7,292 research outputs found

    Infinite Mixtures of Multivariate Gaussian Processes

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    This paper presents a new model called infinite mixtures of multivariate Gaussian processes, which can be used to learn vector-valued functions and applied to multitask learning. As an extension of the single multivariate Gaussian process, the mixture model has the advantages of modeling multimodal data and alleviating the computationally cubic complexity of the multivariate Gaussian process. A Dirichlet process prior is adopted to allow the (possibly infinite) number of mixture components to be automatically inferred from training data, and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling techniques are used for parameter and latent variable inference. Preliminary experimental results on multivariate regression show the feasibility of the proposed model.Comment: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2013, pages 1011-101

    Sparse covariance estimation in heterogeneous samples

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    Standard Gaussian graphical models (GGMs) implicitly assume that the conditional independence among variables is common to all observations in the sample. However, in practice, observations are usually collected form heterogeneous populations where such assumption is not satisfied, leading in turn to nonlinear relationships among variables. To tackle these problems we explore mixtures of GGMs; in particular, we consider both infinite mixture models of GGMs and infinite hidden Markov models with GGM emission distributions. Such models allow us to divide a heterogeneous population into homogenous groups, with each cluster having its own conditional independence structure. The main advantage of considering infinite mixtures is that they allow us easily to estimate the number of number of subpopulations in the sample. As an illustration, we study the trends in exchange rate fluctuations in the pre-Euro era. This example demonstrates that the models are very flexible while providing extremely interesting interesting insights into real-life applications

    Multiplying a Gaussian Matrix by a Gaussian Vector

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    We provide a new and simple characterization of the multivariate generalized Laplace distribution. In particular, this result implies that the product of a Gaussian matrix with independent and identically distributed columns by an independent isotropic Gaussian vector follows a symmetric multivariate generalized Laplace distribution

    Identifying Mixtures of Mixtures Using Bayesian Estimation

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    The use of a finite mixture of normal distributions in model-based clustering allows to capture non-Gaussian data clusters. However, identifying the clusters from the normal components is challenging and in general either achieved by imposing constraints on the model or by using post-processing procedures. Within the Bayesian framework we propose a different approach based on sparse finite mixtures to achieve identifiability. We specify a hierarchical prior where the hyperparameters are carefully selected such that they are reflective of the cluster structure aimed at. In addition this prior allows to estimate the model using standard MCMC sampling methods. In combination with a post-processing approach which resolves the label switching issue and results in an identified model, our approach allows to simultaneously (1) determine the number of clusters, (2) flexibly approximate the cluster distributions in a semi-parametric way using finite mixtures of normals and (3) identify cluster-specific parameters and classify observations. The proposed approach is illustrated in two simulation studies and on benchmark data sets.Comment: 49 page

    On approximating copulas by finite mixtures

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    Copulas are now frequently used to approximate or estimate multivariate distributions because of their ability to take into account the multivariate dependence of the variables while controlling the approximation properties of the marginal densities. Copula based multivariate models can often also be more parsimonious than fitting a flexible multivariate model, such as a mixture of normals model, directly to the data. However, to be effective, it is imperative that the family of copula models considered is sufficiently flexible. Although finite mixtures of copulas have been used to construct flexible families of copulas, their approximation properties are not well understood and we show that natural candidates such as mixtures of elliptical copulas and mixtures of Archimedean copulas cannot approximate a general copula arbitrarily well. Our article develops fundamental tools for approximating a general copula arbitrarily well by a mixture and proposes a family of finite mixtures that can do so. We illustrate empirically on a financial data set that our approach for estimating a copula can be much more parsimonious and results in a better fit than approximating the copula by a mixture of normal copulas.Comment: 26 pages and 1 figure and 2 table

    Beta-Product Poisson-Dirichlet Processes

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    Time series data may exhibit clustering over time and, in a multiple time series context, the clustering behavior may differ across the series. This paper is motivated by the Bayesian non--parametric modeling of the dependence between the clustering structures and the distributions of different time series. We follow a Dirichlet process mixture approach and introduce a new class of multivariate dependent Dirichlet processes (DDP). The proposed DDP are represented in terms of vector of stick-breaking processes with dependent weights. The weights are beta random vectors that determine different and dependent clustering effects along the dimension of the DDP vector. We discuss some theoretical properties and provide an efficient Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm for posterior computation. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated with a simulation study and an application to the United States and the European Union industrial production indexes
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