2 research outputs found

    On Leveraging Tests to Infer Nullable Annotations

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    Issues related to the dereferencing of null pointers are a pervasive and widely studied problem, and numerous static analyses have been proposed for this purpose. These are typically based on dataflow analysis, and take advantage of annotations indicating whether a type is nullable or not. The presence of such annotations can significantly improve the accuracy of null checkers. However, most code found in the wild is not annotated, and tools must fall back on default assumptions, leading to both false positives and false negatives. Manually annotating code is a laborious task and requires deep knowledge of how a program interacts with clients and components. We propose to infer nullable annotations from an analysis of existing test cases. For this purpose, we execute instrumented tests and capture nullable API interactions. Those recorded interactions are then refined (santitised and propagated) in order to improve their precision and recall. We evaluate our approach on seven projects from the spring ecosystems and two google projects which have been extensively manually annotated with thousands of @Nullable annotations. We find that our approach has a high precision, and can find around half of the existing @Nullable annotations. This suggests that the method proposed is useful to mechanise a significant part of the very labour-intensive annotation task

    Interval Type Inference: Improvements and Evaluations

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    Interval analysis estimates the run-time values of numerical expressions in the source code by computing a lower bound and an upper bound. Interval analysis for integral types is useful in providing facts of the target program to help developers find issues such as unsafe narrowing casts, out-of-bound array indices, numerical overflows/underflows, divisions-by-zero, and dead branches. Various approaches have been developed to achieve this goal. Pluggable type systems such as the Checker Framework allow developers to customize type checkers of their own interest by associating a type with a particular property and defining specific type rules that restrict the program behaviors. However, the type checkers are intra-procedural, which require manual annotations on all the subroutines invoked in the method being checked. This annotation effort can be a heavy burden to the development of large-scale projects. A solution to reduce the human effort is inter-procedural, whole-program type inference. Whole-program type inference takes an unannotated program as input and outputs an entire typing for the program that type-checks. If no such typing exists, the reason is either a real type error or a false positive. Checker Framework Inference is a framework for whole-program type inference built upon the Checker Framework. Constraint variables and constraints are created throughout the whole program based on syntactical type rules. Then the constraints are encoded and solved by a solver. Value Range Inference is a whole-program inference approach for integral range (interval) analysis, which is implemented with Checker Framework Inference. This thesis proposes Interval Type Inference, which improves Value Range Inference in the following aspects: (1) simplify the interval type hierarchy and the representation of interval types. Thereby reduce the size of the SMT encoding. (2) redefine certain type rules as well as the flow-sensitive refinement on comparison, especially in the context of a loop. (3) redefine the SMT encoding of constraints including well-formedness constraints, comparison constraints, etc. To evaluate Interval Type Inference, this thesis conducts experiments on selected open source projects. The experimental results show that Interval Type Inference successfully discovers issues including unsafe narrowing cast and use of invalid input