40,442 research outputs found

    The Influence of Information Quality, System Quality and Service Quality on the Use of Web-based Information Systems (Case Studies on Aremania Brawijaya for the User of Web-based Portal in Ongisnade.co.id, Malang)

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the variable system quality, the information quality, service quality and use with web-based information technology. Know and explain the relationship system quality variable with the use of web-based information technology, Know and explain the relationship information quality variable with the use of web-based information technology, Know and explain the relationship service quality variable with the use of web-based information technology, the research was conducted in ongisnade.co.id. The study is used to test the hypothesis is explanatory research, The study shows that there is a strong correlation between the system quality variables, information quality, and service quality and to use of information technology. So the relationship with the use of variables with the user in information systems technology will have a strong relationship .the conclusions show that the quality system, information quality and service quality has been able to meet the use web-based information technology on ongisnade.co.id

    Factors Affecting Information Quality of Local Government Financial Statement

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    This study aims to determine the factors that affect the information quality of West Bandung District local government financial information. Government financial statement should meet qualitative characteristics. This research uses qualitative method and data completion with interview technique and reports to 17 informants, which are heads of sub finance section in Regional Work Units of West Bandung District. Data analysis is done by data reduction, then presents data and conclude data obtained according to the data analysis method for qualitative research. The results of this study indicate the factors that affect the information quality of West Bandung District Financial Statements are the application of Government Accounting Standards, human resources quality, internal control system, utilization of information technology, organizational commitment, the role of internal auditors, assets, external factors, and the operational fund management of special schools for West Bandung District Education Office

    Pengaruh Information Quality, System Quality, dan Service Quality terhadap Perceived Flow (Studi Kasus pada Pengguna Aplikasi Traveloka)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Information Quality, System Quality, dan Service Quality terhadap Perceived Flow. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 195 responden di Yogyakarta dengan responden para pengguna Aplikasi Traveloka yang melakukan setidaknya transaksi satu kali dalam enam bulan terakhir. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) information quality berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived flow, 2) system quality tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived flow, 3) service quality berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived flow

    The Impact of Information Quality and System Quality on User Satisfaction in Web-based Information System (Study on the Employees of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Malang)

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    The aim in this research are to analyze and explain the influence of information and system quality on BRINETS user satisfaction partially and simultaneously in Bank Rakyat Indonesia Malang. Research that is used to test the hypothesis is explanatory research that performed using quantitative method. Data collection is conducted using questionnaire, interview and documentation techniques. Variable that used in this research are Information Quality, System Quality and User Satisfaction. Data analysis is conducted using Descriptive and Inferencial Statistic Methods including Multiple Regression Analysis. The result are that information quality has significant impact with user satisfaction. System Quality has significant impact with user satisfaction. Information quality and system quality has significant impact with user satisfaction.However, the user satisfaction that employees felt not too big because some of them found that BRINETS still not good. This is because many obstacles that occur in BRINETS. Generally, system and information quality of BRINETS is good enough but, some employees believe that it is not good even worse

    Ambiguity, Information Quality and Asset Pricing

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    When ambiguity averse investors process news of uncertain quality, they act as if they take a worst-case assessment of quality. As a result, they react more strongly to bad news than to good news. They also dislike assets for which information quality is poor, especially when the underlying fundamentals are volatile. These effects induce skewness in asset returns and induce ambiguity premia that depend on idiosyncratic risk in fundamentals. Moreover, shocks to information quality can have persistent negative effects on prices even if fundamentals do not change. This helps to explain the reaction of markets to events like 9/11/2001.ambiguity, information quality, asset pricing, idiosyncratic risk, negatively skewed returns

    Information Quality and Stock Returns Revisited

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    Building on the seminal work of Veronesi (2000), we investigate the relationship between the quality of information on the state of the economy and equity risk premium. In this, we use a setup where investors have Epstein-Zin preferences and the economy switches between booms and recessions at random intervals (Hamilton, 1989). Calibrating the model to fit the business cycle patterns in the US postwar data, we are able to establish two key results: First, as conjectured in the existing literature, we demonstrate that investors with high intertemporal elasticity of substitution will require lower excess returns for holding stocks if they are provided with better information on the state of the economy. Second, and even more interesting (since not predicted in the literature), we find that this will also hold for investors with a moderate elasticity of intertemporal substitution if they are moderately risk averse.

    Youth and Digital Media: From Credibility to Information Quality

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    Building upon a process-and context-oriented information quality framework, this paper seeks to map and explore what we know about the ways in which young users of age 18 and under search for information online, how they evaluate information, and how their related practices of content creation, levels of new literacies, general digital media usage, and social patterns affect these activities. A review of selected literature at the intersection of digital media, youth, and information quality -- primarily works from library and information science, sociology, education, and selected ethnographic studies -- reveals patterns in youth's information-seeking behavior, but also highlights the importance of contextual and demographic factors both for search and evaluation. Looking at the phenomenon from an information-learning and educational perspective, the literature shows that youth develop competencies for personal goals that sometimes do not transfer to school, and are sometimes not appropriate for school. Thus far, educational initiatives to educate youth about search, evaluation, or creation have depended greatly on the local circumstances for their success or failure

    Ignoring Information Quality

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    Entry into the patent system is guarded by an examination process to screen out applications that impose undue costs on the public without commensurate benefit. To do this, patent examiners rely heavily on various pieces of informationā€”both provided by the patent applicant and independently discovered by the examinerā€”to assess whether an application should be granted. This Article shows that there are few mechanisms at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for questioning the veracity of this information, even though it may be incorrect. Rather, patent examination often assumes that existence of information equals accuracy of information. Consequently, examiners may rely on information that is wrong and many decisions about patent grant may also be wrong. While it is well known that patent examiners make frequent errors, the existing scholarship is almost entirely about what this Article terms ā€œmatching errorsā€ (where examiners do not find information that actually exists), when ā€œdigging errorsā€ (where examiners find information but the information is wrong) may in fact be more common. Digging errors have serious harms: nuisance suits, decreased incentives for research, and slowed technological development. The matching-digging framework introduced by this Article not only reveals new errors, it also makes the case that existing policy tools to address examination errors will not prevent or resolve these errors. Existing policy tools require that errors be visible to the public, which is currently true for matching errors but is not for digging errors. Solutions to digging errors should therefore be information forcing to remedy this asymmetry; and this Article includes several recommendations. Further, this Article uses the matching-digging framework to reconceptualize examination as a system of quasi-registration that defers many decisions about patentability to litigation. Patents should thus not be given a presumption of validity and doctrines of patentability as applied in litigation should not mimic their prosecution counterparts
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