5 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Agreement Berbasis Semantik Pada P2P Untuk Interoperabilitas Informasi Spasial

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    Currently, information sources contain spatial information, such as address, and coordinate. In the last decades, diversity of geographic information has increased. Internet contributes tto create diversity and availability of GIS. GIS represent traditional database and geographic, as a result more complex data structure and semantic are needed

    Domain-based distributes mediation system for large-scale data integration

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    The increasing use of computers and the development of communication infrastructures resulted in abundance of information on the networks and extremely need for querying and integrating data from large number of data sources, especially for scientific applications. Distributed mediation system performs this task fragmentally, where each mediator in the system architecture responsible for querying subset of data sources.To make such type of systems success in large scale, we must deal with two issues: logical distribution of the data sources and mediators in the system architecture, and logical interaction between the mediators.To handle these issues, this paper proposes a domain based distributed mediation system called Multi-Mediators System for Large scale Data Integration (MMSLDI).MMSLDI enables the reducing of the general query response time by eliminating unnecessary visits to the data sources that do not contribute to the answer of the query.Moreover, it satisfies the requirements of adaptation to various kinds of domains, decentralized control, and automation of its processes

    Congenial Web Search : A Conceptual Framework for Personalized, Collaborative, and Social Peer-to-Peer Retrieval

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    Traditional information retrieval methods fail to address the fact that information consumption and production are social activities. Most Web search engines do not consider the social-cultural environment of users' information needs and the collaboration between users. This dissertation addresses a new search paradigm for Web information retrieval denoted as Congenial Web Search. It emphasizes personalization, collaboration, and socialization methods in order to improve effectiveness. The client-server architecture of Web search engines only allows the consumption of information. A peer-to-peer system architecture has been developed in this research to improve information seeking. Each user is involved in an interactive process to produce meta-information. Based on a personalization strategy on each peer, the user is supported to give explicit feedback for relevant documents. His information need is expressed by a query that is stored in a Peer Search Memory. On one hand, query-document associations are incorporated in a personalized ranking method for repeated information needs. The performance is shown in a known-item retrieval setting. On the other hand, explicit feedback of each user is useful to discover collaborative information needs. A new method for a controlled grouping of query terms, links, and users was developed to maintain Virtual Knowledge Communities. The quality of this grouping represents the effectiveness of grouped terms and links. Both strategies, personalization and collaboration, tackle the problem of a missing socialization among searchers. Finally, a concept for integrated information seeking was developed. This incorporates an integrated representation to improve effectiveness of information retrieval and information filtering. An integrated information retrieval process explores a virtual search network of Peer Search Memories in order to accomplish a reputation-based ranking. In addition, the community structure is considered by an integrated information filtering process. Both concepts have been evaluated and shown to have a better performance than traditional techniques. The methods presented in this dissertation offer the potential towards more transparency, and control of Web search