243 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality – A New Era in Surgical Training

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    Design, validation and implementation of a virtual reality high fidelity laparoscopic appendicectomy curriculum

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    INTRODUCTION: The treatment for acute appendicitis is laparoscopic appendicectomy (LA), usually performed by trainees who face significant challenges to training. Simulation curricula are being increasingly utilised and optimised to accelerate learning and improve skill retention in a safe environment. The aim of this study is to produce and implement a virtual reality (VR) curriculum for laparoscopic appendicectomy (LA) on the high-fidelity LAP Mentor VR simulator. METHODOLOGY: Performance data of randomised experts and novices were compared to assess the construct validity of the LAP Mentor basic skills (BS) and LA modules. Face validity of the simulator and module was assessed by questionnaire. These results informed the construction of a VR LA curriculum on an evidence-based theoretical framework. The curriculum was implemented and evaluated by analysis of participant diaries. RESULTS: Thirty-five novices and 25 experienced surgeons performed either BS, five LA procedural tasks or the LA full procedure. Both modules demonstrated construct validity. The LA module was deemed moderately realistic and useful for developing laparoscopic psychomotor skills. Seven novice trainees completed the new LA curriculum (three others dropped out). Analysis of participants diaries revealed the presence of frustration, the benefits of feedback sessions and the advantages and pitfalls of open access. DISCUSSION: Evaluations of the implementation of similar curricula are rare and participant diaries led to critical insights. The curriculum was difficult and sometimes frustrating, mitigated by rewarding experiences and coaching. The latter facilitated deliberate practice. Scheduling issues were mitigated by open access. Limitations of the curricula include the invariability in the presentation of appendicitis, and the reason for dropouts are not known. CONCLUSION: Several BS and all LA tasks are construct-valid. A new VR LA curriculum was implemented and analysis of participant diaries yielded critical insights into real-world implementation. Future study should investigate its effect on real-world performance and patient outcomes

    Is it all about the money? : The effects of low and high cost simulator training scenarios in surgical training

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    Background: The learning process is complex and dependent on several factors such as for instance, the environment to learn, prior knowledge and distinct abilities, motivation, goal-orientation as well as the effects of instructor feedback. Medical education, in particular within surgical domains is imperative due to its influence on patient safety. The demand for training surgeons has shifted from the “master-apprentice/practice on patients”, towards a safer modality, involving simulators. The positive effects laparoscopic simulator training has on laparoscopic performance is extensive, as well as its impact on operating room performance. Nonetheless, the difference in learning effect using either low-cost or high-fidelity laparoscopic simulators were not totally clear prior to study start. Aims 1. To examine whether laparoscopic surgical training may be offered at a lower cost, with maintained equivalent level of training and effect in knowledge/learning using a low-cost laparoscopic Blackbox (Paper I). 2. To study the impact of PC-gaming experience, visuospatial ability and gender on the various parameters of the MIST-VR simulator and its effect on the score (Paper II). 3. To further investigate the Blackbox, and if different adjuncts (video analysis) could provide more information regarding the effects of training (Paper III). 4. To study the effects on time to learn laparoscopic knot- and suturing skills in novices using two different laparoscopic needle holders in a more advanced Blackbox, evaluate outcomes regarding performance, ergonomic discomfort and time to perform laparoscopic knot- and suturing skills, as well as to evaluate an objective video evaluation scoring table (OVEST) (Paper IV). Materials and Methods: The participants were medical students from the surgical semester at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Studies I-III) and medical students at Athens University Medical School in Athens, Athens, Greece (Study IV). The studies were conducted at CAMST (Center for Advanced Medical Simulation and Training), Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm (Studies I-III), and at MPLSC (Medical Physics-Lab Simulation Center), Athens University Medical School, Athens, Greece (Study IV). In conjunction with inclusion, the students (Studies I-II) performed a test (MRT-A; Mental Rotation Test – A) for the assessment of their visuospatial ability, and questionnaires including baseline questions (Studies I-IV). The simulator training/tests were done using different laparoscopic simulators; Blackbox (Studies I and III); LapMentor (Study I); MIST-VR (Studies I-III); Simball box (Study IV). The participants’ simulator performance analyzed; time to completion and economy of movement (Studies I-IV); optical flow metrics (path-length and total number of particles) as displayed by the automated video analysis software (Study III); knot- and suturing skills (Study IV). Results: Studies I and II showed, as previous studies, that the visuospatial ability correlated with the initial simulator training sessions. Study I showed no significant difference in performance between laparoscopic basic skills training regardless of simulator used; low-cost or high-fidelity laparoscopy simulator. Studies I, II and III showed discrepancies between prior PC-gaming experience and the simulator performance, as well as some gender-specific differences. Study III also showed that the use of a low-cost automated video analysis software may be feasibly comparable to the build-in software of the MIST-VR simulator. Study IV presented a shortened time to learn for novices performing laparoscopic knot- and suturing tasks in a simulated environment when using the newly designed laparoscopic needle holder compared to a conventional market needle holder. Conclusions: Laparoscopic simulator training clearly facilitates laparoscopic skills performance. Improved prerequisites of training opportunities for surgeons could potentiate patient safety, especially since enhanced surgical performance improves patient safety. Subsequently, as depicted in this thesis, there is not one single truth or solution, rather different angles and several factors that affect learning in general and surgical performance in particular. Therefore, considerations of for instance individual differences, gender, and motivation, should all be included when producing laparoscopic skills training curriculum for future surgical trainees

    Education in laparoscopic surgery:All eyes towards in vivo training

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    Tegenwoordig worden steeds meer buikoperaties d.m.v. laparoscopische (knoopsgat) chirurgie uitgevoerd. Omdat deze manier van chirurgie zo anders is dan conventionele chirurgie staat tegenwoordig de manier van selectie, training en beoordeling van artsen in opleiding tot chirurg ter discussie in de wetenschap. Uit dit proefschrift blijkt dat neuropsychologische testen voor ruimtelijk inzicht en psychomotorische vaardigheden een voorspellende waarde hebben in de laparoscopische chirurgie. Beoordeling van applicaties voor de opleiding chirurgie zouden daarom gebaat zijn bij een neuropsychologische test van deze vaardigheden. De training van chirurgen kan mogelijk worden verbeterd door het gebruik van het Pareto-principe, een principe dat veel gebruikt wordt in de bedrijfseconomie en verondersteld dat 20% van de verschillende oorzaken verantwoordelijk is voor 80% van de gevolgen. Ook op de operatiekamer blijkt namelijk 20% van de laparoscopische vaardigheden verantwoordelijk te zijn voor 80% van de verbale correcties gegeven door supervisoren. Ten behoeve van trainingsefficiëntie lijkt het dus verstandig om traininginstrumenten (VR simulator taken, boeken, cursussen, etc.) te ontwikkelen die juist deze 20% aanpakken. In het huidige trainingsysteem wordt een algemeen beoordelingsformulier gebruikt voor het geven van feedback, de OSATS. Alhoewel dit een duidelijke vooruitgang is t.o.v. de meer subjectieve beoordelingen van vroeger kan het formulier niet gebruikt worden voor procedure specifieke feedback. Uit dit proefschrift blijkt dat het beoordelen van de mate van fysieke en verbale ondersteuning die een arts in opleiding tot chirurg nodig heeft van zijn supervisor een goed beeld geeft van zijn/haar niveau tijdens een laparoscopische operatie en tevens kan worden gebruikt voor het geven van procedure specifieke feedback
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