalysis more straightforward and easier to follow, since the resolution of the problem is delegated to off-the-shelf constraint solvers and therefore decoupled from its formulation. We apply the method to SKINNY, TWINE, and LBlock, and we get the currently known best DS-MITM attacks on these ciphers. Moreover, to demonstrate the usefulness of our tool for the block cipher designers, we exhaustively evaluate the security of 8! = 40320 versions of LBlock instantiated with different words permutations in the F functions. It turns out that the permutation used in the original LBlock is one of the 64 permutations showing the strongest resistance against the DS-MITM attack. The whole process is accomplished on a PC in less than 2 hours. The same process is applied to TWINE, and similar results are obtained

    Revisiting Related-Key Boomerang attacks on AES using computer-aided tool

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    In recent years, several MILP models were introduced to search automatically for boomerang distinguishers and boomerang attacks on block ciphers. However, they can only be used when the key schedule is linear. Here, a new model is introduced to deal with nonlinear key schedules as it is the case for AES. This model is more complex and actually it is too slow for exhaustive search. However, when some hints are added to the solver, it found the current best related-key boomerang attack on AES-192 with 21242^{124} time, 21242^{124} data, and 279.82^{79.8} memory complexities, which is better than the one presented by Biryukov and Khovratovich at ASIACRYPT 2009 with complexities 2176/2123/21522^{176}/2^{123}/2^{152} respectively. This represents a huge improvement for the time and memory complexity, illustrating the power of MILP in cryptanalysis

    A Star-based Independent Biclique Attack on Full Rounds SQUARE

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    SQUARE is an iterated block cipher proposed by Daemen et.al. in FSE1997. Inspired by Bogdanov et.al.’s recent works [12], we first present an improved biclique attack, i.e. stat-based independent biclique attack on full rounds SQUARE in this paper. We construct a one round stat-based independent biclique for the initial round, and utilize matching with precomputation techniques to recover the whole key from the remaining rounds. The computing complexity of our attack is about 2(126.17)2^(126.17) encryptions and required data can be reduced to a single plaintext-ciphertext pair. To be the best of our knowledge, our attack has an optimal computing complexity and data complexity of biclique attack on full rounds SQUARE

    A Statistical Verification Method of Random Permutations for Hiding Countermeasure Against Side-Channel Attacks

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    As NIST is putting the final touches on the standardization of PQC (Post Quantum Cryptography) public key algorithms, it is a racing certainty that peskier cryptographic attacks undeterred by those new PQC algorithms will surface. Such a trend in turn will prompt more follow-up studies of attacks and countermeasures. As things stand, from the attackers' perspective, one viable form of attack that can be implemented thereupon is the so-called "side-channel attack". Two best-known countermeasures heralded to be durable against side-channel attacks are: "masking" and "hiding". In that dichotomous picture, of particular note are successful single-trace attacks on some of the NIST's PQC then-candidates, which worked to the detriment of the former: "masking". In this paper, we cast an eye over the latter: "hiding". Hiding proves to be durable against both side-channel attacks and another equally robust type of attacks called "fault injection attacks", and hence is deemed an auspicious countermeasure to be implemented. Mathematically, the hiding method is fundamentally based on random permutations. There has been a cornucopia of studies on generating random permutations. However, those are not tied to implementation of the hiding method. In this paper, we propose a reliable and efficient verification of permutation implementation, through employing Fisher-Yates' shuffling method. We introduce the concept of an n-th order permutation and explain how it can be used to verify that our implementation is more efficient than its previous-gen counterparts for hiding countermeasures.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Non-Binding (Designated Verifier) Signature

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    We argue that there are some scenarios in which plausible deniability might be desired for a digital signature scheme. For instance, the non-repudiation property of conventional signature schemes is problematic in designing an Instant Messaging system (WPES 2004). In this paper, we formally define a non-binding signature scheme in which the Signer is able to disavow her own signature if she wants, but, the Verifier is not able to dispute a signature generated by the Signer. That is, the Signer is able to convince a third party Judge that she is the owner of a signature without disclosing her secret information. We propose a signature scheme that is non-binding and unforgeable. Our signature scheme is post-quantum secure if the underlying cryptographic primitives are post-quantum secure. In addition, a modification to our nonbinding signature scheme leads to an Instant Messaging system that is of independent interest

    Safe-Error Attacks on SIKE and CSIDH

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    The isogeny-based post-quantum schemes SIKE (NIST PQC round 3 alternate candidate) and CSIDH (Asiacrypt 2018) have received only little attention with respect to their fault attack resilience so far. We aim to fill this gap and provide a better understanding of their vulnerability by analyzing their resistance towards safe-error attacks. We present four safe-error attacks, two against SIKE and two against a constant-time implementation of CSIDH that uses dummy isogenies. The attacks use targeted bitflips during the respective isogeny-graph traversals. All four attacks lead to full key recovery. By using voltage and clock glitching, we physically carried out two of the attacks - one against each scheme -, thus demonstrate that full key recovery is also possible in practice
