5 research outputs found

    A rotorcraft flight database for validation of vision-based ranging algorithms

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    A helicopter flight test experiment was conducted at the NASA Ames Research Center to obtain a database consisting of video imagery and accurate measurements of camera motion, camera calibration parameters, and true range information. The database was developed to allow verification of monocular passive range estimation algorithms for use in the autonomous navigation of rotorcraft during low altitude flight. The helicopter flight experiment is briefly described. Four data sets representative of the different helicopter maneuvers and the visual scenery encountered during the flight test are presented. These data sets will be made available to researchers in the computer vision community

    Fusion of Imaging and Inertial Sensors for Navigation

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    The motivation of this research is to address the limitations of satellite-based navigation by fusing imaging and inertial systems. The research begins by rigorously describing the imaging and navigation problem and developing practical models of the sensors, then presenting a transformation technique to detect features within an image. Given a set of features, a statistical feature projection technique is developed which utilizes inertial measurements to predict vectors in the feature space between images. This coupling of the imaging and inertial sensors at a deep level is then used to aid the statistical feature matching function. The feature matches and inertial measurements are then used to estimate the navigation trajectory using an extended Kalman filter. After accomplishing a proper calibration, the image-aided inertial navigation algorithm is then tested using a combination of simulation and ground tests using both tactical and consumer- grade inertial sensors. While limitations of the Kalman filter are identified, the experimental results demonstrate a navigation performance improvement of at least two orders of magnitude over the respective inertial-only solutions

    Learning obstacle avoidance by a mobile robot

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    Machine-Vision Aids for Improved Flight Operations

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    The development of machine vision based pilot aids to help reduce night approach and landing accidents is explored. The techniques developed are motivated by the desire to use the available information sources for navigation such as the airport lighting layout, attitude sensors and Global Positioning System to derive more precise aircraft position and orientation information. The fact that airport lighting geometry is known and that images of airport lighting can be acquired by the camera, has lead to the synthesis of machine vision based algorithms for runway relative aircraft position and orientation estimation. The main contribution of this research is the synthesis of seven navigation algorithms based on two broad families of solutions. The first family of solution methods consists of techniques that reconstruct the airport lighting layout from the camera image and then estimate the aircraft position components by comparing the reconstructed lighting layout geometry with the known model of the airport lighting layout geometry. The second family of methods comprises techniques that synthesize the image of the airport lighting layout using a camera model and estimate the aircraft position and orientation by comparing this image with the actual image of the airport lighting acquired by the camera. Algorithms 1 through 4 belong to the first family of solutions while Algorithms 5 through 7 belong to the second family of solutions. Algorithms 1 and 2 are parameter optimization methods, Algorithms 3 and 4 are feature correspondence methods and Algorithms 5 through 7 are Kalman filter centered algorithms. Results of computer simulation are presented to demonstrate the performance of all the seven algorithms developed