4,746 research outputs found

    A joint replenishment competitive location problem

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    Competitive Location Models seek the positions which maximize the market captured by an entrant firm from previously positioned competitors. Nevertheless, strategic location decisions may have a significant impact on inventory and shipment costs in the future affecting the firm’s competitive advantages. In this work we describe a model for the joint replenishment competitive location problem which considers both market capture and replenishment costs in order to choose the firm’s locations. We also present an metaherusitic method to solve it based on the Viswanathan’s (1996) algorithm to solve the Replenishment Problem and an Iterative Local Search Procedure to solve the Location Problem.N/

    Perfect Information vs Random Investigation: Safety Guidelines for a Consumer in the Jungle of Product Differentiation

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    We present a graph-theoretic model of consumer choice, where final decisions are shown to be influenced by information and knowledge, in the form of individual awareness, discriminating ability, and perception of market structure. Building upon the distance-based Hotelling's differentiation idea, we describe the behavioral experience of several prototypes of consumers, who walk a hypothetical cognitive path in an attempt to maximize their satisfaction. Our simulations show that even consumers endowed with a small amount of information and knowledge may reach a very high level of utility. On the other hand, complete ignorance negatively affects the whole consumption process. In addition, rather unexpectedly, a random walk on the graph reveals to be a winning strategy, below a minimal threshold of information and knowledge.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Entropy of complex relevant components of Boolean networks

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    Boolean network models of strongly connected modules are capable of capturing the high regulatory complexity of many biological gene regulatory circuits. We study numerically the previously introduced basin entropy, a parameter for the dynamical uncertainty or information storage capacity of a network as well as the average transient time in random relevant components as a function of their connectivity. We also demonstrate that basin entropy can be estimated from time-series data and is therefore also applicable to non-deterministic networks models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Mutual information in random Boolean models of regulatory networks

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    The amount of mutual information contained in time series of two elements gives a measure of how well their activities are coordinated. In a large, complex network of interacting elements, such as a genetic regulatory network within a cell, the average of the mutual information over all pairs is a global measure of how well the system can coordinate its internal dynamics. We study this average pairwise mutual information in random Boolean networks (RBNs) as a function of the distribution of Boolean rules implemented at each element, assuming that the links in the network are randomly placed. Efficient numerical methods for calculating show that as the number of network nodes N approaches infinity, the quantity N exhibits a discontinuity at parameter values corresponding to critical RBNs. For finite systems it peaks near the critical value, but slightly in the disordered regime for typical parameter variations. The source of high values of N is the indirect correlations between pairs of elements from different long chains with a common starting point. The contribution from pairs that are directly linked approaches zero for critical networks and peaks deep in the disordered regime.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; Minor revisions for clarity and figure format, one reference adde

    Strategic Basins of Attraction, the Farsighted Core, and Network Formation Games

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    We make four main contributions to the theory of network formation. (1) The problem of network formation with farsighted agents can be formulated as an abstract network formation game. (2) In any farsighted network formation game the feasible set of networks contains a unique, finite, disjoint collection of nonempty subsets having the property that each subset forms a strategic basin of attraction. These basins of attraction contain all the networks that are likely to emerge and persist if individuals behave farsightedly in playing the network formation game. (3) A von Neumann Morgenstern stable set of the farsighted network formation game is constructed by selecting one network from each basin of attraction. We refer to any such von Neumann-Morgenstern stable set as a farsighted basis. (4) The core of the farsighted network formation game is constructed by selecting one network from each basin of attraction containing a single network. We call this notion of the core, the farsighted core. We conclude that the farsighted core is nonempty if and only if there exists at least one farsighted basin of attraction containing a single network. To relate our three equilibrium and stability notions (basins of attraction, farsighted basis, and farsighted core) to recent work by Jackson and Wolinsky (1996), we define a notion of pairwise stability similar to the Jackson-Wolinsky notion and we show that the farsighted core is contained in the set of pairwise stable networks. Finally, we introduce, via an example, competitive contracting networks and highlight how the analysis of these networks requires the new features of our network formation model.Basins of attraction, Network formation, Supernetworks, Farsighted core, Nash networks

    Decision Forest: A Nonparametric Approach to Modeling Irrational Choice

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    Customer behavior is often assumed to follow weak rationality, which implies that adding a product to an assortment will not increase the choice probability of another product in that assortment. However, an increasing amount of research has revealed that customers are not necessarily rational when making decisions. In this paper, we propose a new nonparametric choice model that relaxes this assumption and can model a wider range of customer behavior, such as decoy effects between products. In this model, each customer type is associated with a binary decision tree, which represents a decision process for making a purchase based on checking for the existence of specific products in the assortment. Together with a probability distribution over customer types, we show that the resulting model -- a decision forest -- is able to represent any customer choice model, including models that are inconsistent with weak rationality. We theoretically characterize the depth of the forest needed to fit a data set of historical assortments and prove that with high probability, a forest whose depth scales logarithmically in the number of assortments is sufficient to fit most data sets. We also propose two practical algorithms -- one based on column generation and one based on random sampling -- for estimating such models from data. Using synthetic data and real transaction data exhibiting non-rational behavior, we show that the model outperforms both rational and non-rational benchmark models in out-of-sample predictive ability.Comment: The paper is forthcoming in Management Science (accepted on July 25, 2021