16,068 research outputs found

    A reliable and resource aware framework for data dissemination in wireless sensor networks

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    Distinctive from traditional wireless ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks (WSN) comprise a large number of low-cost miniaturized nodes each acting autonomously and equipped with short-range wireless communication mechanism, limited memory, processing power, and a physical sensing capability. Since sensor networks are resource constrained in terms of power, bandwidth and computational capability, an optimal system design radically changes the performance of the sensor network. Here, a comprehensive information dissemination scheme for wireless sensor networks is performed. Two main research issues are considered: (1) a collaborative flow of information packet/s from the source to sink and (2) energy efficiency of the sensor nodes and the entire system. For the first issue, we designed and evaluated a reactive and on-demand routing paradigm for distributed sensing applications. We name this scheme as IDLF-Information Dissemination via Label ForwarDing IDLF incorporates point to point data transmission where the source initiates the routing scheme and disseminates the information toward the sink (destination) node. Prior to transmission of actual data packet/s, a data tunnel is formed followed by the source node issuing small label information to its neighbors locally. These labels are in turn disseminated in the network. By using small size labels, IDLF avoids generation of unnecessary network traffic and transmission of duplicate packets to nodes. To study the impact of node failures and to improve the reliability of the network, we developed another scheme which is an extension to IDLF. This new scheme, RM-IDLF - Reliable Multipath Information dissemination by Label Forwarding, employ an alternate disjoint path. This alternate path scheme (RM-IDLF) may have a higher path cost in terms of energy consumption, but is more reliable in terms of data packet delivery to sink than the single path scheme (IDLF). In the latter scheme, the protocol establishes multiple (alternate) disjoint path/s from source to destination with negligible control overhead to balance load due to heavy data traffic among intermediate nodes from source to the destination. Another point of interest in this framework is the study of trade-offs between the achieved routing reliability using multiple disjoint path routing and extra energy consumption due to the use of additional path/s. Also, the effect of the failed nodes on the network performance is evaluated within the sensor system; Performance of the label dissemination scheme is evaluated and compared with the classic flooding and SPIN. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Over-the-air software updates in the internet of things : an overview of key principles

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    Due to the fast pace at which IoT is evolving, there is an increasing need to support over-theair software updates for security updates, bug fixes, and software extensions. To this end, multiple over-the-air techniques have been proposed, each covering a specific aspect of the update process, such as (partial) code updates, data dissemination, and security. However, each technique introduces overhead, especially in terms of energy consumption, thereby impacting the operational lifetime of the battery constrained devices. Until now, a comprehensive overview describing the different update steps and quantifying the impact of each step is missing in the scientific literature, making it hard to assess the overall feasibility of an over-the-air update. To remedy this, our article analyzes which parts of an IoT operating system are most updated after device deployment, proposes a step-by-step approach to integrate software updates in IoT solutions, and quantifies the energy cost of each of the involved steps. The results show that besides the obvious dissemination cost, other phases such as security also introduce a significant overhead. For instance, a typical firmware update requires 135.026 mJ, of which the main portions are data dissemination (63.11 percent) and encryption (5.29 percent). However, when modular updates are used instead, the energy cost (e.g., for a MAC update) is reduced to 26.743 mJ (48.69 percent for data dissemination and 26.47 percent for encryption)

    Secure and Reconfigurable Network Design for Critical Information Dissemination in the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT)

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    The Internet of things (IoT) is revolutionizing the management and control of automated systems leading to a paradigm shift in areas such as smart homes, smart cities, health care, transportation, etc. The IoT technology is also envisioned to play an important role in improving the effectiveness of military operations in battlefields. The interconnection of combat equipment and other battlefield resources for coordinated automated decisions is referred to as the Internet of battlefield things (IoBT). IoBT networks are significantly different from traditional IoT networks due to the battlefield specific challenges such as the absence of communication infrastructure, and the susceptibility of devices to cyber and physical attacks. The combat efficiency and coordinated decision-making in war scenarios depends highly on real-time data collection, which in turn relies on the connectivity of the network and the information dissemination in the presence of adversaries. This work aims to build the theoretical foundations of designing secure and reconfigurable IoBT networks. Leveraging the theories of stochastic geometry and mathematical epidemiology, we develop an integrated framework to study the communication of mission-critical data among different types of network devices and consequently design the network in a cost effective manner.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    On the Role of Mobility for Multi-message Gossip

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    We consider information dissemination in a large nn-user wireless network in which kk users wish to share a unique message with all other users. Each of the nn users only has knowledge of its own contents and state information; this corresponds to a one-sided push-only scenario. The goal is to disseminate all messages efficiently, hopefully achieving an order-optimal spreading rate over unicast wireless random networks. First, we show that a random-push strategy -- where a user sends its own or a received packet at random -- is order-wise suboptimal in a random geometric graph: specifically, Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) times slower than optimal spreading. It is known that this gap can be closed if each user has "full" mobility, since this effectively creates a complete graph. We instead consider velocity-constrained mobility where at each time slot the user moves locally using a discrete random walk with velocity v(n)v(n) that is much lower than full mobility. We propose a simple two-stage dissemination strategy that alternates between individual message flooding ("self promotion") and random gossiping. We prove that this scheme achieves a close to optimal spreading rate (within only a logarithmic gap) as long as the velocity is at least v(n)=ω(logn/k)v(n)=\omega(\sqrt{\log n/k}). The key insight is that the mixing property introduced by the partial mobility helps users to spread in space within a relatively short period compared to the optimal spreading time, which macroscopically mimics message dissemination over a complete graph.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Pheromone-based In-Network Processing for wireless sensor network monitoring systems

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    Monitoring spatio-temporal continuous fields using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has emerged as a novel solution. An efficient data-driven routing mechanism for sensor querying and information gathering in large-scale WSNs is a challenging problem. In particular, we consider the case of how to query the sensor network information with the minimum energy cost in scenarios where a small subset of sensor nodes has relevant readings. In order to deal with this problem, we propose a Pheromone-based In-Network Processing (PhINP) mechanism. The proposal takes advantages of both a pheromone-based iterative strategy to direct queries towards nodes with relevant information and query- and response-based in-network filtering to reduce the number of active nodes. Additionally, we apply reinforcement learning to improve the performance. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a simple and efficient mechanism for information discovery and gathering. It can reduce the messages exchanged in the network, by allowing some error, in order to maximize the network lifetime. We demonstrate by extensive simulations that using PhINP mechanism the query dissemination cost can be reduced by approximately 60% over flooding, with an error below 1%, applying the same in-network filtering strategy.Fil: Riva, Guillermo Gaston. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Finochietto, Jorge Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; Argentin