495 research outputs found

    A variable metric forward--backward method with extrapolation

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    Forward-backward methods are a very useful tool for the minimization of a functional given by the sum of a differentiable term and a nondifferentiable one and their investigation has experienced several efforts from many researchers in the last decade. In this paper we focus on the convex case and, inspired by recent approaches for accelerating first-order iterative schemes, we develop a scaled inertial forward-backward algorithm which is based on a metric changing at each iteration and on a suitable extrapolation step. Unlike standard forward-backward methods with extrapolation, our scheme is able to handle functions whose domain is not the entire space. Both {an O(1/k2){\mathcal O}(1/k^2) convergence rate estimate on the objective function values and the convergence of the sequence of the iterates} are proved. Numerical experiments on several {test problems arising from image processing, compressed sensing and statistical inference} show the {effectiveness} of the proposed method in comparison to well performing {state-of-the-art} algorithms

    New convergence results for the scaled gradient projection method

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    The aim of this paper is to deepen the convergence analysis of the scaled gradient projection (SGP) method, proposed by Bonettini et al. in a recent paper for constrained smooth optimization. The main feature of SGP is the presence of a variable scaling matrix multiplying the gradient, which may change at each iteration. In the last few years, an extensive numerical experimentation showed that SGP equipped with a suitable choice of the scaling matrix is a very effective tool for solving large scale variational problems arising in image and signal processing. In spite of the very reliable numerical results observed, only a weak, though very general, convergence theorem is provided, establishing that any limit point of the sequence generated by SGP is stationary. Here, under the only assumption that the objective function is convex and that a solution exists, we prove that the sequence generated by SGP converges to a minimum point, if the scaling matrices sequence satisfies a simple and implementable condition. Moreover, assuming that the gradient of the objective function is Lipschitz continuous, we are also able to prove the O(1/k) convergence rate with respect to the objective function values. Finally, we present the results of a numerical experience on some relevant image restoration problems, showing that the proposed scaling matrix selection rule performs well also from the computational point of view

    An abstract convergence framework with application to inertial inexact forward--backward methods

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    In this paper we introduce a novel abstract descent scheme suited for the minimization of proper and lower semicontinuous functions. The proposed abstract scheme generalizes a set of properties that are crucial for the convergence of several first-order methods designed for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems. Such properties guarantee the convergence of the full sequence of iterates to a stationary point, if the objective function satisfies the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz property. The abstract framework allows for the design of new algorithms. We propose two inertial-type algorithms with implementable inexactness criteria for the main iteration update step. The first algorithm, i2^2Piano, exploits large steps by adjusting a local Lipschitz constant. The second algorithm, iPila, overcomes the main drawback of line-search based methods by enforcing a descent only on a merit function instead of the objective function. Both algorithms have the potential to escape local minimizers (or stationary points) by leveraging the inertial feature. Moreover, they are proved to enjoy the full convergence guarantees of the abstract descent scheme, which is the best we can expect in such a general nonsmooth nonconvex optimization setup using first-order methods. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated on two exemplary image deblurring problems, where we can appreciate the benefits of performing a linesearch along the descent direction inside an inertial scheme.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure

    Activity Identification and Local Linear Convergence of Forward--Backward-type methods

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    In this paper, we consider a class of Forward--Backward (FB) splitting methods that includes several variants (e.g. inertial schemes, FISTA) for minimizing the sum of two proper convex and lower semi-continuous functions, one of which has a Lipschitz continuous gradient, and the other is partly smooth relatively to a smooth active manifold M\mathcal{M}. We propose a unified framework, under which we show that, this class of FB-type algorithms (i) correctly identifies the active manifolds in a finite number of iterations (finite activity identification), and (ii) then enters a local linear convergence regime, which we characterize precisely in terms of the structure of the underlying active manifolds. For simpler problems involving polyhedral functions, we show finite termination. We also establish and explain why FISTA (with convergent sequences) locally oscillates and can be slower than FB. These results may have numerous applications including in signal/image processing, sparse recovery and machine learning. Indeed, the obtained results explain the typical behaviour that has been observed numerically for many problems in these fields such as the Lasso, the group Lasso, the fused Lasso and the nuclear norm regularization to name only a few.Comment: Full length version of the previous short on

    On Quasi-Newton Forward--Backward Splitting: Proximal Calculus and Convergence

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    We introduce a framework for quasi-Newton forward--backward splitting algorithms (proximal quasi-Newton methods) with a metric induced by diagonal ±\pm rank-rr symmetric positive definite matrices. This special type of metric allows for a highly efficient evaluation of the proximal mapping. The key to this efficiency is a general proximal calculus in the new metric. By using duality, formulas are derived that relate the proximal mapping in a rank-rr modified metric to the original metric. We also describe efficient implementations of the proximity calculation for a large class of functions; the implementations exploit the piece-wise linear nature of the dual problem. Then, we apply these results to acceleration of composite convex minimization problems, which leads to elegant quasi-Newton methods for which we prove convergence. The algorithm is tested on several numerical examples and compared to a comprehensive list of alternatives in the literature. Our quasi-Newton splitting algorithm with the prescribed metric compares favorably against state-of-the-art. The algorithm has extensive applications including signal processing, sparse recovery, machine learning and classification to name a few.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.115

    An inertial forward-backward algorithm for monotone inclusions

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    In this paper, we propose an inertial forward backward splitting algorithm to compute a zero of the sum of two monotone operators, with one of the two operators being co-coercive. The algorithm is inspired by the accelerated gradient method of Nesterov, but can be applied to a much larger class of problems including convex-concave saddle point problems and general monotone inclusions. We prove convergence of the algorithm in a Hilbert space setting and show that several recently proposed first-order methods can be obtained as special cases of the general algorithm. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm converges faster than existing methods, while keeping the computational cost of each iteration basically unchanged.Comment: The final publication is available at http://link.springer.co
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