25 research outputs found

    Iterative Separation of Note Events from Single-Channel Polyphonic Recordings

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    This thesis is concerned with the separation of audio sources from single-channel polyphonic musical recordings using the iterative estimation and separation of note events. Each event is defined as a section of audio containing largely harmonic energy identified as coming from a single sound source. Multiple events can be clustered to form separated sources. This solution is a model-based algorithm that can be applied to a large variety of audio recordings without requiring previous training stages. The proposed system embraces two principal stages. The first one considers the iterative detection and separation of note events from within the input mixture. In every iteration, the pitch trajectory of the predominant note event is automatically selected from an array of fundamental frequency estimates and used to guide the separation of the event's spectral content using two different methods: time-frequency masking and time-domain subtraction. A residual signal is then generated and used as the input mixture for the next iteration. After convergence, the second stage considers the clustering of all detected note events into individual audio sources. Performance evaluation is carried out at three different levels. Firstly, the accuracy of the note-event-based multipitch estimator is compared with that of the baseline algorithm used in every iteration to generate the initial set of pitch estimates. Secondly, the performance of the semi-supervised source separation process is compared with that of another semi-automatic algorithm. Finally, a listening test is conducted to assess the audio quality and naturalness of the separated sources when they are used to create stereo mixes from monaural recordings. Future directions for this research focus on the application of the proposed system to other music-related tasks. Also, a preliminary optimisation-based approach is presented as an alternative method for the separation of overlapping partials, and as a high resolution time-frequency representation for digital signals

    Interpersonal sensorimotor communication shapes intrapersonal coordination in a musical ensemble

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    Social behaviors rely on the coordination of multiple effectors within one's own body as well as between the interacting bodies. However, little is known about how coupling at the interpersonal level impacts coordination among body parts at the intrapersonal level, especially in ecological, complex, situations. Here, we perturbed interpersonal sensorimotor communication in violin players of an orchestra and investigated how this impacted musicians' intrapersonal movements coordination. More precisely, first section violinists were asked to turn their back to the conductor and to face the second section of violinists, who still faced the conductor. Motion capture of head and bow kinematics showed that altering the usual interpersonal coupling scheme increased intrapersonal coordination. Our perturbation also induced smaller yet more complex head movements, which spanned multiple, faster timescales that closely matched the metrical levels of the musical score. Importantly, perturbation differentially increased intrapersonal coordination across these timescales. We interpret this behavioral shift as a sensorimotor strategy that exploits periodical movements to effectively tune sensory processing in time and allows coping with the disruption in the interpersonal coupling scheme. As such, head movements, which are usually deemed to fulfill communicative functions, may possibly be adapted to help regulate own performance in time

    Interpersonal sensorimotor communication shapes intrapersonal coordination in a musical ensemble

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    Social behaviors rely on the coordination of multiple effectors within one’s own body as well as between the interacting bodies. However, little is known about how coupling at the interpersonal level impacts coordination among body parts at the intrapersonal level, especially in ecological, complex, situations. Here, we perturbed interpersonal sensorimotor communication in violin players of an orchestra and investigated how this impacted musicians’ intrapersonal movements coordination. More precisely, first section violinists were asked to turn their back to the conductor and to face the second section of violinists, who still faced the conductor. Motion capture of head and bow kinematics showed that altering the usual interpersonal coupling scheme increased intrapersonal coordination. Our perturbation also induced smaller yet more complex head movements, which spanned multiple, faster timescales that closely matched the metrical levels of the musical score. Importantly, perturbation differentially increased intrapersonal coordination across these timescales. We interpret this behavioral shift as a sensorimotor strategy that exploits periodical movements to effectively tune sensory processing in time and allows coping with the disruption in the interpersonal coupling scheme. As such, head movements, which are usually deemed to fulfill communicative functions, may possibly be adapted to help regulate own performance in time

    Ultrasonic splitting of oil-in-water emulsions

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    Towards the automated analysis of simple polyphonic music : a knowledge-based approach

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    PhDMusic understanding is a process closely related to the knowledge and experience of the listener. The amount of knowledge required is relative to the complexity of the task in hand. This dissertation is concerned with the problem of automatically decomposing musical signals into a score-like representation. It proposes that, as with humans, an automatic system requires knowledge about the signal and its expected behaviour to correctly analyse music. The proposed system uses the blackboard architecture to combine the use of knowledge with data provided by the bottom-up processing of the signal's information. Methods are proposed for the estimation of pitches, onset times and durations of notes in simple polyphonic music. A method for onset detection is presented. It provides an alternative to conventional energy-based algorithms by using phase information. Statistical analysis is used to create a detection function that evaluates the expected behaviour of the signal regarding onsets. Two methods for multi-pitch estimation are introduced. The first concentrates on the grouping of harmonic information in the frequency-domain. Its performance and limitations emphasise the case for the use of high-level knowledge. This knowledge, in the form of the individual waveforms of a single instrument, is used in the second proposed approach. The method is based on a time-domain linear additive model and it presents an alternative to common frequency-domain approaches. Results are presented and discussed for all methods, showing that, if reliably generated, the use of knowledge can significantly improve the quality of the analysis.Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK National Science Foundation (N.S.F.) in the United states. Fundacion Gran Mariscal Ayacucho in Venezuela

    Speech Modeling and Robust Estimation for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Automatic transcription of the melody from polyphonic music

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of melody detection in polyphonic musical audio. The proposed algorithm uses a bottom-up design, in which each module leads to a more abstract representation of the audio data, which allows a very efficient computation of the melody. Nonetheless, the dataflow is not strictly unidirectional: on several occasions, feedback from higher processing modules controls the processing of low-level modules. The spectral analysis is based on a technique for the efficient computation of short-time Fourier spectra in different time-frequency resolutions. The pitch determination algorithm (PDA) is based on the pair-wise analysis of spectral peaks. Although melody detection implies a strong focus on the predominant voice, the proposed tone processing module aims at extracting multiple fundamental frequencies (F0). In order to identify the melody, the best succession of tones has to be chosen. This thesis describes an efficient computational method for auditory stream segregation that processes a variable number of simultaneous voices. The presented melody extraction algorithm has been evaluated during the MIREX audio melody extraction task. The MIREX results show that the proposed algorithm belongs to the state-of-the-art-algorithms, reaching the best overall accuracy in MIREX 2014.Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Problem der Melodiextraktion aus polyphonem musikalischen Audio. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus umfasst ein „bottom-up“-Design, in dem jedes dieser Module eine abstraktere Darstellung der Audiodaten liefert, was eine effiziente Extraktion der Melodie erlaubt. Allerdings ist der Datenstrom nicht unidirektional -- bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten steuert Feedback von höheren Verarbeitungsmodulen die Verarbeitung von vorangestellten Modulen. Die Spektralanalyse basiert auf einer Technik zur effizienten Berechnung von Kurzzeit-Fourier-Spektren in verschiedenen Zeit-Frequenz-Auflösungen. Der Pitchbestimmungsalgorithmus basiert auf der paarweisen Analyse von spektralen Maxima. Obwohl die Melodieextraktion einen starken Fokus auf die vorherrschende Stimme voraussetzt, zielt das Tonverabeitungsmodul auf eine Extraktion von allen auftretenden Grundfrequenzen (F0) ab. Um die Melodiestimme zu identifizieren, muss die beste Abfolge von Tönen ausgewählt werden. Diese Dissertation beschreibt eine effiziente Methode für die automatische Segregation von sogenannten auditiven Klangströmen. Dabei wird eine variable Anzahl von gleichzeitigen Stimmen verarbeitet. Der vorgestellte Melodieextraktionsalgorithmus wurde im MIREX „audio melody extraction task“ evaluiert. Die Resultate zeigen, dass der Algorithmus zum Stand der Technik gehört – es wurde die beste Gesamtgenauigkeit der im Jahr 2014 ausgewerteten Algorithmen erreicht

    Computational analysis of world music corpora

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    PhDThe comparison of world music cultures has been considered in musicological research since the end of the 19th century. Traditional methods from the field of comparative musicology typically involve the process of manual music annotation. While this provides expert knowledge, the manual input is timeconsuming and limits the potential for large-scale research. This thesis considers computational methods for the analysis and comparison of world music cultures. In particular, Music Information Retrieval (MIR) tools are developed for processing sound recordings, and data mining methods are considered to study similarity relationships in world music corpora. MIR tools have been widely used for the study of (mainly) Western music. The first part of this thesis focuses on assessing the suitability of audio descriptors for the study of similarity in world music corpora. An evaluation strategy is designed to capture challenges in the automatic processing of world music recordings and different state-of-the-art descriptors are assessed. Following this evaluation, three approaches to audio feature extraction are considered, each addressing a different research question. First, a study of singing style similarity is presented. Singing is one of the most common forms of musical expression and it has played an important role in the oral transmission of world music. Hand-designed pitch descriptors are used to model aspects of the singing voice and clustering methods reveal singing style similarities in world music. Second, a study on music dissimilarity is performed. While musical exchange is evident in the history of world music it might be possible that some music cultures have resisted external musical influence. Low-level audio features are combined with machine learning methods to find music examples that stand out in a world music corpus, and geographical patterns are examined. The last study models music similarity using descriptors learned automatically with deep neural networks. It focuses on identifying music examples that appear to be similar in their audio content but share no (obvious) geographical or cultural links in their metadata. Unexpected similarities modelled in this way uncover possible hidden links between world music cultures. This research investigates whether automatic computational analysis can uncover meaningful similarities between recordings of world music. Applications derive musicological insights from one of the largest world music corpora studied so far. Computational analysis as proposed in this thesis advances the state-of-the-art in the study of world music and expands the knowledge and understanding of musical exchange in the world.Queen Mary Principal’s research studentship