30,239 research outputs found

    Scaling Algebras and Renormalization Group in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

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    For any given algebra of local observables in Minkowski space an associated scaling algebra is constructed on which renormalization group (scaling) transformations act in a canonical manner. The method can be carried over to arbitrary spacetime manifolds and provides a framework for the systematic analysis of the short distance properties of local quantum field theories. It is shown that every theory has a (possibly non-unique) scaling limit which can be classified according to its classical or quantum nature. Dilation invariant theories are stable under the action of the renormalization group. Within this framework the problem of wedge (Bisognano-Wichmann) duality in the scaling limit is discussed and some of its physical implications are outlined.Comment: 47 pages, no figures, ams-late

    Internal labelling operators and contractions of Lie algebras

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    We analyze under which conditions the missing label problem associated to a reduction chain s′⊂s\frak{s}^{\prime}\subset \frak{s} of (simple) Lie algebras can be completely solved by means of an In\"on\"u-Wigner contraction g\frak{g} naturally related to the embedding. This provides a new interpretation of the missing label operators in terms of the Casimir operators of the contracted algebra, and shows that the available labeling operators are not completely equivalent. Further, the procedure is used to obtain upper bounds for the number of invariants of affine Lie algebras arising as contractions of semisimple algebras.Comment: 20 pages, 2 table

    Singular dimensions of the N=2 superconformal algebras. I

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    Verma modules of superconfomal algebras can have singular vector spaces with dimensions greater than 1. Following a method developed for the Virasoro algebra by Kent, we introduce the concept of adapted orderings on superconformal algebras. We prove several general results on the ordering kernels associated to the adapted orderings and show that the size of an ordering kernel implies an upper limit for the dimension of a singular vector space. We apply this method to the topological N=2 algebra and obtain the maximal dimensions of the singular vector spaces in the topological Verma modules: 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on the type of Verma module and the type of singular vector. As a consequence we prove the conjecture of Gato-Rivera and Rosado on the possible existing types of topological singular vectors (4 in chiral Verma modules and 29 in complete Verma modules). Interestingly, we have found two-dimensional spaces of singular vectors at level 1. Finally, by using the topological twists and the spectral flows, we also obtain the maximal dimensions of the singular vector spaces for the Neveu-Schwarz N=2 algebra (0, 1 or 2) and for the Ramond N=2 algebra (0, 1, 2 or 3).Comment: Latex, 37 page

    Entanglement entropy for a Maxwell field: Numerical calculation on a two dimensional lattice

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    We study entanglement entropy (EE) for a Maxwell field in 2+1 dimensions. We do numerical calculations in two dimensional lattices. This gives a concrete example of the general results of our recent work on entropy for lattice gauge fields using an algebraic approach. To evaluate the entropies we extend the standard calculation methods for the entropy of Gaussian states in canonical commutation algebras to the more general case of algebras with center and arbitrary numerical commutators. We find that while the entropy depends on the details of the algebra choice, mutual information has a well defined continuum limit. We study several universal terms for the entropy of the Maxwell field and compare with the case of a massless scalar field. We find some interesting new phenomena: An "evanescent" logarithmically divergent term in the entropy with topological coefficient which does not have any correspondence with ultraviolet entanglement in the universal quantities, and a non standard way in which strong subadditivity is realized. Based on the results of our calculations we propose a generalization of strong subadditivity for the entropy on some algebras that are not in tensor product.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figure

    Quantum Error Correction of Observables

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    A formalism for quantum error correction based on operator algebras was introduced in [1] via consideration of the Heisenberg picture for quantum dynamics. The resulting theory allows for the correction of hybrid quantum-classical information and does not require an encoded state to be entirely in one of the corresponding subspaces or subsystems. Here, we provide detailed proofs for the results of [1], derive a number of new results, and we elucidate key points with expanded discussions. We also present several examples and indicate how the theory can be extended to operator spaces and general positive operator-valued measures.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, preprint versio

    The Douglas Lemma for von Neumann Algebras and Some Applications

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    In this article, we discuss the well-known Douglas lemma on the relationship between majorization and factorization of operators, in the context of von Neumann algebras. We give a proof of the Douglas lemma for von Neumann algebras which is essential for some of our applications. We discuss several applications of the Douglas lemma and prove some new results about left (or, one-sided) ideals of von Neumann algebras. A result by Loebl-Paulsen characterizes C∗C^*-convex subsets of B(H)\mathcal{B}(\mathscr{H}) as those subsets which contain C∗C^*-segments generated from operators in the subset (B(H)\mathcal{B}(\mathscr{H}) denotes the set of bounded operators on a complex Hilbert space H\mathscr{H}.) We define the notion of pseudo C∗C^*-convexity for a subset of a Hilbert C∗C^*-bimodule over a C∗C^*-algebra with the aspiration of it being a practical technical tool in establishing C∗C^*-convexity of a subset. For a von Neumann algebra R\mathscr{R}, we prove the equivalence of the notions of C∗C^*-convexity and pseudo C∗C^*-convexity in Hilbert R\mathscr{R}-bimodules. This generalizes the aforementioned Loebl-Paulsen result which may be formulated in a straightforward manner in the setting of C∗C^*-convexity in Hilbert B(H)\mathcal{B}(\mathscr{H})-bimodules.Comment: 16 page

    The characteristic polynomial of the Adams operators on graded connected Hopf algebras

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    The Adams operators Ψn\Psi_n on a Hopf algebra HH are the convolution powers of the identity of HH. We study the Adams operators when HH is graded connected. They are also called Hopf powers or Sweedler powers. The main result is a complete description of the characteristic polynomial (both eigenvalues and their multiplicities) for the action of the operator Ψn\Psi_n on each homogeneous component of HH. The eigenvalues are powers of nn. The multiplicities are independent of nn, and in fact only depend on the dimension sequence of HH. These results apply in particular to the antipode of HH (the case n=−1n=-1). We obtain closed forms for the generating function of the sequence of traces of the Adams operators. In the case of the antipode, the generating function bears a particularly simple relationship to the one for the dimension sequence. In case H is cofree, we give an alternative description for the characteristic polynomial and the trace of the antipode in terms of certain palindromic words. We discuss parallel results that hold for Hopf monoids in species and qq-Hopf algebras.Comment: 36 pages; two appendice
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